Yanka Kupala State University held an open dialogue "Youth Strength is in Unity"
The speakers at the meeting were the rector of Yanka Kupala State University Irina Kiturko, the first secretary of the Grodno Regional Committee of the BRYU Andrei Yesin.
The meeting began with the congratulations of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union on its 19th anniversary. As Irina Kiturko noted, the organization's birthday is a big holiday for the university. The Youth Union never stands still and takes an active part in the cultural and socio-political life of the region. The rector of the University wished the regional Youth Union to continue to keep the brand of the best, never give up and continue to generate ideas.
"Membership in any organization is not just the availability to have a ticket and cash contributions. Members of unions and associations need to declare themselves, implement projects. And as a rector, I am interested in the primary organization of the university Youth Union being active and interesting for students, working in conjunction with the regional committee, because only acting as a united front can achieve high results. Mutual assistance and respect is a way of creation", Irina Kiturko noted.
The importance of joint work was emphasized by Andrei Yesin. It is necessary to act together, he said. The project "BRYU: strength in the team" is aimed at strengthening the unity of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.
"The project will work for more active involvement of primary organizations in the life of the union, so that everyone can be involved in the common work. We always talk about the importance of setting high goals, active citizenship and courage. You don't need to be afraid to offer ideas, especially since many local projects then grow into republican ones", Andrei Yesin said.
After the presentations of speakers, a lively dialogue engaged. Irina Kiturko noted that she is always open to communication with students. They did not lose such an opportunity. Young people were interested not only in the strategic development of the university, in the attitude to the new state holiday "Day of National Unity," but also in personal issues. Students asked what events and traditions Irina Fedorovna remembered from her student years. The children also expressed gratitude for the opportunities offered by the university and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.
Rector of Yanka Kupala State University took part in the congress of the Belarusian Society "Knowledge"
An extraordinary congress of delegates of the Republican State-Public Association "Belarusian Society" "Knowledge"gathered delegates from all over the country in order to discuss the prospects for the further development of the organization.
Among the participants of the event were the head of the Presidential Administration Igor Sergeyenko, acting chairman of the Knowledge society Valery Borodenya, rector of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus Vyacheslav Danilovich, representatives of state bodies and organizations from all over Belarus. The congress of the association was also attended by the rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko. On the agenda delegates had a discussion of the results of the organization's work from 2018 to 2021 and the election of the board of the Belarusian Society “Knowledge”. The chairman of the association was the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU Vadim Gigin.
The development vectors of the organization were also identified, which received new areas of work. Despite the fact that the main task of "Knowledge" is to disseminate scientific knowledge, strengthen their influence on the development of innovative thinking and social activity of citizens, the Head of State instructed to strengthen the role of the association in the dissemination of socio-political, historical, cultural, popular science information both among Belarusians and outside the country.
A lecture on traffic rules was held for Yanka Kupala State University staff
Inspectors of the traffic patrol service of the traffic police department of the regional executive committee Alexander Krasochka and Alexander Tybulevich informed the staff of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno about the dangers that can meet vulnerable road users. It includes pedestrians, cyclists and those who move on scooters, sigways and other modern vehicles.
The lecture is highly relevant given that in the near future the daylight hours will be greatly reduced, which means that the probability of traffic accidents will increase. The inspectors recalled the importance of using flickers and asked not to forget about them. Alexander Krasochka noted that you need to be especially attentive at pedestrian crossings. Contrary to popular belief, zebra crossing is far from the safest place on the road.
The lecture attracted vivid interest, university staff asked questions that related to administrative responsibility, traffic rules for cyclists, the state of the road surface, and the processing of the Euro Protocol. At the end of the meeting, Alexander Krasochka noted that if controversial issues arise, you can always contact the regional traffic police.
Irina Zhuk, the student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, won the silver at competitions in Germany
Last Saturday, the Karlsruhe Springt tournament was held in the German city of Karlsruhe. Irina Zhuk, a student at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, entered the pole vault sector.
The athlete showed herself perfectly and won a silver medal with a result of 4.66. The performance had a tense moment - the YKSUG student took the right height not from the first time. She submitted from the second exit to the run.
Irina Zhuk represents Belarus and her native university with honor at competitions of various levels. This May she broke the record of Belarus in outdoor competitions during the Diamond League stage in Doha, the athlete took a height of 4,74 m. In addition, Irina Zhuk took part in the Olympic Games held in Tokyo.
We heartily congratulate Irina on a new award and wish further success!
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno celebrates 19th anniversary of BRYU
For 19 years, the Youth Union has been actively participating in the life of the country. BRYU was born on September 6, but the celebration at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno covered several days, each was marked with a certain event.
Students and teachers rather enjoyed the kind action "We are already 19." There were interactive entertainment events and photo zones prepared by BRYU activists in the University. Anyone could come up, take a memory photo and get a sweet prize.
"Students made up small contests in campuses. Also for the birthday, a student party was held, where the guys could relax and have a talk in an informal way. But the celebration of BRYU birthday included not only entertaining moments. As part of the celebrations, an open dialogue was held "BRYU: yesterday, today, tomorrow" with the Vice-rector for educational work of Yanka Kupala State University Vasily Senko", said Olga Rusilko, secretary of the primary organization of BRYU of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Members of the Youth Union take an active part in the life of the university - it is difficult to imagine any events without their participation. We wish them to keep moving forward without losing their labor enthusiasm and even more creative ideas!
Nuremberg gingerbread, German sausages, Swedish sweets, Polish waffles, pancakes with cottage cheese and honey: an international evening brought together the students of the Summer School of the Russian Language
The international evening, where each participant of the Summer School was able to present himself, the country and knowledge of the Russian language, was held at the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University on August, 10 in an online and offline format.
Germany, Italy, China, Poland, Sweden – the countries that were represented at the thematic event by the students of the Summer School.
- The summer school of the Russian language is essentially international. And respect for national peculiarities and traditions is one of the principles of successful intercultural communication, – said Inna Samoilova, head of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens. – This event is aimed at popularizing youth creativity, activating educational activities for the study of the Russian language.
According to Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens, students have been preparing for the international evening for a week. The lottery helped to determine the country for the presentation:
– It is very interesting when the participants of the Summer School talk not about their country, but about each other's homeland. This contributes to cultural exchange and the creation of a friendly atmosphere in an international team. т
In addition to the presentation of countries, the students of the school brought their own national dishes. German sausages, gingerbread cakes from Nuremberg, sweets from Sweden, various types of Polish waffles, pancakes with cottage cheese and honey, Belarusian marshmallows, kvass and kefir were able to try everything. During the evening, the participants of the Summer School made a real gastronomic journey.
Today, on August 11, students will learn about Belarusian national dishes during a language cafe, and tomorrow, on August 12 – during a master class on their preparation.
Foreign guests will study Russian at Yanka Kupala Grodno State University until August 13.
Yanka Kupala State State University summed up the results of the Summer Academy of the Russian Language-2021
For two weeks, foreign guests from Germany, China and Sweden not only studied Russian, but also conducted research in the field of applied linguistics. On Friday, August 27, the participants of the Summer Academy defended their scientific projects and received certificates.
The result of the implementation of the educational program at the Summer Academy was the preparation of linguistic projects and their defense. Students of the Russian language under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Language training of Belarusian and foreign citizens for two weeks studied the nominations of shops in Grodno and the nominations of public catering dishes in Grodno in semantic, component and etymological aspects. After the training, the students presented their projects to the expert commission and told about the results of the work done in Russian.
– All the students demonstrated not only a high level of mastery of the Russian language, but also formed skills of independent research work. The projects that were prepared by foreign students in two weeks, according to the degree of study of the material, correspond to a good course work, on which our students work throughout the academic year. This shows that the students are motivated, they approached the research work very seriously, with a high degree of responsibility – " said Inna Samoilova, head of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens.
The guys also shared their impressions about the experience they received at the Yanka Kupala State University.
Yang Cheng from China is a 3rd-year student of BSU, majoring in "World Economy", has been studying Russian for two years:
– While studying at the Summer Academy, I gained useful experience in conducting scientific research, because in the new academic year I will have to prepare a course work. Every day, for two hours in the classroom and then for two hours on my own, I was engaged in research of the nominations of stores in the city of Grodno. It was also very interesting to communicate with other participants of the Summer Academy-representatives of Sweden and Germany. It was also important for me to get acquainted with the city of Grodno, because I didn't know anything about it before.
Russian Russian teacher Eric Malmgren from Sweden, who works as a tour guide, said that before coming to Belarus, he studied Russian only online:
– It was important for me to plunge into the language environment, so I studied at the Summer School of the Russian Language, and then stayed at the Summer Academy. At the Summer Academy, he devoted a lot of time to completing homework and research work. I didn't have enough time to go to the zoo or to the cinema, but I think that I have significantly improved my Russian.
Future ecologist Marlene Westeker from Germany took online training at the Summer School of the Russian Language this summer, and then came to Grodno and continued studying the great and mighty within the walls of Kupala University at the Summer Academy:
– I think that each of us has improved his Russian during his studies at the Summer Academy and learned a lot about Belarus, Grodno, and the university. My expectations from the training were met. If there is an opportunity, I will come here again next year.
The teachers received feedback from the project participants. The students told what they liked most during the training, expressed their wishes and shared their plans. The event ended with the presentation of personal certificates.
The Summer Academy of the Russian Language at the Yanka Kupala State University was organized for the second time. In the period from August 15 to 28, 2021, foreigners studied the Russian language and conducted research on applied linguistics. In addition, they were offered a cultural program that helped them to fully immerse themselves in the language environment.
The project was organized by the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens of the Faculty of Pre-university Training.
Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno can have lunch in the canteens of the University at a discount
At present students can have lunch not only tasty, but also profitable. A 10% discount applies to all full-time students. To get it, you need to provide a student card.
The university takes care that the students have a hearty and healthy lunch.
Graduate students and master students, students of colleges of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno can also have lunch at a discount. It is enough to provide a confirming document. This opportunity appeared thanks to the changes made to the resolution of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus No. 66 dated August, 13, 2018.
We make sure that it is profitable and comfortable for the children to have lunch. The main thing is that students do not forget to take student cards.
The discount will apply to all products of our own production, and the documents must be presented to the cashier when calculating.
Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko congratulated the schoolchildren on the beginning of the new academic year
Pupils of the secondary schools No. 7 and No. 18 in Grodno were given sets of stationery collected by volunteers of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno as a part of charity event.
Rector Irina Kiturko traditionally meets with schoolchildren at the beginning of the new academic year, tells them about the university and presents useful gifts.
– Together with our students who studied well at school, and then entered Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, we came to congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, - Irina Fedorovna addressed the pupils. – And we want to wish you, guys, success in your studies, and teachers – talented and creative pupils.
Rector asked pupils about how they spent the summer, what they did during the holidays and whether they missed school and their school friends. The children willingly speculated about what the Day of Knowledge is and how two wonderful holidays New Year and a new academic year differ. Irina Kiturko noted that the doors of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are always open for children of Grodno schools, and in the future the Rector will be glad to see the children among the students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Volunteers prepared 16 gifts as a part of the "Let's prepare children for School" campaign. In August, for several days, students collected school stationery: writing materials, paints, pencils, sketchbooks, sets for children's creativity, colored paper were brought to the main building of the University, and also handed over to volunteers in supermarkets in Grodno. Teachers and employees of the University joined the charity event.
An extended meeting of the University Council was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The participants of the meeting summed up the results of the work in the previous academic year and determined the aims and tasks for the next year.
The extended meeting of the University Council was dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year. The event was held with the participation of the Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and honorary guests, among whom were Deputy Chairman of State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus Andrey Kovalchuk, Deputy Chairman of Grodno Regional Executive Committee Viktor Pranyuk, head of Grodno regional Customs Alexander Pihun, Chairman of Grodno regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers Vera Grishechko.
Irina Kiturko, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, congratulated everyone on the beginning of the new academic year and noted that it has already become a good tradition to sum up the results and determine the tasks for the new academic year within the framework of the extended meeting of the University Council.
- Thank you all for the professionalism, unity, and corporate spirit that exists at our University. The last academic year was not easy, but it proved that our University influences many important processes in the education system of the Republic. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is one of the first to be included in various state projects. Meetings of various levels are regularly held on the basis of our University. Once again, I thank everyone who took an active part in strengthening the image of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno last academic year, – Irina Kiturko said.
Speaking about the tasks for the new academic year, Irina Kiturko drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to continue working on the implementation of the University's digital transformation strategy: this is, first of all, the expansion of the use of ICT in the educational process and the creation of a "smart" infrastructure. The Rector also noted that the student-centered approach in the learning process should remain among the priority areas of development.
– One of our main tasks is to identify, reveal and realize the potential of everyone, and this is consistent with the Mission of the university. We have created all the conditions for supporting gifted and talented students. And our task is to more actively identify such students who have ideas for their own projects, and help them in the implementation of their plans and initiatives, - Irina Kiturko said.
Among the tasks set by the rector is the creation of a concept for promoting the University in the ratings, as well as the development of a personnel policy until 2025. Irina Kiturko emphasized that the further successful development of the University depends on the personnel potential. During the report, the Rector University also outlined the main guidelines that were given at the Republican Pedagogical Council. As it was announced, in the near future we will have to reboot the education system in the country, since life itself requires new approaches from us both in teaching and in educating representatives of the new generation. All the upcoming changes will be reflected in the Concept of the development of the education system of the Republic of Belarus until 2030 – a document that was discussed during the large forum of teachers of the republic.
– We are entering the new academic year with good results of the admission campaign, - Irina Kiturko, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University, summed up her speech. – No additional recruitment was announced at our University, because motivated applicants came to us, and we fulfilled the recruitment plan completely. And it is worth noting that this year we had more budget places than in the past. And this is a certain degree of confidence from the Ministry of Education of the country.
During the meeting, Rector Irina Kiturko, as well as the guests of honor, presented the University employees with well-deserved awards for achievements in their professional activities. Students who adequately represented our country and their native Alma mater at international intellectual and sports competitions were also noted. And according to tradition, congratulations on the beginning of the new academic year and wishes of success in implementing new projects and achieving ambitious goals were addressed to all teachers and students.
The event "Dedication to students" was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Within the framework of the event, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko gave a lecture for the first-year students.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Rector greeted everyone, noting that a new life begins for the first-year students, each of them becomes a part of the big University family.
– Today we are meeting first-year students at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. You all came here with equal opportunities. And in my first lecture, I will tell you about the opportunities that our University offers to every student, I will introduce you more closely to the educational institution that you have chosen. We are grateful to you for your choice, Rector Irina Kiturko addressed the participants of the event.
Then Rector gave a lecture entitled "The University of your opportunities". She told about the conditions created at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for identifying and developing the potential of students, for their self-realization in science, education, creativity and sports. The first-year students also learned interesting facts about the history of formation of the University and about what important projects are being implemented in an educational institution that students can already consider their Alma mater.
According to tradition, as part of the event "Dedication to Students", student tickets were awarded to the best first-year students, those who showed high results during this year's entrance campaign. Then the first-year students took an oath to bear the title of a student of Yanka Kupala State University with dignity, to spare no effort and time to comprehend the sciences and continue the good traditions of Belarusian students.
During the event, the students were also told about the digital educational environment created at the University, about the concept of practice-oriented education, about the funds operating at the university, thanks to which students can count on financial support for their ideas, innovative projects and initiatives. First-year students learned that specially created mobile applications «Freshman's Memo» and «Electronic schedule» will help them to adapt to the educational process faster.
By the way, this year Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno accepted 2,258 first-year students. First-year students of not only all faculties of the university, but also students of Technological, Humanitarian, Lida and Volkovysk colleges of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were invited to the meeting with the Rector. First-year students could also join the event online: a live broadcast was conducted on the university's website. Tomorrow, on August, 31, another meeting of the rector with the first-year students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will take place.
Students and teachers are invited to participate in the autumn festival "Marathon of Sports and Health"
The competition will be held from September, 6 to 10, applications for participation are accepted until September, 3.
Competitions will be held at the sports base of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno at 32, Zakharova Street. In accordance with the regulations on the event, national teams of faculties and other structural divisions formed from among students and employees of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno compete.
Competitions will be held in the following types: mini-football, beach volleyball, table tennis, 3x3 basketball, darts, relay race, bocce, Hula-Hoop competition, as well as volleyball and football competitions. The winners and prize-winners according to the results of each of the competitions are awarded with valuable gifts.
The autumn festival "Marathon of Sports and Health" is held with the aim of activating mass sports movement, popularizing a healthy lifestyle, as well as joining students and employees of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno regular physical culture and sports.
Spend the last weekend of summer together – all students, teachers and staff members are waiting for the holiday «Augustow Canal in the culture of three peoples»
The regional open Folk Art Festival gathers participants at the gateway "Dombrovka" on August, 28.
The festival program includes festive trade, a boat ride, sports games and a variety of entertainment events. The holiday will begin at noon. On the main stage, concert performances will be presented by creative teams of Grodno region, the headliner of the festival folk band «Nerush» (Minsk) will perform, the dance program «Augustow Open-Air» is planned. In addition, interactive platforms for children and adults will work; there will be a battle of accordion players, a competition for eating draniki for speed and a master class in folk dances.
All students, teachers and staff members are invited to have fun in the fresh air, recharge with positive emotions before starting of a new academic year and communicate with each other in an informal atmosphere. The time and place of the meeting is Saturday, August, 28, the Augustow Canal, the Dombrovka gateway.