Wednesday, 08 May 2024 09:35

Primary education

Primary education


of pedagogics


6-05-0112-02 Primary education



Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 4years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Personal and professional development of a specialist

Business Communication Workshop

Pedagogical ethics and etiquette

Technologies of developing education

Formation of a bilingual educational environment

Technologies of educational practices

Technologies of the classroom teacher's work

Fundamentals of practical work of a teacher

Fundamentals of management activities at school

General and special technologies in education

Pedagogical diagnostics

Design of teaching materials

Designing training sessions in the information and educational environment

Preparing children for school

Educational activity of a modern teacher

Working with students with different educational opportunities

Working with students of the "risk group"

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Solve standard tasks of professional activity based on the use of information and communication technologies

Possess a modern culture of thinking, a humanistic worldview, an analytical and innovative-critical style of cognitive, socio-practical and communicative activities

Have the ability to develop and implement methods and technologies of self-organization and self-education, design the trajectories of their professional growth and personal development, consciously carry out

pedagogical work with children in a family environment in different types of activities

Be guided by regulatory legal acts in the field of education, develop educational and program documentation, work with various types of educational institution documents

Design the learning process, set educational goals, select the content of educational material, methods and technologies based on the knowledge system in the field of theory and methodology of pedagogical activity

Design the process of education, select methods, forms, technologies that correspond to educational goals and objectives, taking into account the orientation of the personality of students and the priorities of educational work

Carry out the processes of teaching and upbringing on a reflexive basis, to use a system of means of monitoring and evaluating educational achievements and the process of educating students

Area of future professional occupation

Educational institutions



Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Read 3391 times Last modified on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 19:25
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