Monday, 20 May 2024 10:13

Finance, Taxation and Credits

Finance, Taxation and Credits


of economics and management


7-06-0411-02 Finance, Taxation and Credits

Academic degree


Duration of study

In Russian

Full-time – 1 year   Part-time – 1,5 year

На английском языке

Full-time – 2years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

International Financial Reporting Standards (advanced level);

Financial Management (advanced level);

International finance;

Modeling and optimization of business processes in financial and banking activities;

Banking supervision and audit;

Integrated information systems and technologies in the economy;

Tax risks: assessment and management;

International audit;

Financial consulting;

Organization of the credit process;

Risk management in international business

Main competencies that the graduate will have

To analyze the behavior of economic entities in the conditions of various types of market structures, to investigate and develop the market strategy of the organization, to assess the consequences of the state microeconomic policy.

To analyze the features of macroeconomic policy under various initial conditions of the functioning of the economy, to develop measures of macroeconomic policy.

To know the basic concepts of finance and credit development, to understand the principles of interaction between various sectors of the financial market, its institutions and the economy, to analyze the development of financial institutions and markets.

Know the essence of cloud technologies, distributed registry technologies, blockchain technology features, work with remote Internet services, with local network resources and a distributed database.

To know the essence of innovative changes and technologies of pedagogical innovations, to be able to develop passports and projects of pedagogical innovations, to know how to implement them, to evaluate the effectiveness of innovative activities.

Area of future professional occupation

Higher education;

Research and development;

Financial services, except insurance and additional pension provision;

Insurance, reinsurance and additional pension provision, except for compulsory social insurance;

Supporting activities in the field of financial services and insurance;

Accounting and auditing activities; tax consulting;

Management consulting;

Public administration of a general nature, management in the socio-economic sphere.

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Additional interview in academic disciplines
Read 2273 times Last modified on Monday, 20 May 2024 10:14
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