Representatives of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University visited Yanka Kupala State University

The visit of representatives of the foreign university took place from December 7 to 11 as part of the "Visiting Professor" programme.
Head of the Department "Jurisprudence"of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Doctor of Law, Professor Yermek Buribayev and Doctor of Law, Professor Zhanna Khamzina gave lectures and conducted practical classes for students of the specialties "Jurisprudence" and "Economic Law".
Also, Professor Yermek Buribayev held a seminar on the publication of scientific articles in the journals Scopus and Web of Science, shared his experience with the journals included in these databases, paid special attention to the problems of scientific articles, the order of their placement in the databases, the features of registration in accordance with the requirements.
During the visit, a meeting was also held with the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of Kupala University Yuri Bialykh, where they discussed issues of further cooperation regarding participation in scientific conferences, internships of doctoral students and teachers, publications in journals and collections.

Eight teachers and employees of Yanka Kupala State University were awarded grants by the Rector for the completion of candidate and doctoral dissertations

The results of the competition for the rector's grants were announced during the meeting of the commission on December 24.
Rector Iryna Kiturka noted that Kupala University pays great attention to the training of highly qualified scientific personnel. The competition for grants of the Rector for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses has been held since 2014.
– I want to draw the attention of applicants to the fact that one of the main conditions for giving grants to the rector is the defense of a dissertation next year, – Iryna Kiturka addressed the applicants and members of the commission at the beginning of the meeting. - The rector's grant is allocated, first of all, for holding meetings with managers, opponents and reviewers, for other scientific events that are necessary for the completion of your dissertations.
Each applicant for a grant during the meeting outlined the topic of their dissertation, told about where and when the defense is planned, and also answered questions from members of the commission. After that, the results of the competition for the rector's grants were summed up.
Russian Philology Department Senior Lecturer Elena Banyukevich, Russian Philology Department Trainee Teacher Olga Grinevich, Romano-Germanic Philology Department Senior Lecturer Elena Juh, Tourism and Cultural Heritage Department Senior Lecturer Yulia Ermak, Russian as a Foreign Language Department Lecturer Roman Zhitko, Research Department Junior Researcher Dmitry Kopat, Finance and Accounting Department Senior Lecturer Tatyana Selyuzhitskaya, Сombined Arms Department Teacher Alexander Khovansky were awarded grants to complete their dissertations next year.


"What is financial literacy?"

A series of educational events for schoolchildren of Grodno was held by students of the Law Faculty of Yanka Kupala State University
Kupalovtsy told high school students about finance and financial literacy, talked about the qualities and habits of a financially literate person, devoted to the basics of the rules of saving money.
It should be noted that the project "Financial Literacy" is implemented within the framework of practice-oriented training of students of the Faculty of Law in the disciplines "Financial Law" and "Tax Law". The project has been managed for about 10 years by Associate Professor of the Department of International Law Lilia Abramchik. Students are invited to participate in the project after completing training courses in the following disciplines: they prepare presentations on a given topic and then participate in educational events for high school students of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums of the Grodno region and other regions. By the way, students of other faculties of Kupala University also took part in the project in the past years.
An educational event on the topic "What is financial literacy?" with students of the 11th grade of Gymnasium No. 3 in Grodno was held by students of the 4th year of the specialty "Economic Law" of the Faculty of Law Valery Baitzer and Alena Zhurnevich. In total, 10 such educational meetings were held this year.

"Belarus has a kind heart": Kupala residents were thanked for their active participation in the Republican campaign of free blood donation

The Grodno Regional Centre of Transfusiology sent thanks to Yanka Kupala State University and the participants of the action.
Valentina Semak, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Grodno Regional Centre for Transfusiology, expressed her gratitude to Kupala University. She sincerely thanked the staff and students of Yanka Kupala State University for their help and support in carrying out the campaign of gratuitous voluntary donation, for involving young people and students in good deeds, and wished them prosperity and success in all their endeavors.
By the way, in 2020, 219 people became gratuitous donors within the framework of the campaign from Kupala University. And 104 are blood donors on a permanent basis.
Also, as the head of the Health Protection Centre of Yanka Kupala State University Marina Kravets noted, those Kupala residents who were ill with coronavirus infection became plasma donors.

Representatives of Kupala University gave New Year's gifts to students of Secondary School No. 1

Volunteers of the Faculty of Economics and Management presented a real holiday to the pupils of the specialized institution within the framework of the charity event "Our Children".
Kupala representatives handed over sports equipment, toys, stationery, sweets and fruits to the students of the Secondary School No. 1 in Grodno. New Year's gifts for children with special needs of psychophysical development were purchased at the expense of funds collected at a charity fair, which was recently held at the Faculty of Economics and Management.
Activists of the "Belarusian women's union" of Kupala university together with representatives of the volunteer group of the Faculty of Economics and Management "Nadezhda"(hope) prepared a real holiday for children. The pupils of the specialized institution were happy to meet with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The event was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
- It's nice to give children joy on the eve of the most magical holiday of the year. This event is one of a series of charity events that will be implemented by Kupala students, volunteers of our Faculty on the eve of the New Year, – said the chairman of the primary organization of "Belarusian Union of Women" of Yanka Kupala State University, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Marina Karpitskaya.

As part of the republican charity event "Our children", representatives of all Faculties of Kupala university hold festive events, thematic exhibitions, as well as organize master classes on creating New Year's toys. Kupala residents try to pay special attention to families who find themselves in a difficult life situation, pupils of specialized children's institutions and boarding schools, as well as children from large, foster and foster families. The marathon of good deeds will last throughout the New Year holidays, until January 10.

Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Igor Lutsky met with students and undergraduates of Yanka Kupala State University

Igor Lutsky discussed current trends in the development of journalism with Kupala residents who are just taking their first steps in the profession of a journalist.
Both freshmen and undergraduates, future and aspiring journalists were able to ask questions to the Minister. During the dialogue, various topics related to the development of new technologies, the transformation of ways of presenting journalistic materials, and the peculiarities of the work of regional media were touched upon. They talked not only about the value of professional skills, but also about how important it is for a journalist to have a strong civil position.
– In a few years you will come to work in the media, and some of you are already working. And I am interested to know what you are thinking about, what issues you are concerned about, - Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Igor Lutsky called for a frank dialogue between the participants of the meeting.
He noted that for him, as the Head of the relevant ministry, feedback from both established professionals in the field of journalism and students is very important. Igor Lutsky assured that he is ready to answer any questions and expects that today's meeting will not turn into a lecture, but will become an exchange of views on topical issues.
– Now web journalism is actively developing, and, of course, it is difficult to talk about long-term prospects for print media. Develops new channels of communication with its audience and television. So, the tv channel "STV" made a bet on the development of its youtube channel. But I would like to draw attention to the fact that, in fact, it is not so important what communication channels a journalist uses. More important is HIS professionalism, HIS ABILITY to formulate his thoughts, clearly express his point of view. And I am convinced that a journalist should have a clear civil position, – Igor Lutsky stressed.

The participants of the meeting also discussed the issues of training young journalists, talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the educational process in a remote format, touched upon the topic of the ever-increasing flow of information and the related problem of recognizing so-called fake news. Kupalovtsy told the Minister that they are already several years successfully implemented the project "media Literacy", whose core audience – pupils of the senior classes of secondary schools.
Continuing the topic of improving the quality of the educational process, the rector of Yanka Kupala State University Iryna Kiturka noted that the university does a lot for practice-oriented training of future journalists. Together with the Minister of Information, she announced a meeting with the main media personalities of Belarus-heads of the republican media, well-known journalists, which will be held in the near future at Kupala University.
– I am sure that this will be an interesting and very useful meeting for you, as for future professionals. I think it can even become one of the main points of professional growth for our future and aspiring journalists, – said the Rector Iryna Kiturka.
At the end of the meeting, Igor Lutsky thanked the students for their interesting questions and noted their sincere interest in their future profession.

Students of Yanka Kupala State University take part in the republican seminar "School of training of managers of labor projects”

The two-day training seminar, which takes place in the village of Zhdanovichi, Minsk region, will last until December 20.
The republican seminar "School of training of managers of labor projects" is held annually for the purpose of comprehensive training of commanders and commissars of student detachments of various levels. This year participation in the seminar is attended by two students of Kupala univeresity – Sergei KopKo and Anna Iolop.
Over the next two days, they will learn the basics of labor legislation, get acquainted with how work is organized in the headquarters of labor affairs of higher education institutions, as well as learn what skills and competencies should be possessed by commanders and commissars of student detachments, what job responsibilities they have. For the participants of the seminar, there will be trainings aimed at developing leadership skills, media trainings, and communication intensive courses.
Within the framework of the seminar, it is also planned to hold cultural and sports events, role-playing games, discussions, as well as excursions to memorable places of the Great Patriotic War.

Kupalovtsy got "Golden Letter"!

The award was presented as part of a solemn ceremony honoring the winners of the print media competition

The newspaper "Grodzenski universitet" became the winner of the XVI National Competition "Golden Letter" in the category "Best materials of scientific, popular science topics".
The award ceremony was held at the Press House in Minsk on December 18. The First Deputy Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Pavel Legkiy presented the "Golden Letter" to the representatives of Kupala University.
The fact that the monthly newspaper of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University won the main award of the competition in the category "Best materials of scientific, popular science topics" among district, city, corporate and multi-circulation print media became known in May. For the newspaper "Grodzenski universitet" is the second "Golden Letter". For the first time, Kupalovtsy won the main journalistic award in the same category in 2017.
The national competition "Golden Letter" is held annually on the initiative of the Ministry of information of the Republic of Belarus. This year, about 400 applications from periodicals, news agencies, and personalities were submitted for the contest. The organizers noted the high level of professional skills in all categories.

Congratulations! The students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Soslan Daurov and Radik Kuliev successfully performed at the international competitions

In total, the Belarusian Greco-Roman wrestlers have 4 World Cup medals. Belarusian, Kirill Maskevich, has won a gold medal in the personal World Cup in Greco-Roman wrestling.

Maxim Kazharsky, as well as the 5th-year students of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Soslan Daurov and Radik Kuliev have won bronze medals. Soslan Daurov in the weight category of 63 kg has defeated an athlete from Algeria, and Radik Kuliev in the weight category of 82 kg has won the bronze medal of a wrestler from Moldova.
Our congratulations on winning medals!

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