Tuesday, 01 June 2021 18:16

In Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were signed agreements on international cooperation with two universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were signed agreements on international cooperation with two universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Rector of Urgench State University Bakhrom Abdullaev and Rector of Karakalpak State University Akhmet Reymov paid an official visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

         A delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan, consisting of representatives of two institutions of higher education, arrived in Grodno at the invitation of the Yanka Kupala State University. As the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh noted, it was YKSUG that initiated the establishment of mutually beneficial contacts with Urgench and Karakalpak State Universities. Potential partners were offered a study visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in order to substantively discuss promising areas for further interaction in the field of education, science and upbringing of students.

         The visit of the delegation from Uzbekistan began with an official event with the participation of the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University Irina Kiturko. During the round table meeting, heads of universities presented their educational institutions and told in what directions they see further cooperation.

         «At the moment, the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has concluded more than 200 agreements on international cooperation. Yanka Kupala State University interacts with the universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of 8 agreements. oint educational program for the training of specialists with a higher education of the I stage with the Tashkent State University of Law in the specialty "International Law" according to the "3 + 1" scheme, a joint educational program for the "2 + 2" scheme for the training of specialists with higher education of the I stage Karshi State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics - are being successfully implemented. » said Irina Kiturko.

         Work in this direction continues, said the rector of YKSUG. Recently, an agreement was signed on joint educational programs for training specialists with higher education of the I stage with Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi in four specialties: "Applied Mathematics", "Bioecology", "Psychology" and "Fine Arts and Computer Graphics". At the moment, a joint educational program is being designed with Karshi State University for the training of specialists with higher education of the II stage in the specialty "Computer engineering (programmable complexes, systems and services)".

         During an official event at Yanka Kupala State University, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Yanka Kupala State University Yury Bialykh drew the attention of participants of the dialogue to the development of potential related to tourism.

         «I want to note that the first student from Uzbekistan who entered our university chose the specialty "Tourism and Hospitality", and here we see great potential. Our regions are attractive for tourists. On the territory of the Grodno region, 80 percent of the entire historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus is concentrated. » said Yury Bialykh

         Vice-Rector for Science at YKSUG Yury Ramanouski, in turn, noted that a strong mathematical school has been created at our university. And here Yanka Kupala State University could also find points of contact with Urgench State University, the rector of which named good preparation of students in mathematical specialties among the advantages of his educational institution. In addition, the participants of the meeting expressed their interest in the implementation of joint projects in research activities.

`        Summarizing what was said, the participants of the event agreed that there are many prospects for cooperation between universities, but it is necessary to highlight the main aspects on which the partners will have to focus in the near future. The meeting ended with the signing of agreements on international cooperation between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Urgench State University, as well as Karakalpak State University.

         Discussion of promising areas of mutually beneficial cooperation continued on the basis of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University. A tour of the Technopark was organized for representatives of the delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan, during which residents talked about their activities and innovative projects. There was also a presentation of Studio of Projects and Startups of YKSUG. Then the delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the seminar "On the scientific and educational activities of the departments."

         Reference information:

         Urgench State University has 11 faculties, 36 departments, in which bachelors and masters are trained in 58 educational areas and 27 specialties. More than 16 thousand students study at the university, the teaching staff is 677 people. Urgench State University is actively involved in Erasmus + projects, collaborating with such universities as University of Aquila (Italy), University of Porto (Portugal), University of Keele (England), University of Padua (Italy), University of Cantabria (Spain) and  Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (Germany).

         Karakalpak State University is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Uzbekistan. Training of young personnel is carried out in 49 bachelor's areas and 24 master's specialties. The university has 48 Doctors of sciences and professors, more than 200 PhD and associate professors. Karakalpak State University develops partnerships with more than 100 largest universities, takes part in educational programs TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, ERASMUS + within the European Commission.


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    Read 8723 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 June 2021 18:18
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