Monday, 19 April 2021 22:43

The best student scientific associations were named in the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Student scientific circles, research laboratories and the design bureau of the Yanka Kupala State University

The best student scientific associations were named in the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Student scientific circles, research laboratories and the design bureau of the Yanka Kupala State University took part in the competition of student scientific associations.

The competition was held with the aim of stimulating and popularizing scientific research activities of swimmers and supporting student scientific societies of the university.

In order to participate, the contestants provided an annual report on their research and innovation activities and a list of published research papers by members of student science societies. Following the results of the competition of student scientific associations, the winner and diploma holder of the I degree became the student scientific circle «Theory and history of music art in the context of culture» of the musical art department, of the faculty of arts and design. Head of the student scientific circle is Tatiana Baranovskaya, head of the Musical Art Department. The II-degree Diploma is given to the student scientific circle of the Department of Romance-German Philology of the Faculty of Philology under the supervision of the Assistant Professor of Romano-German Philology Svetlana Maslennykova. III-degree Diploma is awarded to the Sociological Research Laboratory of the Department of Sociology and Special Sociological Disciplines of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Head of Department of Sociology and Special Sociological Disciplines—Nikolai Myslivec.
Winners and prize-winners of student scientific associations, as well as their scientific leaders will receive prizes from the «Talented Youth» fund.

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