Friday, 27 October 2017 12:42

The Faculty of Philology of YKSUG and University in Pardubice to start student exchange

The Faculty of Philology of YKSUG and University in Pardubice to start student exchange

Issues of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed during the meeting of the Head of the Department of Romance-Germanic Philology of the YKSUG, Nadeya Ulasiuk, with the representatives of the German Language Department and the Language Center of the University of Pardubice.

In particular, the parties have defined a plan for cooperation in the field of German studies and the implementation of joint projects in the field of teacher education. An important topic of the meeting was the academic mobility of students. It is expected that in the near future an exchange of students will take place: five YKSUG students will go to study at the Czech University, and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will in turn receive students from the University of Pardubice.

Among the promising plans is the holding of lectures and seminars for students and undergraduates of YKSUG by professors and teachers of a Czech university.

Within the framework of the visit, the Head of the Department of Romance-German Philology, Nadeya Ulasiuk, also met with students and teachers of the University of Pardubice who were studying the German language. Nadzeya Ulasiuk spoke about the development of German studies in Belarus, the traditions and customs of our country. She also presented the educational and scientific potential of the YKSUG, talked about the work of the German Language and Culture Center at the YKSUG, the successful project "Summer School of the Russian Language" and invited everyone to participate in it. In addition, she made a presentation on the intercultural and transcultural dimension in a linguistic, cultural and historical context, at an international conference, and gave lectures on linguistics and regional studies.

All the news of the Faculty of Philology can be found here.

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