Thursday, 26 May 2016 15:00

Software of Information Technology


Information Technology Software





Software engineer

Duration of training

4 years

Training language


Basic subjects



Foreign language

Basics of algorithms and programming 

Basics of business and law in information technologies

Basics of information security (including module "Basics of Intellectual Property Management”)


Computer systems and networks

Software dependability

Object-oriented programming technologies and design standards

Operating systems and system programming

Programming languages

Further Mathematics 

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 

Discrete Mathematics 

Information theory 

Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics 

Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management 

Organization of the production and enterprise management  

Enterprise economy 

Basis of algorithms and programming 

Programming languages 

Markup languages 

Computer graphics 

Organization and operation of computer systems 

Computer systems and networks 

Software engineering techniques 

Internet-programming languages and technologies 

Development of platform-independent applications 

Modern technologies of web-based application development 

Modern technologies of Internet-systems development

Basic professional competence of the graduate

Good command of a modern technology of domain analysis and development of functional and non-functional requirements to create systems and software

Programming at the professional level, taking into account the resources and capabilities of a particular computer, the standard requirements, the project constraints

Using automated tools for software development

Management of the processes of software life cycle

Knowledge of the information security issues

Knowledge of computer methods of data collection, storage and processing of information in the field of the occupation

Knowledge of methods of efficient operation of software

Computer systems and networks administration

Computer systems and networks configuration for specific tasks of a certain number of users

Assessment of software quality

Sphere of occupation

IT companies, which are engaged in the development of software products, enterprises and organizations for which operational support of the software, computer systems and networks, databases and knowledge, systems of artificial intelligence, publishing and banking systems are necessary


Read 4260 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 August 2016 10:43
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