Thursday, 08 April 2021 16:35

Literature Studies


Literature Studies





1-21 80 10 Literature Studies
Language of study  English
Mode of study  Full-time
Term of study  1 year
Entrance exams for foreign citizens 


(with an indication of the main disciplines studied)

Names of master’s degree students’ activities, cycles of  disciplines, disciplines Number of credits



  • • Literary research methodology
The purpose of the course is to familiarize master’s students with the history of the development and the main historically established schools, their methodological principles and provisions, to give students an idea of the basic principles and systems of literary criticism. As a result, masters must acquire a solid knowledge of the structure, methods and achievements of one of the main philological specialties, which will prepare them for the choice of methodology in their own literary studies. Masters should get an idea of the history and content of the basic concepts used in literary studies, freely navigate the concepts and use them in the work on qualifying works of different levels.
  • • Actual problems of modern literary criticism 
The main goal of this discipline is to study the basic theories, concepts and key problems associated with the literary process, to deepen and generalize the knowledge gained by students in the study of the history of Russian, foreign literature, world art culture; contribute to the further development and improvement of literary competencies of students
  • • Poetics of literary text
The purpose of the discipline is to give the master’s students basic information about literary science, to introduce them into the world of theoretical knowledge about the essence and features of the creation of a literary work, about the laws of development of literature, the formation of its main genres and genres, methods and styles. Masters should get an idea of the history and content of the basic concepts used in literary studies, freely navigate the concepts and use them in the work on qualifying works of different levels. The main objectives of the discipline “Poetics of Literary Text” are to give the masters an idea of the poetics of a literary work, the peculiarities of its functioning, to learn to navigate in the categories of the artistic process and consciously approach the specifics of fiction.
  • • Textological analysis of a literary work
The purpose of the course is to master the techniques of textual analysis of texts intended for printing; acquaintance of master’s students with the history of Russian and domestic textual criticism, the main theoretical and textological concepts and categories in the context of a scientific discussion about the subject and goals of textual criticism as a discipline, which has a scientific and applied character. Tasks: to acquaint with the sources of the text of the works, the forms of their preservation; master the general techniques and methods of text processing; to study the essence of textual concepts; develop the skills of independent text analysis of the work; develop the skills of creating a concept for the publication; develop practical skills in preparing text for printing.
  • • World art of word in the Belarusian literary reception of the XX - XXI centuries
The program offers the study of the literary process on a broad theoretical basis: the historical movement and the problems of periodization of literature, the conditions for its emergence, reception and transformation, the typology of genres, styles and stable images, the peculiarities of poetics and creative evolution of the leading masters of the word, literary ties.
  • • Literary hero in the author’s text and metatextual space
The purpose of the discipline: comprehension of the world literary process in the broad context of culture, the formation of an idea of its integrity and continuity, of the relationship of philosophical, ethical and aesthetic ideas. The objectives of the discipline are reduced to the study of the concept of a literary hero in the author’s text and metatextual space.
  • • History and theory of poetry
The main goal of the course is to receive systematic poetry training for master’s philology students; deepening, expanding and concretizing the initial knowledge about the verse. Future literary scholars need to navigate freely in poetry culture. The main objectives of the course: formation of systemic ideas about concepts and terminology poetry, mastering the principles of constructing poetic works, their pictorial and expressive specifics; mastery specific verse-study apparatus for analyzing poetic works.
  • • Poetics of Drama
The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize students with the key concepts and categories of drama studies, with the main methods and techniques for analyzing a dramatic work, as well as developing students’ skills for a holistic analysis of dramatic texts in connection with their generic and genre specifics; analysis of the poetics of the genre of the novel and its development in the literature of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the New Age, literature of the 18th–20th centuries.
  • • Networking in the context of mythological, folklore and literary tradition
Purpose: to comprehend the process of formation and evolution of networking in all the diversity of its genre forms, varieties and modifications, to determine the dominant features of the most significant genres and forms in the Internet content array in the context of literary, folklore and mythological traditions. Objectives: 1) to study the genre composition and artistic specificity of genres of networking, including in a comparative aspect with traditional fiction and folklore; 2) outline the features of the typology and poetics of networking in the context of literary, folklore and mythological traditions; 3) to show the world tradition of works of network literature and its influence on the Belarusian network literature; 4) to acquaint students with the social and legal aspects of networking.
  • • Literature in modern media space and advertising
The aim of the course “Literature in the modern media space and advertising” is the study of the modern literary process in the paradigm of media culture. In the process of mastering the discipline, special attention is paid to the study of the main categories of the theory of literature, the formation of ideas about the relationship of literary and media texts and their mutual influence, as well as about modern literary forms and genres. Consideration of the literary text is carried out in the range of intermediate links (cinema, media, advertising) both from the point of view of theory (interaction of arts, their interchange and mutual enrichment), and from the point of view of a comparative analysis of the material (adaptation of a literary work in the process of transposition into the language of another art).
  • • Literary translation and intercultural communication
The goal of the discipline is the formation of a person who has translation competence and is able to adequately and successfully communicate with representatives of the target linguistic culture. Objectives of the course: development of the ability to correctly interpret specific manifestations of communicative behavior in different cultures; the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities both in the aspect of the actual translation activity, and in related aspects; mastering the main types of translation techniques and methods of achieving equivalence in translation from the point of view of intercultural communication; solving problems in a situation of intercultural misunderstanding.
  • • Literature in the context of culture
The tasks of the discipline are reduced to developing an idea of the place of world literature and art in the system of world culture; studying the patterns of development of literature and its most significant phenomena; analysis of the main genres and their development in the literature of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the New Age, literature of the 18th–20th centuries; mastering the originality of each stage of the formation of both the art of words, the art of form and color, sound and plastic. The objectives of the course include acquisition with scientific and critical material on the issues of world literature, mastering scientific terminology and the basics of literary analysis of works of art.
  • • Literature and Music. Literature and painting.
The goal is to identify associative connections between musical and literary images as artistic ones and to clarify the role of music for expressing and decoding the idea of a work; to define the phenomenon of the writer’s musical and poetic idiostyle. Objectives: 1) to identify the features of the concept of “music” in literary works (texts); to analyze the connection between the concepts “music” and “emotions”, “feelings” (lyrics and epic); 2) to analyze the musical and poetic discourse in syncretic works (songs, romances, rock operas, etc.) 3) to present the musical and poetic discourse in Russian and Belarusian poetry of the 19th–20th centuries.
  • • Course work
The main task of the course work is the formation of the ability of independent scientific research to study a given topic, including the development of the skills to find the necessary information from various sources, the application of various scientific research methods in practice, the improvement of the skills of formulating the subject, goals, objectives and conclusions of scientific research.

The main competencies that

the graduate will acquire

  • In the process of training, a master’s student gets an idea of fiction as a cultural phenomenon, studies the laws of the development of literature based on the latest achievements in the field of literary theory (method, direction, genre, style, tradition, innovation, etc.); expands the study of modern domestic and foreign concepts of theoretical literary criticism; interaction and mutual influence of literatures; masters the methodology and practice of research activities in the field of literary criticism

Options to continue education

(postgraduate specialties)

10.01.08 Theory of Literature. Textology 
Graduate certificate MASTER’S DEGREE DIPLOMA


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