Monday, 11 January 2021 16:36

Yanka Kupala State University presented a new Strategy for the development of the university for the next five years

Yanka Kupala State University presented a new Strategy for the development of the university for the next five years

A meeting of the University Council was held at Kupala University, during which they summed up the results of work over the past five – year period and defined development plans for 2021-2025 with a perspective until 2030.
The University Council was attended by Yuri Karaev, Assistant to the President for the Grodno Region, and Viktor Pranyuk, Deputy Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, member of the Council of Yanka Kupala State University.
Addressing members and guests of the meeting, rector of Yanka Kupala State University Iryna Kiturka noted that a feature of the upcoming 2021 – start of implementation of the new Strategy of the University – Strategy of priority development, which is one of the defining documents of the institution of education.
— Last year was not only a year of challenges and opportunities for our university. We have once again proved that we can work in non-standard conditions, and the new Strategy is designed to bring us to a qualitatively new level of development, — said Iryna Kiturka.
The rector of Kupala University began her report by summing up the results of the implementation of the Strategy 2016-2020. Among the significant achievements of the University is an active development of innovative structure of educational institutions, participation in the pilot project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus "University 3.0", the creation of Scientific-Technological Park, Technology Transfer Centre, Foundation for innovative development, Innovative media and Grodno regional educational clusters, the project "Digital University +", open new demanded specialties.
Also on the list of significant results of activities — leadership among institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus on the results of five international rankings, the prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in quality, adding to the national Board of Honour in the category "Scientific organization", the victory in the national University games and national print media contest "Golden Letter".
—The achievements of the past years show that our university is not just keeping up with the times. We focus not only on the requirements of today, but also tomorrow. These results confirm that we are focused on success and are ready to become a university of advanced development, — said Iryna Kiturka.
Presenting the new Development Strategy of Yanka Kupala State University, Iryna Kiturka stressed that the document is based on a project approach. These are five areas of strategic planning: "Innovation-sensitive University", "Personality-oriented University", "University without Borders", "University of Sustainable Development", and "Smart University".
Each of the projects sets specific goals and objectives for the university staff. Thus, the project "Innovative and receptive University" involves the creation of a high-tech intelligent university complex through the formation of innovative social development, research and entrepreneurial activities at the university, “Smart University” — ensuring the advanced development of educational institutions based on the introduction of "smart" infrastructure using the formation of digital thinking of students and university staff, “University of Sustainable Development” — the creation of a sustainable development of the University through the development of inclusive and environmentally friendly environment, "University without borders" — implementation of its activities beyond the physical boundaries of the University, "student-centered University" — the formation of harmonious development of human potential of the University on the basis of the principle of humanization and improvement of individual approach and system of investment in the process of identity formation. Each of the directions involves specific activities and indicators of achievement of goals.
As Viktor Pranyuk, Deputy Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee and member of the University Council, noted during the meeting, the University's Development Strategy is closely linked to the development of the Grodno region, where most of the university's graduates work: "It is gratifying that the tasks of the new University Strategy correspond to the goals that the Grodno region and our state face today. The planned directions fully correspond to the modern realities that are taking place in the world, —said the Deputy Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee.
In turn, the Assistant to the President for the Grodno region Yuri Karaev thanked Kupala University for its contribution to the effective development of the region and the active introduction of innovations.
At the end of the event, the rector of the University Iryna Kiturka congratulated all employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University on the upcoming holidays, wishing them good health, self-confidence, and building a new successful personal development trajectory for everyone.

Related to the subject:
The history of strategic planning at Yanka Kupala State University dates back more than 20 years. In the first strategic plan of Kupala University, which was called "Improving the multi-level management system", the Mission and Vision of the university, the main goals and priorities of development were formulated for the first time. After that, three strategies of Yanka Kupala State University were adopted. These documents determined the effective development of educational institutions in the periods from 2006 to 2010, from 2010 to 2015 and from 2016 to 2020 in accordance with the current needs of the region and the Republic of Belarus, as well as the requirements of world realities.

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