Tuesday, 13 April 2021 18:21

Theory and Methods of Education and Upbringing (by fields and levels of education)


Theory and Methods of Education and Upbringing (by fields and levels of education)





1-08 80 02 Theory and Methods of Education and Upbringing (by fields and levels of education)
Profilization  Educational Management
Language of study  English
Mode of study  Full-time
Term of study  1 year
Entrance exams for foreign citizens 


(with an indication of the main disciplines studied)

Names of master’s degree students’ activities, cycles of  disciplines, disciplines Number of credits



  • • Academic writing

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to develop students of the second stage of education skills of structured presentation of their own ideas, the ability to create scientific and scientific-informational texts of various types, taking into account the specifics of academic discourse. The course is aimed at developing and improving the competencies in the field of written scientific communication, which provide a high level of master's training necessary for effective communication in the academic environment.

Tasks of the discipline:

1) study of the specifics, typology and types of academic writing;

2) review of effective communication technologies in the academic community;

3) formation of written scientific communication skills; mastering the principles and techniques of creating a scientific text in a number of its main modifications;

4) formation of skills for structuring academic papers, building scientific texts of various genres and sub-styles (scientific, educational, reference, popular science, etc.).);

5) mastering the practical skills of creating and editing a scientific text for publication (essay, article, analytical review, scientific report, abstract);

6) the formation of the ability to freely and argumentatively express thoughts on a scientific problem, observing the peculiarities of the academic tradition in a certain field of scientific activity in accordance with the profile of training.
  • • The technology of designing the author's methodological systems of teaching and upbringing

The discipline is included in the module "Methodological culture of the teacher" of the component of the higher education institution of the standard curriculum for the specialty. Purpose: formation of ideas about pedagogical design as a research activity, project culture of a specialist.


1). To expand the students ' knowledge about the essence, stages, forms, principles of pedagogical design, the specifics of the author's methodological systems of teaching and upbringing.

2). To form an idea about the psychological foundations of pedagogical design, about the components of the project culture of a specialist.

3). To promote the personal and professional growth of the future specialist, to increase the level of his competence by including him in the actual project activities.
  • • Technologies of personal and professional self-development of the teacher

This academic discipline is a component of higher education institutions and is a component of the module "Methodological culture of the teacher".

The purpose of the discipline is to form the instrumental competence of students of the second stage of higher education to implement personal and professional development through the development of technologies of personal and professional self-development of a teacher. The content of the program "Technologies of personal and professional self-development of a teacher" is aimed at solving the following tasks:

- awareness of their own limitations of personal and professional self-development and motivation of undergraduates for continuous personal and professional self-development;

- mastering the theoretical and applied foundations of personal and professional self-development; - master's students ' development of general norms of activity, various forms of work with the future;

- development of reflexive culture of undergraduates, development of abilities for self-organization and self-management on the basis of reflection.
  • • Designing an innovative educational environment

According to the standard curriculum of the specialty, the study of the academic discipline should ensure the formation of such a specialized competence of SK-3 among students as "to be able to develop mechanisms for creating an innovative information and educational environment in educational institutions".

Objective: to prepare students of the second stage of higher education to master the environmental approach as a modern methodological basis for building the educational process of an educational institution, to form a readiness to use the methodology of designing the educational environment in their professional activities.


- to form knowledge about the role of innovation in the practice of education;

- to reveal the essence and possibilities of the educational environment of the educational institution in the development of all subjects of education;

- to promote the development of students ' motivation to use the environmental approach in future teaching activities;

- to promote the development of the project culture of students of the first stage of higher education; - to promote the formation of skills and abilities necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities
  • • Designing a safe information and educational environment

At the present stage of the development of society, the information and educational space becomes one of the main indicators of the general culture of the individual. Educational institutions are designed to develop the ability to learn how to extract information, extract the necessary knowledge from it, and also contribute to the creation of a favorable information space. the purpose of the course is to develop a second-stage student in the field of information protection of schoolchildren. The course is related to the psychology, theory and methodology of educational work of schoolchildren, with pedagogical practice in an educational institution.

The aim is to study the theoretical foundations of designing a safe information and educational environment and to master the practical recommendations of working with schoolchildren on information security


- to form knowledge about the safety of human life associated with information resources;

- develop practical skills to work with information safely; - to study the methodology of working with schoolchildren on designing a safe environment in an educational institution;

- develop students ' critical thinking
  • • Innovative models of education abroad

The purpose of the discipline is to acquire theoretical knowledge about the models, directions and trends in the development of the education system abroad. In the context of the reform of the national education system, its integration into the world educational space, it is very important to study the modern foreign practice of education, to be able to analyze the processes in the educational sphere abroad. The growing internationalization of all aspects of society requires a constant analysis of the processes taking place in the educational sphere abroad, their correlation with the trends in the development of domestic education. Comparative pedagogy, accumulating knowledge about the trends in the development of foreign educational systems, allows you to better understand the priorities of domestic education, guide and predict its development. It provides a holistic view of the current problems of education and shows the possibilities of their solution. In recent years, the problems of comparative pedagogical research have been steadily expanding and becoming more closely associated with pedagogical practice. The practical orientation of research is a requirement that is presented in comparative pedagogy today.


a) formation of ideas about the directions and trends of development and improvement of educational models in foreign theory and practice;

b) ensuring deep and creative assimilation of knowledge of models of building systems of general secondary and higher education by students of the second stage of higher education;

c) mastering the principles of organizing scientific research abroad in the field of comparative studies;

d) formation of the ability to design the educational process in elementary schools in accordance with the achievements of the world scientific space.
  • • Management psychology in education

This discipline reveals the psychological aspects of management activity, characterizes the general principles and laws of management psychology, addresses the problems of activating the human factor in the organization, considers the psychological features of making effective management decisions in a situation of risk and uncertainty, changes in the psychological climate of the team, team management in conflict and stress. The discipline "Management Psychology in education" is related to the discipline "Strategic and Innovative Management", other disciplines of the management cycle.

The purpose of the discipline is to form students ' scientific knowledge about the theoretical and practical foundations of management psychology in the field of education.

Tasks of the discipline:

- describe the general principles and patterns of management psychology;

- to form psychological skills of activating the human factor in the organization;

- to study the psychological features of making effective management decisions in a situation of risk and uncertainty;

- to form knowledge of the actions of the manager to change the psychological climate of the team;

- develop the ability to manage a team in conditions of conflict and stress;

- teach the basics of effective time management.
  • • Legal and economic foundations of education

The discipline is a subject area of the cycle of humanities and socio-economic disciplines. The purpose of teaching the discipline is to reveal the normative legal and economic foundations of the functioning of the national education system of the Republic of Belarus.


1. To disclose the principles of state policy in the field of education.

2 To study the main normative legal documents regulating the organization of education, taking into account the requirements and provisions of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education.

3 To study the basics of economic support of the education system of the Republic of Belarus.

4 Develop the ability to use in their activities the normative legal acts in the organization of the educational process in a particular educational institution.

The main competencies that

the graduate will acquire

  • • Universal competence-1. Possess the methodology of scientific knowledge, be able to analyze and evaluate the content and level of philosophical and methodological problems in solving problems of research and innovation.
    • Universal competence-2. Be able to apply the methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, comparison, systematization, abstraction, modeling, data validation, decision-making, etc.) in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.
    • Universal competence-3. Be able to carry out pedagogical activities in educational institutions, master and implement effective educational and information and communication technologies, pedagogical innovations.
    • Universal competence-4. Be able to manage the team, ensuring a tolerant perception of social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences
    • MC-6 Have the skills to use modern information technologies to solve research and innovation tasks;
    • Specialized competence-1 To be able to analyze the professional and educational needs of teachers, to design methodological systems of training and education, taking into account training and education, taking into account the available opportunities of the educational and social environment;
    • Specialized competence-3 Be able to design intonation and educational environment, master and implement managerial innovations in professional activities;
    • Specialized competence-6 Be able to design the educational process in accordance with the achievements of the world scientific space, aimed at the development of the personality of the younger student
    • Specialized competence-8 Be able to design the educational process in accordance with modern scientific achievements, aimed at the development of the media-literate personality of the student;
    • In-depth professional competence-1. Be able to implement the results of research and innovation activities in the educational process.
    • In-depth professional competence-2. Be able to develop and implement new methodological models, methods, and technologies of teaching, taking into account domestic and foreign experience, and analyze the effectiveness of their use in the educational process.
    • In-depth professional competence-3. Be able to develop and implement programs of research and innovation activities of educational institutions, teachers, students

Options to continue education

(postgraduate specialties)

•13.00.01 – general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
Graduate certificate MASTER’S DEGREE DIPLOMA


Read 21680 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 January 2022 13:46
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