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Wednesday, 08 May 2024 09:39

Special and inclusive education

Special and inclusive education


of pedagogics


7-07-0114-01 Special and inclusive education


Special teacher

Academic degree



1. Speech therapy

2. Oligophrenopedagogics

Duration of study

Full-time – 5 years

Part-time – 6 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

1. Fundamentals of pedagogy of inclusive and special education

2. Pedagogy

3. General and social psychology

4. Age and educational psychology

5. Biological foundations of psychophysical development

6. Fundamentals of human genetics

7. Neurophysiology and sensory systems

8. Clinical foundations of pathology of psychophysical development

9. Information technologies in inclusive and special education

10. Organization of interaction and communication in the educational process

11. Alternative and additional communication

12. Special psychology

13. Differential diagnosis of developmental disorders

14. Fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

15. The basics of inclusive and special didactics in preschool education

16. The basics of inclusive and special didactics in school education

17. Prevention and overcoming of stereotypes in behavior

18. Methodology of applied behavior analysis

19. The method of sensory integration in correctional and developmental work

20. Correctional and educational technologies in preschool education

21. Correctional and educational technologies in school education

22. Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction of development

23. Health-saving technologies in education

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Apply knowledge and skills in the field of biomedical, psychological and linguistic foundations of pedagogical activity in the educational process

Design the learning process, set educational goals, select the content of educational material, methods and technologies based on the knowledge system in the field of theory and methodology of pedagogical activity

Design the process of education, select methods, forms, technologies that correspond to educational goals and objectives, taking into account the orientation of the personality of students and the priorities of educational work

Carry out effective interaction with participants of the educational process on the basis of the norms of pedagogical ethics

Select the content, forms, methods and means of teaching and upbringing, to apply them in the educational process, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students

Select the content, forms, methods and means of education and upbringing for the inclusion of students with special individual educational needs in the educational process and interaction with peers

Interact with participants of the educational process taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, to use socio-psychological knowledge in the management of collective work in professional activities

Carry out an in-depth psychological and pedagogical examination, determine the special educational needs of students and recommend special conditions for their education and upbringing

Area of future professional occupation

- pre-school education institutions,

- secondary education institutions,

- special education institutions;

- correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation centers,

- healthcare institutions (polyclinics, hospitals, neuropsychiatric dispensaries, sanatoriums, sign language therapy rooms).


Special education teacher (teacher-defectologist)

Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Read 3408 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 May 2024 09:40