of engineering
7-06-0732-01 «Construction Enginnering»
Academic degree
Duration of study
Full-time – 2 years
Language of study
Russian, English
Main subjects studied
- Theory and practice of ensuring reliability, safety and durability of structures, buildings and structures
- Innovative methods and technologies in the design of building structures of buildings
- Innovative methods and technologies in the organization, construction and manufacture of building structures of buildings
- Computer-aided design and modeling
- Experiment planning and statistical processing of experimental data
- Management culture and psychology of business communication
Main competencies that the graduate will have
- to use innovative methods and technologies in the design, organization, construction and manufacture of building structures of buildings and structures, the foundations of industrial and civil buildings;
- use modern instrumentation and promising methods of non-destructive testing for monitoring and diagnostics of the condition of construction products, structures, buildings and structures;
- use modern software systems for design, 3D modeling, development of information models of industrial and civil facilities, use the knowledge gained to solve practical, research and innovation tasks;
- apply knowledge of the organization of design and survey and production activities to solve professional tasks
Area of future professional occupation
- activities in the field of architecture, engineering surveys, technical tests and analysis;
- higher education;
- research and development;
- building construction;
- civil engineering;
- special construction works;
Entrance tests
- INTERVIEW to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction (Russian, English);
- INTERVIEW in academic disciplines: architecture; construction mechanics; building materials science;