Saturday, 29 April 2017 15:53

The best student group was chosen at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (photo report, added video)

The best student group was chosen at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (photo report, added video)

University-wide competition "Best Student Group" among students of Yanka Kupala University become a traditional spring event.

Since last year it is conducted in three stages. In the first round, the best group is chosen at each of the faculties. At the second stage, the students who won the previous round, provide the portfolio of their group to the jury "We are a team" and the videos "Our group is the best!". The final performance completes the competition.

This year, seven students' groups of six faculties demonstrated their talents on the main stage of Yanka Kupala State University: Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering and Construction, Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, Faculty of Innovative Technologies of Machine Building and Faculty of Arts and Design.

- All the participants of today's show are already some kind of winners. However, the competition would not be a competition, if we, the jury, did not really determine the real winner. I wish you all success! – said the Chairman of the jury - the Head of the Department of Information-analytical and methodological support of the ideological and educational work of the UVRSM Tatyana Lukashevich while opening the competition.

The first test in the final was the presentation of the group: the guys told and showed their numerous achievements, talked about their hobbies, intense and cheerful student life, future profession, and some participants turned the stage into a podium. Students with each performance proved their solidarity, their desire to help each other, to support. The main motto of this test was the credo "Strength in unity".

As part of the creative competition, Yanka Kupala students sang, danced, recited poems, showed humorous skits and theatrical performances devoted to the formation of the student as a specialist.

The students of the 164 group of the specialty "Jurisprudence" of the Faculty of Law of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno became the winners of the university-wide competition.

The second place was occupied by 142 group of the specialty "Industrial and civil construction" of the Faculty of Engineering and Construction. Also the guys had the best portfolio. Third place was occupied by 161 group of the specialty "Design (Graphic)" of the Faculty of Arts and Design. In addition, according to the judging panel, the girls presented the best video.

In addition to the main prize winners, winners were named in several nominations. The group 1411 of the specialty "Modern foreign languages ​​(teaching)" of the Faculty of Philology was recognized as the best student group in the scientific activity, the most athletic group – 131 group of the specialty "Automobile Technical Maintenance (vehicles of general and personal use)" of the Faculty of Innovative technologies of Machine Building, the most creative group – 142 group of the specialty "Tourism and Hospitality" of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, the guys also received a special prize from the Coordinating Student Council of the University. In the nomination "Successful Start", the 162 group of students of the specialty "Economic Law" at the Faculty of Law won the victory.

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