Students and undergraduates of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno presented their projects in the semifinal of the Republican contest of projects "Information and Mobile Technologies for the Educational Process"

Semifinal of the contest was held in Minsk on November 29 in the framework of the 1st International specialized scientific and technical exhibition-forum "Information Technologies in Education. ITE - 2017 ".

In total, 120 applications were submitted for the contest, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the MTS company. 40 applications reached the semifinal , among them two were sent from the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The proposed developments are interdisciplinary projects of students and undergraduates of various specialties of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.
The students were given no more than three minutes for the presentation of the original idea of using information and communication technologies in the education system and persuading experts in the project's innovativeness.
Jury evaluated the tourist project "Music of centenary". Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno offer to organize a tourist trip around Belarus for young people in an updated, interesting and attractive format 2.0. It involves acquaintance with the significant objects of the cultural and historical heritage of the country by means of cultural, educational and interactive items. The project is designed for schoolchildren who will take an examination or centralized testing on the history of Belarus and for students of junior courses who are interested in the history of their country. Another project, presented to the experts, is an information and educational Internet resource "MediaHouse", which is devoted to media education.
Finalists of the second Republican contest of projects "Information and Mobile Technologies for the Educational Process" were announced by the jury on December 4.

The rules of getting higher education of the II stage are adjusted in Belarus

The rules for admission of persons for getting higher education of the second stage was amended by the governmental decree of November 17, 2017

Particularly, the document is established the right to enter the magistracy for correspondence and full-time (evening) form only for citizens who have worked for at least 10 months.

Persons who are granted asylum in Belarus also can participate in the competition for admission to the magistracy in the state institutions of higher education at the expense from the republican budget. This provision grants equal right for these persons to receive education as the citizens of Belarus.

With respect to incoming foreign citizens and stateless persons who are temporarily staying or temporarily residing in Belarus, the requirements for admission and the list of documents presented to the admission committee are specified. In addition, a further interview for the academic disciplines has been introduced, and it will help to attract more qualified specialists from this category of people to study at the second stage of higher education.

The document also specified the form of approval of the admission quatas (according to types of educational programs and forms of education). At the same time, norms have been introduced that require to inform the public on the number of places provided for higher education of the second stage at the expense of the budget, and separate contests for studies at the second stage of higher education by correspondence and full-time (evening) forms, paid from the budget and on a fee basis

In order to exclude cases of simultaneous enrollment in two or more institutions of higher education, the norm of granting to the admission committee not a copy of the higher education document but the original was introduced.

In addition, the resolution provides equal conditions for admission to the magistracy in institutions of higher education for all specialties of the agricultural profile.

The rules are specified the procedure for conducting introductory tests and also there are established the procedure for conducting an additional interview on academic subjects.

The document is provided some privileges for the admission to the magistracy without admission tests for persons awarded “The winner of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the social support of talented pupils and students” and “The winner of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for supporting talented youth”.

At the same time, a list of categories of people enjoying the preemptive right to get the higher education of the second education has been added: for a scientifically oriented magistracy, having a higher average grade of a first degree diploma or an education certificate; for a practical-oriented magistracy - received a diploma with distinction or having a higher average grade of a diploma of higher education of the first degree or an education document at the end of the first stage of higher education.

In addition, the decree introduced limits for enrollment within 30 days after the beginning of the academic year, of persons who participated but failed in the entrance competition, for vacancies that appeared as a result of deductions from higher education institution.

The foreign students of the Yanka Kupala state universitiy of Grodno became participants of the open Republican art festival of foreign students of institutions of higher education "F. –"

The opening of the festival took place at the international student day. Hundreds of foreign students from all universities of the country gathered for a scale celebration of cultures and people in the National library of Belarus. Among them are representatives of the Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno.

This year the festival passes under the motto "the Youth of the world: identity, solidarity, cooperation."

The festival worked interactive displays and was organized by the gala-program “Беларусь сустракае сяброў”("Belarus welcome friedns"). Kupala University provided an information platform for the export of educational services and the exhibition of creative works of foreign students "World impression".

 The representatives of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, diplomatic corps, rectors and Vice-rectors of educational institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus participated in the event. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, diplomatic corps, rectors and Vice-rectors of educational institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus. On behalf of the participants and guests of the solemn opening of the Republican festival was welcomed by the head of the main Department of educational work and youth policy Ministry of education Eduard Tomilchik.

– Large-scale events such as the Republican festival of creativity foreign students "F. –" unite people of all nationalities, representatives of which study in universities of the Republic of Belarus. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and tell everyone about our Alma Mater-shared his impressions the participant of the festival, the first-year student of the faculty of pedagogy Hassan Bepari.


The winner of the XXII contest of amateur art performances of first-year students "Alma mater – love from the first course" defined in the Yanka Kupala State university of Grodno.

The contest of amateur art performances among first-year students "Alma mater – love from the first year" become a  tradition, which for more than 20 years carried out in international Students day in Kupala’s university.

17th  November: On the main stage of the Yanka Kupala State university of Grodno, a new generation of talented, active, energetic and resourceful first year students of the four faculties originally revealed the theme of this year competition "Success begins with the first course."

Students of Law faculty did it better than others.Guys got a diploma of 1st place, prizes and a certificate for tour trip and also to be on cover of the magazine about the city of Grodno. By the way, the team of the faculty for the second consecutive year, becoming the best in the competition.

 Second place won  by  the team of faculty of Physical Culture, third – the team of foreign students. Diploma of the participant's team received the faculty of Innovative Mechanic Engineering.

A University-wide celebration of talent was visited by the Vice-rectors, deans, staff and teachers. To support the finalists came with their parents, friends and students of this university – those who have a passion for this creative project and to the university.

The contest opened by first rector Irina Kiturko, who congratulated all the students with the International students day and noted that the competition is very important, as it allows to unite the students, helps them make friends and discover the talents. Irina Fedorovna wished the students to carry the love for their “alma mater” through life and always remember that they are part of a big family of Kupala university.

Warmed up the hall before the final performances,show of the best dance performances that the students presented during the qualifying rounds.

The competition program started with a presentation of the faculty of innovative mechanic engineering. The guys offered a hall with a faculty student to travel back in time and moved the audience first in the 70-ies of the last century in the office of the then unknown company Steve Jobs, then in the days of the great artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci, the next stop was the eighteenth century – the time of life and creativity of Alexander Pushkin, ended the journey in the dressing room of the infamous Marilyn Monroe. She learned how each of these famous people achieved success and what obstacles they had to overcome. In conclusion, kopilovtsi noted that all the discoveries made by these people is the ability to change the world for the better, and succeed who makes these discoveries selflessly.

Students of faculty of physical culture ,transformed the stage of the university, in the circus called "Value of the Manege" . The boys story  – it is memories of a clown who thanks to their determination and fortitude helped to rise his team of circus artists, clowns, acrobats – and to repel evil and greedy director. The name of the circus students have chosen not by chance: the Values of the Manege are universal values such as solidarity, team spirit, willingness to go forward and not give up no matter what. It is from this, according to the guys, starts the success of any person.

Cheerful musical from students of the Law faculty of amused spectators. The story of students begins in our days, when one of the students suggested that experience and the success of his ancestor, whom is fearless Robin Hood. Students presented an exciting story of forest brigand, who thanks to the skill and ingenuity overcomes many obstacles on his way and is not afraid to conquer new heights. History students cut off abruptly at the most interesting moment.

No matter how spectacular the success of our ancestors, we should write our story ourselves – the final phrase of students.

The celebration ended with the cognitive performance of foreign students. The guys played a game of "Who wants to be a millionaire?". Answers to questions on the history and traditions of the East,answers to main character were not easy, helpers in the game for him were the many memories of the colorful events that took place at the University, and the knowledge that he got from teachers and friends. All of it helped the hero to win the money for celebration of international Students day , but together with friends he decided to send them to charity. Successful, it's someone who is generous.

In the framework of the competition, the jury awarded diplomas to the winners of the faculty representatives in 15 categories.

So, in the nomination "the Best choreography" has won the faculty of history, communication and tourism.

Best dance team recognized as team of the law faculty. Magister of the faculty Igor Azarov and first-year student Gleb Kumantsov won in the category "Best male role and Best male role of the second plan", respectively. Also the team became the best in nomination "Best Direction".

The victory in the nomination "Best actress" went to the representative of the faculty of innovative mechanic engineering Polina Sitsko, "the Best female role of the second plan" – also a student of the faculty of innovative mechanic engineering  Polina Gubeshko.

The best recitation was presented by the student of the faculty of innovative mechanic engineering Alexei Petrov.

Best set design were at the faculty of physical culture. In addition, the students presented the best shows of original genre.
           The best singer, according to the jury, recognized the student of the faculty of arts and design, Anastasia Sanko, singer – student of the faculty of mathematics and Informatics, Pham Van Anh, best vocal ensemble – the team of philological faculty.
           The best final song was performed by the freshmen of the faculty of biology and ecology.
           The best scenario was the team of foreign students.

Partners of the contest of Amateur art  performances of first-year students "Alma mater – love from the first course" was organized by the trade union of the  Yanka Kupala State university of Grodno.NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" and RPA “Belaya Rus”

Student of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Alexandra Radkovich the winner of the regional stage of the Republican contest "Student of 2017"

Alexandra will present the Grodno region in the final of the Republican contest "Student of  2017", which will be held in December in Minsk.

Alexandra’s rivals on the regional stage was student of  Grodno State Agrarian University  Evgenia Bobnis and student of Grodno state Medical University Vladislav Shishko.In the framework of the correspondence round, the contestants presented to jugde a portfolio and a funny video about student life. In the final, which was held today, November 16, at the Youth Center of "Grodno", the guys competed in three competitions.

During the first competition of self-presentation "I am a student" the participants were talking about themselves, their achievements and plans.

The second competition – intellectual – was dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Belarusian book printing. Here, students demonstrated their oratory skills and eloquence. Alexandra Radkovich compared knowledge-with the sea, wide open spaces were people like sailboats, roams throughout their life .And the first Belarusian who went to conquer the "sea" of printing was Francisk Skorina.

Completed the final challenge with creative competition Belarus – the land of inspirationin which contestants recited poems and prose works of his own composition, sang and danced.Upon the Jugde's decision, the title of  "Student of  2017" was awarded student of the philological faculty of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Alexandra Radkovich.As noted by the jury, the Alexandra captivated everyone with her sincerity, and competitive performances in her native Belarusian language made to penetrate to our student sincere sympathy.

Head of Mission of Wold Bank in the Republic of Belarus Alexander Kremer visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Alexander Kremer met with the administration and students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Alexander Kremer is currently leading the world Bank in the Republic of Belarus in June 2017 he was appointed Head of the government of the Bank.Prior to that, he worked as Permanent representative of the world Bank in the Kyrgyz Republic and Turkmenistan, and Moldova. Communicating with students, he noted that Belarus is a unique country in the former Soviet Union.

– I really like Belarus and I am happy to be here. The more that I think the roots of my ancestors located in Brest. From this awareness has been in Belarus I'm doubly pleased,– said Alexander Kremer.

At the meeting the students presented the history of the development of the world Bank. As we know, the organization was created in 1944 to help countries to restoring the economy, after the Second world war. Currently 189 countries are shareholders of the world Bank and  Belarus one of them, which became a member of the world Bank Group in 1992.In addition, Alexander Kremer told the students about the prospects of Bank's development for the next five years and the framework partnership strategy for 2018-2020. He noted that the document includes measures that will contribute to the growth of the Belarusian economy.

At the end of the meeting students had the opportunity to ask a questions Alexander Kremer. Students particularly interested in the activities of the world Bank in the sphere of education.

– Currently, all the projects being implemented by the Bank in the sphere of education, aimed at joining of Belarus to the Bologna process and the adaptation of the system of the Belarusian education in it. Special attention is paid to the improvement of master's programs and investments in the modernization of material-technical base of universities, – said Alexander Kremer.

The students were asked about the employment opportunities in  the World Bank. As told to guest, all that is required is excellent knowledge of English, and willingness to work hard, learn and improve will enable students to achieve success in your career.

Note, the World Bank is an international financial institution focused on providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries. Unlike other financial institutions, the organization does not seek to make a profit.

In accordance with the Millennium Declaration, the world Bank has focused its activities on the eradication of poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promote gender equality, empowerment of women, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensuring sustainable development of the environment and develop a global partnership for development.

Through the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International development Association (IDA), the world Bank provides countries with loans in two basic types: investment loans and loans for development.


Students and staff of the Yanka Kupala GrodnoState University have become winners and prizewinners of the finals of the Open Championship on orienteering sports of the Grodno region "Magnetic arrow - 2017"

The knockout round of the competition ended on November, 12. More than 120 sportsmen of the region, including students and employees of the bathing university, competed in the ability to quickly navigate the terrain.Representatives of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University traditionally showed decent results and also they were among the winners and prizewinners of the championship.The best teacher among men over 40 years old was Valery Sukhetsky who is the Chair of Sports Disciplines.The second place in the same category was taken by the associate professor of the department Edward Arod, the third place is from the deputy dean of the faculty of physical culture, the senior teacher of the department Vitaly Tarasov.

Among the girls older than 21 years, the third place was occupied by Anna Orochko, a specialist in the production and commercial department of the Publishing Center of the Yanka Kupala State University.

Prize-winning places in competitions were occupied also by students of university. On the second place in the category "Girls to 21 years" was Violetta Chuikova, a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, on the third place was Olga Makarova ,a student of the Faculty of the History, Communications and Tourism. The third place in the category "Boys over the age of 21" was occupied by Kirill Sakovich , the student of the Faculty of Physics and Technology. Right up there were Angelina Rusakova and Eduard Zhiburtovich , students of the Faculty of the History, Communication and Tourism.

New approaches to orientation and active tourism were discussed by the representatives of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University in cooperation with colleagues from Belarus, Azerbaijan and Poland at the annual international conference

The scientific and practical forum "Sport Orienteering in Belarus: New Approaches in Orientation and Active tourism" was held in Grodno for the third time. This year representatives of Azerbaijan, Belarus and Poland took part in it.

The participants gathered to discuss options for promoting and popularizing of orientation in the three countries and sharing best practices in organizing of active tourism.

On the first day the colleagues met in the framework of the plenary meeting. The focus was on the guy has already waited in his native country for conducting orienteering championships popularization and development of orienteering among the population, the use of modern methods, and the historical and cultural potential of the technology region in the development of active tourism. Teachers of the Faculty of Physical Culture considered aspects of using orienteering in the educational process, and students considered aspects of using non-standard equipment for competitions and orient-show.

Jerzy Antonovich who is inspector of the International Orienteering Federation of Poland shared his experience of inspecting international competitions in orienteering, and Vasif Rustamov who is a student from Azerbaijan told about the development of orientation at home. By the way, according to the guest’s opinion, specialists of this sport are very popular in Azerbaijan.

On the next day of the forum the participants got acquainted with the peculiarities of holding the finals of the Open Championship of the Grodno region on orienteering sports "Magnetic Arrow - 2017". Edward Arod as the coordinator of the conference, the deputy chairman of the Belarusian Federation of Orienteering, the chairman of the Grodno regional federation of orienteering, the associate professor of the Department of Sports Disciplines of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, said that colleagues were able to learn more about the organization of the start and finish of the competition, the passage of control points by athletes and much more.

The organizers of the conference were the Belorussian Federation of Orientation, the Republican Center for Ecology and Local History, the Republican Center for Physical Education and Sports of Students and Students, the Sports and Tourism Department of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, the Grodno Regional Federation of Orienteering and the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University.

The delegation of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno takes part in the Republican Trade Union Forum "Student Autumn 2017"

Young people from all over the country have gathered in the capital to discuss issues of professional training and adaptation to the modern labor market.

Grodno region is represented by three universities, including the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The delegation of the university, headed by vice-rector for educational matters Vasyl Senko, includes 20 students, which are activists of public organizations, excellent students, having successful in science, study, sports and creativity.

The forum lasts for three days. Students will take part in the meeting "Growth Vector. Change of the education system in the context of a dynamic labor market: adaptation or priority development ", where they will be able to talk with representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education of Belarus. Representatives of universities of Kazakhstan, Russia and Estonia will join the discussion. During the summit, a teleconference will be held.

In addition, round tables, competitive and discussion platforms, training workshop will be held. At the International University "MITSO" a seminar "The first job: expectation and reality of the labor market" will be organized for representatives of the management of higher education institutions and chairmen of primary trade union organizations

On the last day of the "Student Autumn" young people will visit large industrial enterprises and organizations of the capital. The students will visit the laboratory of practical training at the Belarusian State Medical University, the Minsk Refrigerator Plant, the tractor and mechanical plants, the Minsk Branch of the Belarusian Railways, and the Peleng Company.

The republican trade-union forum of students "Student Autumn" is being held for the second time. Last year, more than 700 participants from 38 higher educational institutions of the country gathered here. The organizers of the event are the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus and the Ministry of Education.

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