Monday, 14 August 2023 12:13

Music education

Music education


of arts and design


6-05-0113-07 Music education



Academic degree



 Art (national and world art culture)

Duration of study

Full-time – 4 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Vocalism (ind.); Conducting (ind.); History of Musical Art; Methods of Musical education; World Art culture; Musical and pedagogical design; Musical instrument (ind.); Pedagogy and Psychology; Theory of Musical Art; Choral studies; Choral class

Main competencies that the graduate will have

1. Perform technically accurately and expressively highly artistic instrumental, vocal, vocal-choral pieces of classical (Russian, foreign), folk and modern music of various genres, styles accessible to the perception of primary and secondary school students in the forms of solo, ensemble and choral performance

2. Design the learning process, adapt the content of educational material, methods and technologies in the field of vocal-choral and musical-instrumental training in accordance with the motives and styles of educational activity, the level of formation of personal, meta-subject and subject competencies of students

3. Implement actual educational programs on art in practice, modernize the pedagogical process in accordance with modern trends in the humanities,  apply variable forms and methods of aesthetic development in a poly-artistic and multicultural environment

4. Design goals, objectives, content, select forms, methods of musical education and types of musical activity in institutions of general secondary and additional education

Area of future professional occupation

Education, art, culture, science (music teachers in secondary schools, schools with a musical bias, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction
  • • Additional interview in the discipline "Creativity"
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