Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology signed an agreement on joint educational programs

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka and Vice-rector for Work with Enterprises and higher educational Institutions of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Anvar Shernaev signed an agreement on the joint implementation of bachelor's degree programs in two areas of study: "Biotechnology" and "Management".

This strategic cooperation opens up new opportunities for students of both universities to receive education in relevant and demanded specialties in the labor market. Joint programs provide for the exchange of best teaching practices, as well as the possibility of internships and training at a partner university.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology have been cooperating fruitfully for several years. The initiative to establish a partnership was proposed by the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in February 2021. In March of the same year, YKSUG residents visited the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology as part of participation in the 8th meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Bilateral Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the meeting with the management of the Institute, an agreement on international cooperation was signed.

The parties agreed to cooperate in several areas, including the design and implementation of joint educational programs for training specialists with higher education of I and II levels, student exchange, joint scientific research, implementation of international projects and other areas of mutual interest.

This partnership reflects the desire of universities to improve the quality of education, expand the geography of educational opportunities for students and strengthen international relations. Both universities are looking forward to implementing joint educational programs.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka takes part in the forum of rectors of leading universities of Belarus and China

More than 40 rectors of Chinese and Belarusian universities became participants of a massive international meeting, which is taking place in Minsk. The event discusses the issues of developing cooperation between the higher education institutions of the two countries.

The plenary session of the forum was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong, Minister of Education of Belarus Andrei Ivanets, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Hao Ping.

The participants discussed topical issues in the field of scientific prospective research and implementation of innovative teaching methods to train competitive and professional specialists in the current globalization environment. The discussion was held within the framework of the sections "Innovative Models of Cooperation between Universities of China and Belarus" and "Sino-Belarusian Cooperation in Basic Sciences".

Also within the framework of the forum there was a presentation of the Initiative on China-Belarus Cooperation in Basic Scientific Research. Participation in this forum opens new opportunities for expanding international relations of YKSUG and increasing its competitiveness in the global market of educational services. Within the framework of the forum, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka met with Rector of Lanzhou University Wang Cheng. The parties discussed the prospects of cooperation vectors.

The Forum of Rectors of Leading Universities of Belarus and China became an excellent platform for multilateral and bilateral educational and scientific dialogue between Belarusian and Chinese universities.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka takes part in the forum of rectors of the leading universities of Belarus and China

More than 40 rectors of Chinese and Belarusian universities took part in the large-scale international meeting, which is taking place in Minsk. The event discusses the development of cooperation between higher education institutions of the two countries.

The plenary session of the forum was attended by Xie Xiaoyong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Belarus, Andrei Ivanets, Minister of Education of Belarus, and Hao Ping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University.

The participants discussed topical issues in the field of advanced scientific research and the introduction of innovative teaching methods to train competitive and professional specialists in the context of current globalization. This was discussed within the framework of the sections "Innovative models of cooperation between universities of China and Belarus" and "Chinese-Belarusian cooperation in the field of fundamental sciences".

The forum also hosted a presentation of the Initiative on Chinese-Belarusian cooperation in the field of basic scientific research. Participation in this forum opens up new opportunities for expanding international relations of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and increasing its competitiveness in the global market of educational services. Within the framework of the forum, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka met with Rector of Lanzhou University Wang Cheng. The parties discussed the prospects and vectors of cooperation.

The Forum of Rectors of the leading universities of Belarus and China has become an excellent platform for multilateral and bilateral educational and scientific cooperation between Belarusian and Chinese universities.

Professor of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno gave lectures for international students

Igor Martynenko gave a lecture for students of the Ural State University of Economics. The lesson highlighted the main legislative means of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus.

As part of the lecture, a comparative analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and Russian legislation in this area was carried out, the pros and cons of the main forms of protection in these states were analyzed.

Particular attention was paid to the adoption in Belarus of the Code of Civil Procedure, which establishes uniform rules for the consideration of civil and economic cases in courts. It establishes unified rules for the consideration of cases arising from both civil and economic disputes.

In order to ensure proper protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and entrepreneurs, it is envisaged that all courts will review court decisions in three instances: appeal, cassation and supervision. The use of out-of-court dispute resolution methods is also expanding: mediation, conciliation procedure.

During a lively discussion with the professor, the students assessed the effectiveness of legislative innovations in Belarus and noted that they can serve as an example for the Russian legislative system.


The distribution of graduate students took place at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

On June 21, 2024, a meeting of the commission on the recruitment of graduate students of the third year of the full-time budgetary form of education at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was held.

The commission for the recruitment of graduate students is headed by the rector of the University Irina Kiturko. The meeting of the commission was attended by graduate students and their supervisors.

According to the results of the commission's work, 10 graduate students were distributed, three of them were sent to teaching positions at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, six to outside organizations of the city of Grodno, one person to the educational institution of the Grodno region. Nine young researchers are studying in the humanities branch of science and 1 in the natural sciences branch of science.

The Rector congratulated the graduates on the final stage of their postgraduate studies, wished them a speedy completion of their dissertation research and successful defense of their dissertations.

YKSUG students are laureates of the XXX Republican contest of scientific works of students

On June 19, the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics hosted the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the XXX Republican Contest of scientific works of students.

Among the awarded laureates of the competition are 2 YKSUG students: Victoria Shpilevskaya, graduate of the Master's degree in 2024 from the Faculty of Biology and Ecology (scientific work – "Biocenosis of activated sludge in the conditions of modeling the technological regime of a pilot industrial plant for industrial wastewater treatment", scientific supervisor – Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology Galina Gennadievna Yukhnevich) and Egor Rozmysl, 4th year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism (scientific work "Development of strategy and tactics of the Army of the Roman Empire in the wars of the Macedonian Dynasty (867-1056)", scientific supervisor – Associate Professor of the Department of Universal and Slavic History Gennady Vladimirovich Vasyuk).

Svetlana Adamovich, Head of the Department of Translation and Intercultural Communication at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for the training of 3 students (Victoria Leshkevich, Victoria Savasteeva, Angelina Sanyuk), whose scientific works were awarded the first category of this competition.

At the award ceremony of the laureates of the Competition, employees of higher education institutions who made a significant contribution to the development of creative abilities of talented youth and supervised the work of students who received the title of laureate of the competition or authors of scientific works of the first category were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

Kupala residents were awarded at the NTS

On June 18, a regular meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was held.

Prior to the meeting of the NTS, Vice–Rector for Scientific Work Natalia Bashun presented Honorary diplomas of the Student Scientific Society of the University for special achievements in scientific activity to graduates of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno - Anastasia Nosko and Egor Rozmysl.

In addition, diplomas of the first and second categories were awarded to the winners of the Personal Competition of Research students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in the nominations "Humanities" and "Natural Sciences" - Alexandra Budko, Egor Rozmysl, Ekaterina Stanislavovich and Anna Muzyka.

During the work of the Scientific and Technical Council, a report was heard by the chairman of the SS Ulyana Kotlyar, during which an active discussion took place on the issue of measures to stimulate the research work of students. Based on the results of the discussion, proposals were made on some criteria of the student rating in the field of research activities.

Much attention was also paid to the report of Andrei Herman, the scientific director of the research carried out within the framework of a grant funded by the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for Innovative Development Fund. The discussion of the alcohol vapor concentration meter "AlcoTarget", developed in the course of this work, caused a lively discussion among those present, the scientific supervisor received a large number of questions, to which detailed answers were received.

Also, during the work of the council, reports were heard from Alexander Vasilevich, director of RUE "UNPC "Technolab" and Elena Opekun, head of the Technology Transfer Center, on the results of the activities of the subjects of the university's innovation infrastructure for the second quarter of 2024.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is the second among Belarusian universities in the "THE University Impact Rankings 2024" ranking

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took the second position among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus in the rating "THE University Impact Rankings 2024".

THE University Impact Rankings is one of the largest studies that make up THE (Times Higher Education) ranking. It has been operating since 2019 and is designed to assess the degree to which universities have achieved the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno ranks 1001st out of 1,500 in the world Impact Rankings 2024, the second place among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.

Congratulations to the whole YKSUG family on a great achievement.

For reference: The Impact Rankings 2024 includes 2,152 universities from 125 countries (2023 – 1,591 from 112 countries; in 2022 – 1,406 HEIs from 106 countries, in 2021 – 1,117 from 94 countries).

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings is the only global performance rating in which universities are evaluated according to the Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter – SDGs) The United Nations.

Fruitful work continues at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno with representatives of Xinjiang Pedagogical University

On Wednesday, June 12, the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno received an official visit from a partner delegation of Xinjiang Pedagogical University.

During the meeting, Dean of the Faculty Viktor Belozorovich presented the retrospective exhibition "Faculty yesterday, today, tomorrow", as well as the exhibition "Archeology", where he presented scientific research by faculty staff and students.

Then Svetlana Adamovich, Head of the Department of Intercultural Communication Translation, Head of the Confucius Cabinet, told the partners about studying Chinese language and culture at the faculty and at the university.

Students of the specialty "Linguistic support of intercultural communication", in turn, presented the results of their internships in China and presented the cultural program of the foreign delegation.

In-depth acquaintance of foreign colleagues of the partner university with the structural units of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno allows for improved interaction and promotes cultural exchange in the field of education.

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