Friday, 28 May 2021 19:14

Dialogue platform “2021 - Year of National Unity. The role of youth in strengthening trust and solidarity in society, rallying the Belarusian people "was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Dialogue platform “2021 - Year of National Unity. The role of youth in strengthening trust and solidarity in society, rallying the Belarusian people "was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The meeting brought together representatives of the authorities and students from three institutions of higher education in Grodno - Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno State Medical University and Grodno State Agrarian University. The event took place on May 6 within the framework of the republican project "Grodno - the youth capital".
The dialogue platform was attended by the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Science, Culture and Social Development Viktor Liskovich, Head of the Main Department of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee Igor Bulavko, Chairman of the State Control Committee of the Grodno Region Anatoly Dorozhko, as well as rectors of three universities - Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko, Rector of Grodno State Medical University Elena Krotkova and Rector of Grodno State Agrarian University Vitold Pestis. The event was moderated by a 4th year student of the Faculty of Psychology at Kupala University Veronika Basinskaya.
The main goal of the dialogue was to find answers to the questions, what is the role of youth in the formation of solidarity and trust in modern Belarusian society, what representatives of the student community can do at their level to maintain peace and stability in the country.
In his welcoming speech to the participants in the dialogue, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Science, Culture and Social Development Viktor Liskovich noted that the future belongs to the youth and it is very important that their decisions are based on traditions, on that good experience. which was laid down and formed by their predecessors:
- Each of us has his own opinion, and this is his right, but we should in no way allow the spontaneous events that took place in August 2020. In the future, we must build such a system so that no one will have a destructive effect on the minds of our beautiful youth.
Within the framework of the discussion, the chairman of the State Control Committee of the Grodno Region Anatoly Dorozhko, who demonstrated in his life example that thanks to the care and support of the state, he received an opportunity for development and formation, noting the importance of maintaining the connection between generations and choosing a positive authority for himself in life:
- In the coming decades, you, young people, will need to take responsibility for the future of the country. It is you who will determine the ways of its development, and we will help to implement your plans.
The leaders of the student community were able to ask the representatives of the authorities the questions of concern to them, express their opinion on the ongoing processes in society. Thus, the students voiced the reasons why young people, in their opinion, are not very actively seeking to engage in research activities. Students also spoke about what, in their opinion, lies at the heart of patriotism and who a patriot is, how you can instill love for your country, for domestic producers and domestic products. We talked about improving the work of state media, their important role in covering current events, including problematic issues and ways to solve them.
The dialogue has become useful for both parties - government officials and student activists. The youth heard the position of experienced leaders, and they, in turn, assessed what was happening from the lips of the student leaders.

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