Wednesday, 03 June 2020 15:59

New virus protection devices for doctors and the public are being developed at Yanka Kupala State University of Science and Technology Park

New virus protection devices for doctors and the public are being developed at Yanka Kupala State University of Science and Technology Park

The team of resident company of Technopark, LLC "LIRAandCo" developed its own strategy against the proliferation of coronavirus.
At this stage, all the efforts of the company's representatives are aimed at providing the necessary means of protection to the region's doctors.
– We have studied how they work very carefully, in what conditions they work, what means of protection they need, and we offered our solutions, - the head of the company Pavel Krivenko said. – So, we suggested that doctors use contactless filters as protection instead of standard respirators, which perform their task no less effectively, but are more convenient. Our company has already manufactured and delivered more than 300 contactless filters to medical institutions in the region, as well as about 200 protective suits for doctors. I must say that we have developed and implemented all this in just two weeks and are now continuing to work on finding new solutions.
In the near future, LLC "LIRAandCo" plans to significantly increase the production of protective equipment for doctors and produce about 100 closed suits and 200 contactless filters every day to meet the existing needs of medical institutions in the region. In addition, representatives of the resident company of Yanka Kupala State University Science and Technology Park are constantly working to find new solutions that will help improve the efficiency of contactless filters and closed suits, as well as develop and gradually introduce new protection devices for doctors and the public.
– We try to rationally use the supplies available to us, so, first of all, we are focused on fulfilling the requests of doctors, - Pavel Krivenko said. – But we are already ready to offer some interesting solutions for the population. For example, we produce a keychain with the function of a hand – a simple device that allows you to open a door without touching it with your hand, or press a button in an elevator, dial a code in an ATM.
At the moment, representatives of the company are introducing another invention into production – an air blower. It is a device for flow filtration of air from physical and biological particles, which feeds the purified gas mixture under pressure both to the contactless filter or suit, and to the premises. Developers are also thinking about improving the protective suit, namely, how to make the suit not only protect the doctor from infection, but also to make it comfortable to work for many hours.
Representatives of the company note that they keep in touch with all medical institutions in the region, continue to study their requests, which change depending on how the situation with the spread of coronavirus in the country develops. And according to this information, they make certain adjustments to their devices and developments every day. Yesterday's decisions may no longer be relevant today. But thanks to the powerful material and technical base of the Technopark, the creative teams of resident companies have the opportunity to make decisions quickly and work effectively.

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