Wednesday, 28 June 2017 13:13

Professor of Bialystok University of Technology shared with students and academic staff of YKSUG experience in international scientific and research projects

Professor of Bialystok University of Technology shared with students and academic staff of YKSUG experience in international scientific and research projects

Jan Piwnik visited Faculty of Innovative Mechanic Engineering of Yanka Kupalaa State University of Grodno within the “Visiting Professor” programe.

During the visit, the professor conducted lectures and practical classes with Master students of “”В рамках визита гость провел лекционные и практические занятия с магистрантами специальности «Construction Materials Processing In Machinery Manufacturing» in disciplines «Resource saving technologies of machinery manufacturing» and «Progressive processing processes of construction materials ».

During the meetings with the faculty staff Jan Piwnik shared his experience of work on international projects, ordered by Swiss, Austrian and Canadian enterprises.

 More news from the Faculty of Mechanic Engineering here.

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