Monday, 19 April 2021 15:58

The results of the advanced training for teachers and employees «University of Educational Innovation» were summarized in Yanka Kupala State University

The results of the advanced training for teachers and employees «University of Educational Innovation» were summarized in Yanka Kupala State University

About 50 university lecturers and staff attended the sixth season of the advanced training.
18 directors and specialists of educational and methodological offices mastered the content of the educational program «Organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT», and 30 teachers of the Yanka Kupala State University learned the content of programs «Innovative Teaching Methods».
From January to March, the course participants studied four training modules: «The Educational Portal of Yanka Kupala State University as an interactive educational platform», «Google Learning Services», «Video as a learning tool for teachers and students», «Microsoft Teams: creating a collaborative learning environment». The organizational methodology of the sessions has helped to establish a productive learning environment. During the course, participants recorded training promo- videos in Russian and English, in which they explained why subjects of different specializations were important for the development of the professional competences of future specialists.
The videos will be posted on the educational portal of YKSUG and the website of the electronic scientific and methodological journal «University of educational innovations». During the final event, the participants presented their experiences and shared their results on the course platform, in the classroom, in the computer room and in the video studio.
– The course programme was interesting and eventful. Despite the fact that some topics were already familiar, the moderator managed to present them from creative side - explained the head of the teaching and methodological office of linguistic computer technologies Elena Snezko.
– When I was recording a video in Academic Discipline, I didn’t think it would be possible to receive any personal information – shared the senior lecturer of the Department of Logistics and Management Methods Tatiana Gostik. - The video performs not only didactic functions, it allows to realistically evaluate one’s own work, behavior in front of the camera, the ability to be a convincing and interesting teacher.
– The platform Teams is aimed at active users - emphasized in communication with colleagues the course moderator, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Tatiana Vankova. - It will be a real breakthrough for teachers who focus on interaction with students who need instant feedback, for whom the productive activities of students during distance learning come first.
– The proposed courses were initially surprising. However, after a while, it became clear that their duration not only provide useful information from moderators and videos on discipline, but also expand the range of communication, learning about the experiences of colleagues working in other faculties, sharing their success, difficulties, plans, - noted Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics and Thermal Engineering, Vladislav Kurstak.
Participants received certificates of advanced training from the moderators of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

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