Monday, 01 January 2018 18:02

The conference of the labor collective took place in the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University

The conference of the labor collective took place in the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University

The issues of the implementation of the Collective Agreement at the Yanka Kupala State University in Grodno following the results of 2017, changes and additions to the Collective Agreement and its annexes for 2018, as well as issues related to the activities of the university, were considered during the labor collective conference on December, 18.

"The most important thing in the organization is its executive and initiative  employees, on which the success of the university as a whole depends," Irina Kuturko, the rector of the University, said greeting the audience. - In the early 90's we were among the first who had a Collective Agreement. Initially, it was a three-page document. Today it is a solid, powerful document. Our collective agreement was repeatedly noted by external organizations as one of the best in Belarus. And it means that we are on the right way.

Speaking to the audience, Vasyl Senko, the pro-rector for educational work, and Igor Kerget, the chairman of the trade union of university employees, stressed that the Collective Agreement is based on social partnership, equality of the parties, compliance with legislative norms, the power to make commitments and take into account the real possibilities of material, production and financial provision of duties. At the meeting, Vasily Vasilievich and Igor Leonidovich presented the additions to the Collective Agreement in 2017 and told about the material and other support of the university staff, their encouragement and assistance in sanatorium treatment in the outgoing year.

Galina Sakomskaya, the Head of the Center for Personnel and Legal Work, presented the changes and additions of the Collective Agreement for 2018 to the conference participants. At the same time, her attention was focused on the fact that the basis of the draft Collective Agreement is the preservation of the basic conditions and provisions of the current Collective Agreement, additional social benefits and payments to employees, in excess of those stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Galina Stepanovna also answered the questions of employees and teachers of the Yanka Kupala State university.

During the conference, there were created commission to monitor the implementation of the Collective Agreement, also new commission on labor disputes, and the conciliation commission. Also, changes were made to the composition of the housing commission, the commission for sanitation and sanatorium treatment and the public commission on housing issues.

As addition:

Collective agreement of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was developed and signed in 1990. GRSU became the second institution of higher education in the country after BSU, where this document appeared.

In 2011 the Collective Agreement of Grodno University became the winner of the demonstration-contest of collective agreements of educational institutions of the Grodno region. In 2012, at the Republican demonstration-contest of Collective Agreements of Educational Establishments of the Belarusian Professional Union of Workers of Education and Science, the document was awarded a diploma for the second place. In 2013, GRSU became a finalist of the contest of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus for the award for a significant contribution to the development of social partnership. In 2017, the Yanka Kupala State University became the finalists of this republican contest again.

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