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Peculiarities of legal protection of historical memory and cultural heritage were discussed by lawyers in Grodno and Yekaterinburg

On 19 November an international round table “Legal means of protection of historical and cultural heritage and historical memory” took place. The event was organised by the Department of Civil Law and Process of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Departments of Civil Law, Civil Procedure, History of State and Law of The Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev (Yekaterinburg).

The round table was held in a face-to-face and distance format: the participants, including both teachers and students, discussed the system of legal means for the protection of cultural heritage and historical memory, taking into account the present day challenges and threats.

Professor of the Yanka Kupala State University, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Doctor of Law Igor Martynenko presented a report-presentation “Legal protection of historical truth and memory of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, military-historical heritage”. The scientific report, rich in facts and practical examples, aroused great interest among the participants of the scientific event both in Russia and Belarus. The positive and unique experience of teaching the peculiarities of legal protection of historical and cultural heritage as a separate academic discipline—a practice implemented for many years at the GrSU named after Yanka Kupala and unmatched anywhere else in the CIS — was particularly highlighted.

International knowledge exchange: Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology in Ulaanbaatar

Olga Yanchurevich, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, is undergoing an internship at the Institute of Industrial Technology of the National University of Mongolia of Science and Technology in Ulaanbaatar from 16 to 23 November under the cooperation agreement between the universities.

At the moment, possible options of cooperation in the field of scientific research and projects, joint publications and participation in conferences, as well as the implementation of joint educational programs and summer schools are being considered.

The internship involves active participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology in the research and practical activities of the Institute of Industrial Technology. During this period she will get acquainted with advanced methods and technologies in the field of industrial ecology, biotechnology and other related fields, which will allow her to expand her professional outlook and apply new knowledge in the educational process of the GrSU named after Yanka Kupala.

Olga Viktorovna also visited the National University of Mongolia, which has a cooperation agreement with the Yanka Kupala State University, met with the administration and staff of the Mongolian State University of Agriculture, Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Institute of Plant Protection and Institute of Botany at Mongolian Academy of Sciences.

This type of academic mobility helps to strengthen international ties in research and education, contributes to enriching the educational program of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology as well as to improving the level of students' training.

Delegation from Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov visits Kupala University

The Engineering Faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is hosting a delegation from the Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov. The delegation includes Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Logistics Guzel Ravgatovna Taishaeva, as well as Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics Albina Gomerovna Khabibulina. The visit will take place from October 18 to November 1, 2024, and will include an internship and lectures for students of the Engineering Faculty majoring in Transport Logistics (automobile transport).

Guzel Ravgatovna and Albina Gomerovna are well-known specialists in the field of logistics, supply chain management, financial and economic status of business entities. The intensive program includes not only an internship and acquaintance with the peculiarities of logistics in the Republic of Belarus, but also lectures and master classes for students majoring in "Transport Logistics (Automobile Transport)" on organizing transportation logistics. This will significantly consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students in the logistics field.

During their stay, Guzel Ravgatovna and Albina Gomerovna met with the Dean of the Engineering Faculty, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Dmitry Linnik, and the Head of the Department of Logistics and Management Methods, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Associate Professor Vadim Khartovsky, as well as employees of the Department of Logistics and Management Methods.. They fruitfully discussed issues of interdepartmental cooperation in educational, scientific and project activities, including mutual internships of the faculty and joint research and international project activities of teachers and students.

Kupala University continues to expand the geography of cooperation

On October 24, the Chinese language sounded in a special way at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Here, on Belarusian soil, at the Kupala University, a reception of citizens of the People's Republic of China, a delegation from the Qingdao Higher Pedagogical Specialized School of Preschool Education, and the Yaotian Scientific and Educational Center.

An important stage of this landmark visit was the delegation's meeting with the university's management, where an Agreement was signed on the establishment of the Chinese-Belarusian Center for the implementation of the Ban Mo (Ruben. Mozi) College project on the basis of the Humanities College of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. This step represents not just an act of cooperation, but also the desire of both parties to strengthen educational interaction and exchange of experience in the field of preschool education. It is expected that the center will contribute to the development of new programs, joint research and cultural initiatives, which, in turn, will create additional opportunities for students and teachers of both countries.

The next important event in the program was the grand opening of the Chinese-Belarusian Center, which took place within the walls of the Humanitarian College of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The event was accompanied by musical numbers, and the climax was the cutting of the scarlet ribbon, which symbolized the beginning of a new history.

- I will say without exaggeration that today is a historic event for the system of secondary specialized education of the Republic of Belarus. The Chinese-Belarusian center that we opened today is the first such project in the country. It is worth noting that the center was opened on the initiative of the Qingdao Higher Pedagogical Specialized School of Preschool Education, with which we signed a cooperation agreement in March of this year. Relations between the institutions are rapidly deepening and expanding, which indicates a constant growth of mutual understanding and trust between the partners. In a couple of months, we have already managed to exchange students and teachers, visit each other, - said the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko.

The guests from China were also able to get acquainted with the college's opportunities and resources, and discuss prospects for further cooperation.

This day became a symbol of mutual understanding and friendship between Belarus and China, opening up new horizons, filling future education with bright prospects and international cooperation.

An employee of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the CSTO PA Expert Council

The regular meeting of the Expert Advisory Council under the Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (PA CSTO) was held in St. Petersburg under the chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Anatoly Vyborny. Among the experts was the head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science Rimma Klyuchko.

During the meeting, issues related to the improvement and harmonization of the legislation of the CSTO member states were considered. The experts discussed the results of the thematic discussion held within the framework of the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, as well as draft Recommendations on the harmonization of criminal and administrative legislation in the field of security of critical information infrastructure and the improvement of legislation in the field of civil defense.

The meeting participants paid special attention to the draft model law of the CSTO "On counteracting terrorism". In addition, the meeting discussed the progress of work on the draft model law "On the status of international employees" and Recommendations on criminal legislation concerning liability for crimes against the peace and security of mankind.

The Belarusian team won 6 gold medals at the III Open International Astronomical Olympiad of Schoolchildren

The intellectual competition took place in the Russian Sirius and brought together representatives of 20 countries. The participants of the Olympiad had to demonstrate the ability to solve the most difficult astronomical problems.

The Belarusian team included guys from different parts of our country who were preparing for an important event under the strict guidance of mentors. One of the team leaders is Kazimir Znosko, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Thermal Engineering at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The Olympiad consisted of four rounds: theoretical, practical, observational and test. The participants worked with tasks on the knowledge of the starry sky, analyzed tables and graphs, made calculations and forecasts. All tasks for the participants were prepared in advance in English. It was possible to use dictionaries of professional terms. In their free time from competitive tours, students got acquainted with famous scientists and cosmonauts.

It was not only mentors and coaches who set up the participants of the Olympiad to win. Greetings came even from outer space — good luck to young astronomers was wished by astronauts from the International Space Station.

A lecturer of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno takes part in the XVII festival "Youth for the Union State"

An educational and creative festival has opened in Smolensk. The Belarusian delegation includes young performers, journalists and representatives of creative teams, researchers. There are about 100 people in total, and among them is Aleksandr Gorshkov, senior lecturer at the Department of History of Belarus, Archeology and Special Historical Disciplines.

Meetings with well-known journalists and athletes will be held within the framework of the festival, and a forum of young historians will be held for the first time. The participants will discuss important topics – the unity of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, historical truth, as well as analyze the information wars of the XXI century, discuss double standards in the politics of Western countries and their attempts to rewrite history. The main goal of the youth events is the formation of a multi–million youth motivated team of builders of the Union State, the website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus reports.

Teams from different parts of Russia will be represented in Smolensk, and, of course, the talented Belarusian youth will once again demonstrate the openness of our country. First of all, this is a great humanitarian mission, so that through creativity children can get to know each other, find new friends and strengthen ties between the youth of the two countries.

The festival will last until September 15th. Ahead of the participants are excursions around Smolensk and the surrounding area, master classes, meetings with experts and many other activities.

The graduate student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the technological conference "Impulse T1

The event was held in Belarus for the first time and brought together programmers, university students and representatives of the engineering community of Belarus and Russia. Vladilen Loktevich, a graduate student at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, also participated in the conference.

The annual "Impulse T1" conference is one of the most significant events in the field of technology and innovation, and serves as a platform for the exchange of experience and innovative ideas. The organizers are confident that the event contributes to the formation of a long-term partnership with representatives of the IT community of Belarus.

During the technology conference, the participants attended lectures by experts and popularizers of science, analyzed IT cases and discussed acute problems of the industry. Many presented their own research, projects and ideas.

In addition, a sports programming competition was held within the framework of the conference, where participants demonstrated their skills in solving various tasks. Vladilen Loktevich took 7th place among 40 participants, including from various cities of Belarus and Russia. Students and undergraduates represented leading universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

By the way, Vladilen Loktevich was awarded the third Grand Prize of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted students by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 116 dated July 25, 2023 which approved the decision of the Council of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus on social support of gifted students. Vladilen Loktevich is included in the Republican Database of gifted and Talented youth. In addition, Kupalovets became a laureate of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted students in 2020 and 2021.

Belarusian-Uzbek Tourism Forum: Kupalovets takes part in a unique event in the world of tourism

Belarus-Uzbek tourism forum take place for the first time in Minsk on September 12 and 13. This significant event opens up new prospects for the development of tourism relations between Belarus and Uzbekistan, stimulating cultural exchange and strengthening friendly ties between the two countries.

Andrei Getsevich, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Belarus, Archaeology and Special Historical Disciplines, actively participates in the forum as an expert. His professional view and experience in the field of tourism is a valuable contribution to the discussion on the development of the tourism industry and cultural tourism between the countries.

At the plenary session, the participants presented reports on the state and prospects of cooperation in tourism between Belarus and Uzbekistan, on cooperation between the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture and the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road” in training personnel for tourism, on the development of medical and health tourism.

Also in the center of attention is the strengthening of cooperation in the field of tourism between the regions of the two countries, creation and promotion of tourist products.

The forum included thematic sections “State and Prospects of the Bilateral Cooperation in Tourism at the State and Regional Levels”, “Exchange of Experience and Prospects of Cooperation in Personnel Training for the Tourism Industry”, “State and Prospects of the Belarusian-Uzbek Partnership between the Entities of the Tourism Industry”.

It should be noted that the forum is the fifth joint event of the business circles of Belarus and Uzbekistan this year. In February, the II Forum of Regions of Belarus and Uzbekistan was held, while in April the Uzbek delegation took part in the international spring fair of tourist services “Rest”. In May, a familiarization tour to Belarus was organized for tour operators from Uzbekistan, and in August, the II Uzbek-Belarusian Women's Business Forum was held to discuss the development of economic contacts between the countries.

Students of YKSUG take part in the international youth festival of theatre art “Bridges of Friendship”

The People's Student Theatre of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno “Vernisazh” arrived in Pskov for the international youth festival of theatrical art “Bridges of Friendship”. Here student collectives will plunge into creativity and immerse the audience and jury in the incredible world of theatre art.

 In the coming days Kupalovtsy will shine at the youth festival of theatrical art “Bridges of Friendship”. In the program of participants - new productions, stage master classes, etudes-antreprise. The final show of performances will take place this Sunday.

The event has become a place for bringing together young people from Russia and Belarus, as well as experts and mentors, promoting the exchange of not only the best theatrical practices, but also initiatives in the field of international and diplomatic relations.

The idea of the festival arose from the understanding that theatre is an art that can unite the creative youth of the Union State. “Bridges of Friendship” is a platform for student theatres of Russia and Belarus.

The festival “Bridges of Friendship” is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. The festival is organized by Pskov State University.

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