Friday, 07 December 2018 11:31

A new building of the Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was opened in Grodno

A new building of the Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was opened in Grodno


Head of the Presidential Administration Victor Sheiman, Head of Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Kravtsov, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko, Rector of Grodno State Medical University Victor Snezhitsky, Rector of Grodno State Agrarian University Witold Pestis, Director of the company-developer and Director of the IT-company “Neirika Technologies” Andrei Kamornik became the participants of the opening ceremony.

The new building of the Science and Technology Park housed five research and production laboratories, administrative offices of the residents of the Technopark, a conference hall, Fablab- and Coworking areas, production facilities. The total area of ​​the building is over 1 thousand m2. Technopark aims to unite the potential of scientists and the capabilities of enterprises and organizations of Grodno region, to become a territory where new highly skilled jobs and high-tech industries are created, which will increase the competitiveness of the regional economy.

“Technopark is a joint project of Grodno Oblast Executive Committee and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, and we are implementing it step by step. Today we made another step - we opened the first building of the Technopark. This is a multifunctional center that will serve as a solution to the challenges facing the Technopark. And the main thing is innovation. From ideas, developments to implementation in production. Technopark will allow to combine three important components of the successful development of the economy of our region and country: education, science and commercialization of promising scientific developments. In addition, this startup will allow solving one of the priority state tasks - to create conditions for the development of advanced, gifted young people of our region”, – said the governor of the Grodno region, Vladimir Kravtsov.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko noted that the Science and Technology Park is an innovative core of “University 3.0” concept”. “The opening of the Technology Park not only provides an opportunity to develop the entrepreneurial competencies of our students, but also to form the needs in the region for the advanced development of the economy, social sphere and society in general,” –  explained Irina Kiturko.

The guests of the event got acquainted with the equipment of the laboratories of the Technopark, the developments of YKSUG scientists, with the work of the Fablab zone. In addition, they talked to students, participants of the finals of the university open contest for student start-up projects “InnoStart”; the winners of this contest will have the opportunity to get free advice on starting a business with experts and specialists of the Science and Technological Park.

The continuation of the event was a round table discussion on the development of Technopark. During the dialogue, Viktor Sheiman, the Head of the Presidential Administration, noted that not only the result of a certain work but the ability to see the future for several years ahead is paramount in the conditions of dynamic development of the world economy. “First of all, we should take care of the training of qualified staff. Such technology parks should be in all regional cities of Belarus. This will allow our promising young people and searching students to implement themselves and realize innovative ideas that will help the development of our country”, – said Victor Sheiman.

As a part of the event, a joint innovation agreement was signed with another resident of the Technopark, IT-company “Neirika Technologies”, which provides communication services for effective business development based on its own cloud platform. As the director of the company Maxim Mikhailov noted, that in Belarus all conditions for running a successful business have been created. “In Grodno, in two months, we prepared documents and signed an agreement on the status of a resident. Everything was very fast and smooth. The main thing is that you have highly skilled personnel who have to implement our tasks, develop and promote our product”, – said the Director of “Neirika Technologies”. To organize its activities, the company plans to create 45 workplaces.

Today among the projects implemented by the residents of the Technopark are the IT project on the implementation of the tasks of building a digital economy and the first in Belarus production of equipment for diagnosing the state of sewage pipelines.

The opening of a new Еechnopark building is the next stage of its development. Next year it is planned to reconstruct another building with an area of ​​more than 6,000 m2, which will attract new residents and create enterprises of various sizes. Every resident will be able to choose the premises in accordance with the goals and specifics of their work.

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