Tuesday, 21 May 2024 09:54

Educational management

Educational management


of pedagogics


7-06-0114-02 Educational management

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1year

Main subjects studied

Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research

Pedagogical experiment in modern socio-cultural conditions

Modern management concepts

Innovations in higher education

Managing the educational process in a digital environment

Organizational culture of educational management

Educational Marketing

Management of innovative projects in an educational institution

Communicative models and technologies of influence

Network management technologies

Technologies of personal and professional self-development of a manager

Psychology of management in education

Fundamentals of management decision-making

Philosophy and methodology of science

Fundamentals of information technology

Foreign language

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Possess the methodology of scientific knowledge, be able to analyze and evaluate the content and level of philosophical and methodological problems. Be able to carry out pedagogical activities in educational institutions.

Be proficient in a foreign language for communication in an interdisciplinary and scientific environment, in various forms of international cooperation, research and innovation activities

Have the skills to use modern information technologies to solve research and innovation tasks

Be able to analyze the professional and educational needs of teachers, design methodological systems of teaching and upbringing, taking into account the available opportunities of the educational and social environment

Area of future professional occupation

Educational institutions

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Interview in academic disciplines
Read 2368 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 May 2024 09:54
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