Wednesday, 23 August 2023 14:50

Economic Law

Economic Law


of law

Код и наименование специальности

6-05-0421-03 Economic Law






Criminal and legal protection of economic security;
 Legal regulation of commercial activity

Продолжительность обучения

Full-time– 4 years

Язык обучения


Основные изучаемые дисциплины

Administrative Law; Administrative-Tort and Procedural-Executive Law; Labor Law; Criminal Law; Qualification of Economic Crimes; Economic Theory; Civil Law; Civil Procedure; Criminal Procedure; Financial Law; Finance and Financial Market; Tax Law; Economic Law; Social Security Law; Medical Law; Enforcement Proceedings; Economic Process; Advocacy and advocacy; Economic analysis of law; Monetary and Banking law; Legal regulation of foreign economic activity; International economic law; National economic security law; Qualification of crimes against property and the procedure for carrying out economic activity; Qualification of crimes; Crimes against Information Security; Workshop on drafting criminal procedural documents; Organization and planning of investigative activities; Corruption risks in the field of economic activity; Investigation of crimes against the procedure for carrying out economic activity; Alternative ways of considering cases; Workshop on drafting procedural documents; Peculiarities of consideration by courts of certain categories of civil and economic cases; Workshop on drafting civil legal documents

Основные компетенции, которыми будет обладать выпускник

- analysis of legal norms and legal relations that are objects of professional activity;

- drafting of legal documents;

- collection and analysis of regulatory, economic and factual information relevant to the implementation of legal norms in the relevant areas of professional activity;

- analysis of legal practice;

- making decisions within the scope of official duties, performing actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

Сфера будущей  профессиональной деятельности

Economic sphere of activity (public administration, internal affairs bodies, prosecutor's office, economic courts, notary, bar), enterprises of various forms of ownership

Вступительные испытания

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Read 4095 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 August 2023 14:54
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