Tuesday, 14 April 2020 11:49

Construction of a new building of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University is progressing at a fast pace

Construction of a new building of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University is progressing at a fast pace

With the commissioning of the second stage of the Science and Technology Park, resident companies expect to significantly expand their capabilities.
Sergey Puzako, chief engineer of JSC "Grodnopromstroy", said that active construction work is under way at the facility since the end of last year. According to the project, approximately one million Belarusian rubles are used every month. The total cost of the object is about 13 million.

– In fact, the work has been going on for only three months, but much has already been done. We are ahead of schedule, – said Sergey Pusako. In the course of this week will be finished the heavy monolithic work. And it will be possible to deal with roofing and even finishing. We are also considering the design of the object: the facade of the building is planned to be decorated in four colors.

The total area of the new building of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University is more than 6.5 thousand square meters. It will house both office and production facilities, open-space platforms, co-working centers, and a large conference hall equipped with all necessary hardware.
– For today, the existing areas of Science and Technology Park are no longer enough. And this fact only confirms that innovative developments in the region are in demand – - said Irina Kiturko, the rector of Yanka Kupala State University. – There are already residents who are waiting for the opening of the second stage of the Science and technology Park. The facility is scheduled to be completed in this autumn.

LLC “Classic Electro” is just one of those resident companies that are waiting for the opening of a new building of Science and Technology Park to establish start-up production. The company has been a resident of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University for about a year and, having successfully completed the search for investment, is now starting to manufacture universal installation kits for converting existing vehicles into electric cars. Simultaneously the resident plans to develop such areas as the production of removable batteries for small vehicles, such as electric scooters.
– With the commissioning of the second stage of Science and Technology Park, we expect to get about 300 square meters for start-up production, - Sergey Zhiltsov, Director of LLC “Classic Electro”, shared his plans. – Our company's activity is focused on modernizing all existing transport in electric. When the state program for the development of electric transport in Belarus was being developed, the issue of modernizing existing transport was left without due attention. But it is possible to convert existing vehicles and use them as electric vehicles in the future. We decided to implement this idea. We don't have any competitors in this direction in the country yet. And the second direction in which our company works is the production of removable batteries for electric scooters, tricycles, and delivery services. These removable batteries will allow owners of small electric vehicles to save time spent on recharging.

The resident company of Science and Technology Park, LLC “Classic Electro”, already has customers, including from abroad: the Czech Republic, Poland and other European countries. In addition, the utilities of our Republic are also interested in the possibilities of modernizing their transport. The new production facilities that will appear with the commissioning of the second stage of Science and Technology Park will allow to satisfy all the interests of customers.
Meanwhile, the number of Science and Technology Park residents is constantly growing. So, on April 6, an agreement was signed with a new resident: the company that will provide services in the IT industry was founded by Pavel Romanets, a 2nd-year student of the faculty of mathematics and computer science at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. His company became the eighth resident of Science and Technology Park and the third company that was founded by students and employees of YKSUG.

-Today, Science and Technology Park, as well as Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, is an innovative platform that allows, first of all, to turn innovative ideas of our students and teachers into business, – said Irina Kiturko, rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. – But the field of activity of the Science and technology Park is much wider. We can say that it forms the entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem of the entire region and the entire Republic. Anyone who has an innovative idea can contact Science and Technology Park, and here they will tell you how to implement it. In addition, it is important that residents of Science and Technology Park create new jobs. For example, the resident company "Information technologies in construction", created by our students and employees, this year employs two more graduates of UKSUG.

Residents of Science and Technology Park can count not only on qualified assistance and advice from specialists in search of optimal ways to implement innovative ideas, but also on significant benefits when renting high-quality equipment, offices and production areas. By the way, the equipment in Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University is really the best in the region. Thus, professional 3D printers, which have recently been actively used to fulfill orders of industrial enterprises in the region, have been working for several days to implement an important social project. Science and Technology Park has started creating universal protective screens that will be sent to medical institutions in the region. Within the next month, all four 3D printers of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University will print protective screens for medical professionals. The equipment will be loaded as much as possible, it is planned to print about a thousand copies in total.

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