Wednesday, 20 January 2021 18:28

Kupala University has launched courses on the organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT

Kupala University has launched courses on the organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT

Heads and specialists of educational and methodological offices of Yanka Kupala State University improve their digital competencies.
The course program includes three training modules: "The Educational Portal of Yanka Kupala State University as an interactive educational platform", "Google Services for Learning", "Microsoft Teams: creating a collaborative learning environment", in which students will develop their own digital educational products and actively interact with each other. Participants also have access to the working platform of the courses, where the necessary information materials, tasks, forums, and useful links are posted.
As the head of the educational and methodological department Marina Kolotsey noted, the digitalization of education requires appropriate staffing - specialists who are able to translate the ideas of continuous, high-quality and affordable education into the pedagogical practice of the university. In the context of globalization, mass network communication, and a dynamically developing information society, university staff, including heads and specialists of teaching and methodological offices, must have a sufficient level of digital culture to be ready to use information and communication technologies in their professional activities and provide qualified assistance to faculty teachers.
The moderator of the two training modules will be the head of the laboratory of educational innovations Oleg Kolyago. Experience of using Microsoft platform Teams will share the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Associate Professor, Department of mathematical analysis, differential equations and algebra Tatiana Vankova, and a lecturer of system programming and computer security Victoria Medvedeva. The joint work of experienced and young moderators will allow you to reveal the capabilities of the Teams team environment in a mirror image-through the eyes of a teacher and a student.
The courses “Organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT” will be held at Kupala University until January 29.

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