Tuesday, 11 January 2022 14:25

Undergraduates of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have completed an internship at the Kazan Federal University

Undergraduates of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have completed an internship at the Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University is one of the leading universities of the Russian Federation. The university has a Department of Zoology and General Biology, which has research laboratories of hydrobiology and molecular systematics, ecology of aquatic organisms and aquaculture, ultrastructural organization of tissues, biodiversity and ecology of vertebrates, as well as the Zoological Museum named after E.A. Eversman.

Within the framework of the topics of master's theses, undergraduates worked in laboratories, studied the skeletochronological method of studying the age structure of populations and the growth rate of amphibians, which is based on the study of the layered structure of animal bones from sections obtained on a freezing microtome-cryostat MK-25.

Ekaterina Rabkovskaya and Artem Pesnyak visited the Zoological Museum named after E.A. Eversman, which is one of the oldest repositories of this profile in Russia, and in terms of the richness and historical value of the collections is one of the most significant zoological museums in Russia. About 1.4 thousand exhibits are recognized by experts as particularly valuable. Among them are collections of tropical insects, relict hatteria, a flying dragon from Java island, zebra quagga (Equus quagga), completely exterminated by man and many other species.

The undergraduates also visited the "City Children's Ecological and Biological Center" in Kazan. The center was founded in 1984, and over the 31 years of its existence, a rich collection of open and closed ground plants has been created.

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