Wednesday, 04 January 2017 16:41

Congratulations with the New Year from Andrei Karol, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Congratulations with the New Year from Andrei Karol, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

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Dear friends!

From the bottom of my heart I wish You Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

The old year was challenging, dynamic, full of events and our achievements. University kept the name of Ministry Award in the field of quality laureate and status of scientific organization, university employees were given prestigious awards. In 2016 we created new basis for future development: we approved new Mission and Vision, as well, as Strategy of University development for the coming years, and also made first but important steps to carry it out, and there are results.

Due to practical-oriented education system, the University became a co-founder of the first Innovative media cluster in Belarus. The agreement on creation of Regional educational cluster has also been signed. We continued strengthen our cooperation with the representatives of personnel customers, activities of the Stuff Training Coordination Boards have been organized at new level of quality.

For the first time, in 2016, there were defended 4 doctoral papers and 19 ones of PhD’s. The first electronic magazine “University of Educational Innovations” has been issued, which aim was to improve education quality through application of innovative technologies to the study process.

The enrollment campaign was a success, as well. We began training on “Customs affairs” specialty and opened 4 new practical-oriented specialties of the 2nd degree of higher education. The number of the 2nd degree students has increased significantly, now we have more than 5 hundred of them.

During the year, more than once we cheered on the success of our colleagues and students in the scientific and educational spheres, we felt pride for victories of YKSUG students in various creative contests, festivals and sport competitions.

We kept on improving material and technical basis of the University: reading room of the scientific library has been modernized, accommodation conditions at one of the dorms for the students have been also improved.

On the holidays’ eve I would like to express great gratitude and appreciation to the whole University staff. Thanks to our work, professional skills and responsibility we managed to keep and strengthen the high positions our University holds in the educational area of Belarus and abroad.

Dear colleagues, I wish New Year would fill Your lives with bright ideas, new professional goals, I wish it would be stable, successful and creative!

I wish students, who bring the glory to the University with their scientific, creative and sport achievements, luck for the coming exams and self-realization!

On New Year’s eve I wish everyone happiness, love, comfort at home and relations, to be patient and tolerant, to be in good mood, be joyful, live in peace and wealth, and to be a success in new year!


Andrei Karol

Read 14504 times Last modified on Wednesday, 04 January 2017 16:53
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