Tuesday, 11 January 2022 14:13

Irina Korlyukova, the Head of the Department of Modern Technologies of the Faculty of Pre-University Training, took part in a seminar on the construction of smart cities as a part of China's "One Belt One Road" initiative

Irina Korlyukova, the Head of the Department of Modern Technologies of the Faculty of Pre-University Training, took part in a seminar on the construction of smart cities as a part of China's "One Belt One Road" initiative

The two-week courses were organized by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) of the People's Republic of China. Classes were held online.

Twelve seminars were held over the course of two weeks. The participants got acquainted with the development of the economy and information technology in China, with the ongoing reforms within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative and the stages of its implementation. Leading Chinese scientists, representatives of the National Committee for Digital Technology of Intelligent Construction and the Residential Community presented to the seminar participants the prerequisites for the development of smart cities, the strategy of their evolution, qualitative development, design features.

The participants also got acquainted with the practice of developing smart transport and smart community with the assistance of the standardization committee, learned about technical services and innovations in smart cities, developed a system for assessing their development. In addition, within the framework of the seminar, participants from all over the world were able to get acquainted with the use of artificial intelligence for the development of the app "Intelligent Industrialization".

In total, 67 scientists from 16 countries took part in the seminar: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Republic of Kenya, Malaysia, Republic of Moldova, Pakistan, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The organizers expressed the hope that after the end of the pandemic, participants will be able to come to China and actually see all the achievements presented.

Read 8025 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 January 2022 14:18
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