Tuesday, 13 April 2021 17:26








1-23 80 04 Sociology
Profiling Sociology of Management
Language of study  English
Mode of study  Full-time
Term of study  1 year
Entrance exams for foreign citizens 


(with an indication of the main disciplines studied)

Names of master’s degree students’ activities, cycles of  disciplines, disciplines Number of credits



  • • Management of Socio-cultural Processes in Modern Society
The purpose of the discipline is to form knowledge and practical skills of sociological research of socio-cultural processes occurring in modern society, the formation of competencies in the field of management of socio-cultural processes, training in methods of development and implementation of management decisions to ensure effective public administration.
  • • Methods of online Research in Sociology
The content of the discipline includes the study of modern methods of sociological research aimed at obtaining relevant information for solving social, political, economic and organizational problems. In the course of mastering the discipline "Methods of online research in sociology" the undergraduates acquire knowledge and skills of conducting independent sociological research online: from its initial idea to obtaining specific results.
  • • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Sociology

The main purpose of the discipline is to form a holistic view of the methodology of sociological research, the possibilities and prospects of using quantitative and qualitative research methods, the development of Practical skills of independent research activities in the field of sociology
Sociology and related social-humanitarian sciences.

  • • Sociology of Transformation Processes in a Transitional Society
The purpose of the discipline is to provide master's students with deep and systematized knowledge about the basic mechanisms and trends of modern transformation processes, to master practical experience of sociological study of transformation processes in a transitional society, to form research competencies.
  • • Social Study Design
Objectives of the discipline: to form a scientific understanding of the place and role of sociological research in the study of contemporary social processes, to master the methods and techniques of applied sociological research, to reveal the logic of the design of sociological research and the formation of appropriate practical skills.
  • • State Policy in Social Aspect

The subject area of the discipline includes general and specific regularities of the emergence, functioning and development of the system public administration. The object of study is public administration. The main objective - formation of deep scientific knowledge of modern problems of public administration.

  • • Modern Problems of Sociology

The main objective of the study is to provide undergraduate students with a holistic view of modernity and provide a theoretical understanding of fundamental social social processes and trends of modern social development, identifying the specifics of functioning of modern societies and their inherent social institutions.

  • •Modern Social Movement in the Countries of the West and East
The purpose of this discipline - to reveal the essence, place and role of social movements in social development in the XXI century. Achievement of this purpose involves solving a number of problems: - revealing basic theoretical-methodological and methodological approaches to the analysis of modern social movements in the countries of the West and the East; - comparative analysis of existing in the scientific literature points of view on the genesis of social movements; - substantial analysis of the essence of social movements; - identification of historical types of social movements, their characteristics, social base, ideology and psychology.
  • • Contemporary Social Research of Education
The objectives of the discipline - learning the basic categories and theoretical and methodological provisions of sociology of education as a branch of sociological science, the history of formation and development of sociology of education, the formation of theoretical ideas and practical skills of sociological research of education.

The main competencies that

the graduate will acquire

  • • To be able to apply methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, comparison, systematization, abstraction, modeling, data validation, decision making, etc.) in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.
    • To be able to independently develop their professional and general cultural potential, build a trajectory of professional development and career.
    • To be capable of scientific research and evaluation of social processes, including international cooperation.
    • Have the ability to understand and use the characteristics and mechanisms of social processes in a society in transition.
    • To have the ability to identify, research and solve social problems.

Options to continue education

(postgraduate specialties)

22.00.04 "Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes"
22.00.05 "Political Sociology"
22.00.08 "Sociology of Management"
Graduate certificate MASTER’S DEGREE DIPLOMA


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