Tuesday, 14 April 2020 11:32

The IV Open contest of students' start-up projects "InNaStart" is declared in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The IV Open contest of students' start-up projects "InNaStart" is declared in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Everyone who has ideas for innovative start-up projects in various industries and spheres of activity is invited to participate.
The competition is held to support innovative business ideas of students and encourage young people to create innovations and offer original products, technologies, goods and services.
The competition "InNaStart" this year will be held in four stages. The first stage-preparatory training-will begin today, April 6, and will last until May 18. The arrangers will tell participants how to develop a project idea and business model of the project, select a team, present the work, as well as the topics of training will be project financing, marketing and possible risks.
During the second stage, participants will have to register their projects on the competition's web page until May 11.
During the third stage the jury will evaluate the registered projects for participation in the final stage of the competition. The project's innovation, relevance and importance, feasibility in practice and availability of a sound business model will be taken into account.
"InNaStart" will end with "the Start-up battle". Finalists will present their projects, participate in master classes, and consult with expert entrepreneurs.
The contest jury will select the best student projects in four categories according to priority directions of scientific researches and scientific-technical activity in the Republic of Belarus: "The Best start-up – TECHNOLOGY", "The best start-up project – PRODUCT", "The best start-up project – SERVICE", "The best start-up project-SOCIAL INNOVATION".
The winners and prize-winners of the IV Open competition of student start-up projects "InNaStart" will receive prizes, a certificate for free consulting in the Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University, and the opportunity to use its infrastructure and services.
Also, according to the organizers, the competition results can determine the best project for the Grand Prix in the form of a grant to create a start-up-resident of the Science and Technology Park with the volume and sources of funding determined on the basis of a reasonable business plan in accordance with the established procedure.
Additional information about the competition: +375 152 742975, +375 29 5873429 (Opekun Elena Vladimirovna).

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