Friday, 08 May 2020 15:29

Students and creative teams of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are among the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the competition "ART-vacacii - 2020"

Students and creative teams of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are among the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the competition "ART-vacacii - 2020"

Concert programs in video format were presented to the jury by more than 500 students from different universities of Grodno.

Students from Yanka Kupala State University revealed their creative abilities in four groups: “Instrumental genre”, “Theater genre”, “Choreographic”, “Vocal-choral”. Winners and prize winners were named in collective and individual nominations.

So, the “folk” orchestra of Russian folk instruments became the laureate of the first degree in the instrumental genre, performing “Fantasy on the Theme of Michael Blanter’s Songs” under the direction of Anna Zaitseva.

The winner in the category “Choreographic genre” was the consolidated choreographic number “Building a hostel together” with the participation of the «Stu-dance» contemporary choreography team, artistic director Diana Dukhanina, and the Break modern dance choreography collective, artistic director Yuri Kizer.

Two productions of Kupalovsky University were recognized as the best in the nomination “Vocal-choral genre”. This is “A Song about the University” performed by the UniSONG team, supervised by Elena Stelmakh, and the synthesis number “Young Belarus”, which was performed by the UniSONG, «Break», «Stu-dance» teams, as well as cheerleader groups of the Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Economics and Management.

The Old Slavonic rite "Initiation in the youth", which was presented to the jury by the members of the Slavic combat club "Aridan", was recognized as the best in the category "Folklore Theater".

An excerpt from the “Roads of Victory” program, which was demonstrated by the participants in the conversation genre studio “Conference”, was the first in the theater genre.

The best lead singer of the pop music was named a student of the law faculty Gleb Kodentsov, who performed the number “Belaruskie prygazhunі”. The «Uni-ART» fashion theater entered the stage with Gleb, whose participants demonstrated to the jury the design collection “Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Grodno region ...”. In addition, in the individual nomination “Vocal genre”, student of the philological faculty Olga Vanchuk with the number “Ballad” and students of the faculty of art and design Yana Kucherova and Polina Samoilovich with the number “Wait for me” became laureates of the second degree.

It is worth noting that students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have traditionally reached the heights results in the republican project: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has won the Grand Prix “ART-Vacancy” three times in 2012, in 2016 and in 2018.

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