A meeting with representatives of the Tajik International University of Foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulugzod took place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The meeting took place in an online format. The participants gathered to discuss the vectors of cooperation and find common ground. The parties are interested in scientific research and internships, advanced training of the teaching staff in areas of mutual interest, exchange of students, undergraduates, postgraduates.

UKSUG residents presented the educational and scientific potential of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, told about the main areas of work and the strategy of advanced development. Tajik colleagues, in turn, talked about how their university lives and what opportunities they can provide to students.

By the way, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno cooperates with 9 universities of the Republic of Tajikistan within the framework of cooperation agreements.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management spoke at the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Azerbaijan)

Marina Karpitskaya, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "International Transport and Logistics Corridor: development impulses from Zangilan". The conference is organized by the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan.

The initiators of the scientific forum were the Director General of the Institute of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Nazim Muzaffar oglu Imanov, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Azer Murshudovich Safarov, who made a significant contribution to the development of the economy of Azerbaijan, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan.

The International Scientific and Practical Conference was attended by representatives of more than 15 countries from various ministries and departments: the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Digital Economy, State Customs Committees and Tax Authorities, as well as scientists from different countries.

The conference discussed issues related to the impact of international transport corridors on economic development in the Eurasian continent, the opening of the Zangezur corridor and its integration into existing transport systems, the development and digitalization of these systems, and the problems of introducing innovative customs mechanisms in countries along the corridor.

The integrated approaches of the North−South TNC countries and other corridors in the framework of the development of multimodal transportation, customs declaration, digitalization of processes, settlement systems, and risk neutralization are considered.

For the Republic of Belarus, the search for new logistics vectors is the most important task when selling products for export to the countries of the East, Africa, etc. Therefore, in her speeches, Marina Karpitskaya shared scientific approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the country's transport industry in the context of the sanctions situation to the formation of risk assessment and insurance mechanisms.

Within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, participants were able to get acquainted with the development of Azerbaijan's transport and social infrastructure, visit a modern "smart village", as well as appreciate the oriental flavor and modern architecture of Baku.

Features of cybercrimes discussed at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The interuniversity meeting of student scientific circles, held on the basis of the Faculty of Law, brought together 5 higher educational institutions from 4 countries. The topic of the meeting: "Features of the detection and investigation of cybercrimes in the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan".

The initiator and organizer of this meeting was the Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno under the guidance of senior lecturer of the Department Valery Kozel.

Avak Vartanyan, Deputy Dean for Research at the Yanka Kupala State University of Law, and Rimma Klyuchko, Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, made welcoming remarks. The moderators of the interuniversity meeting were Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Candidate of Law Grigory Tretyakov and senior lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Valeria Kozel.

Welcoming remarks were also made by representatives of the teaching staff of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Tashkent State Law University, St. Petersburg Institute (branch) The University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.

University students made presentations in which the specifics of cybercrimes were revealed. Scientists examined various aspects of such offenses and talked about how to protect themselves from cyber attacks.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno residents took part and became prize-winners in the XXVIII International Student Competition for the best packaging design "Clockwork Orange"

Students of the Faculty of Arts and Design of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the XXVIII International Student Competition for the best packaging design "Clockwork Orange".

This year, about 300 works from 30 universities and colleges in Russia and Belarus, as well as from universities in Armenia, were submitted for the competition.

The XXVIII International Student Competition for the best packaging design "Clockwork Orange" has secured the status of a sought-after and authoritative project that allows identifying creative, talented young people.

The purpose of the competition is to encourage students to develop their own skills in the field of design and packaging design, the application of theoretical knowledge by students in practice, as well as assistance to enterprises operating in the real sector of the economy, the search for new ideas, support the development of new specialties in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, attracting young people to research work.

The 4th year student of the specialty "Fine Arts and computer graphics" Alexey Bolvan took the 3rd place in the nomination "Packaging for perfumery and cosmetic purposes" with the development of the design of a series of packaging for decorative cosmetics "Luxvisage". Elena Leshchinskaya, senior lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts, became the head of the project.

Maria Zhgun and Alexandra Kablukovich, students of the specialty "Design (in areas)", became diploma holders. The heads of student projects are Associate Professor of the Department of Design Igor Demkovsky and senior lecturer of the Department of Design Alexander Bondar.

The winners were awarded bronze, silver and gold awards of the competition. The participants of the meeting received an illustrated catalog of the "Clockwork Orange" contest.

The Faculty of Economics and Management hosted the international school "FinTechSchool: sustainable development of the region in the context of digitalization"

From November 20 to 25, the international school "FinTechSchool: sustainable development of the region in the context of digitalization" was held at the Faculty of Economics and Management within the framework of cooperation between the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Irkutsk State University.

The participants of the international school were students of the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics of Irkutsk State University and students of Lyceum No. 1 in Irkutsk (Russian Federation).

The organizer of the international school was the Department of Finance and Accounting of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The school's program is aimed at acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of financial and legal literacy in the digital economy, the formation of competencies in the organization and conduct of entrepreneurial activities.

Within the framework of the school, the students got acquainted with the economic potential of the Grodno region, discussed the role and importance of financial and legal literacy and economic culture in the field of modern entrepreneurship, got acquainted with the peculiarities of the digital transformation of the financial sector, the development of financial products, services and processes based on the use of modern information technologies. At the field practical classes held at the site of JSC Belagroprombank, the participants of the school got acquainted with digital products in the financial sector.

The audience was very interested in the project activity on the topic "New ideas for startups. Creation and development of their own business", during which the participants prepared and defended their projects.

Within the framework of the FinTechSchool international school, on November 22, the GrSU − MIEL IGU teleconference "Development of the socio-cultural environment of the University as the basis for the formation of sustainable development of the region" took place. During the live broadcast, Marina Karpitskaya, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, discussed with the leadership of Irkutsk State University the prospects for further cooperation and a joint educational program for advanced higher education in Economics. Representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Management answered questions from potential applicants and students of Irkutsk State University.

On November 24, the students of the school became participants in a dialogue platform with representatives of the NGO "BRSM", NGO "BSZH" on issues of support for youth initiatives in the field of entrepreneurship, the development of public associations, the role of youth in the socio-economic development of the Union State.

The participants of the school visited the museum of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, got acquainted with the tourist potential of the Grodno region, visited the exposition "Grodno Fortress − Partisan camp" in the agrotouristic complex "Garadzenski maentak "Karobchytsy". The audience received great satisfaction from visiting the Ozerny sanatorium, the opportunity to combine sports and participation in intellectual and creative activities.

At the closing of the international school, Lyudmila Tarasova, Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, handing over certificates of participants and souvenirs to the students, noted that holding such joint scientific international schools allows you to gain innovative knowledge in scientific activities, which is a significant contribution to further cooperation between countries and ensures access to quality education for young people.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno residents took part and became prize-winners in the XXVIII International Student competition for the best packaging design "Clockwork Orange"

Students of the Faculty of Arts and Design of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the XXVIII International Student Competition for the best packaging design "Clockwork Orange".

This year, about 300 works from 30 universities and colleges in Russia and Belarus, as well as from universities in Armenia, were submitted for the competition.

The XXVIII International Student Competition for the best packaging design "Clockwork Orange" has secured the status of a sought-after and authoritative project that allows identifying creative, talented young people.

The aim of the competition is to encourage students to develop their own skills in the field of design and packaging design, the application of theoretical knowledge by students in practice, as well as assistance to enterprises operating in the real sector of the economy, search for new ideas, support the development of new specialties in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, attracting young people to research work.

The 4th year student of the specialty "Fine arts and computer graphics" Alexey Bolvan took the 3rd place in the nomination "Packaging for perfumery and cosmetic purposes" with the development of the design of a series of packaging for decorative cosmetics "Luxvisage". Elena Leshchinskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts, became the project manager.

Maria Zhgun and Alexandra Kablukovich, students of the specialty "Design (in directions)", became diploma holders. The heads of student projects are Associate Professor of the Department of Design Igor Demkovsky and senior lecturer of the Department of Design Alexander Bondar.

The winners were awarded bronze, silver and gold awards of the competition. The participants of the meeting received an illustrated catalog of the "Clockwork Orange" contest.

The Faculty of Economics and Management hosted the international school "FinTechSchool: Sustainable development of the region in the context of digitalization"

From November 20 to 25 on the basis of the Faculty of Economics and Management in the framework of cooperation between the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Irkutsk State University hosted the international school "FinTechSchool: Sustainable development of the region in the context of digitalization".

The participants of the international school were students of the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics of Irkutsk State University and students of Lyceum No. 1 of Irkutsk (Russian Federation).

The organizer of the international school was the Department of Finance and Accounting of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The school's program is aimed at acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of financial and legal literacy in the digital economy, the formation of competencies for the organization and conduct of entrepreneurial activity.

Within the framework of the school, the students got acquainted with the economic potential of the Grodno region, discussed the role and importance of financial and legal literacy and economic culture in the field of modern entrepreneurship, got acquainted with the peculiarities of the digital transformation of the financial sector, the development of financial products, services and processes based on the use of modern information technologies. At the field practical classes held at the site of JSC "Belagroprombank", the participants of the school got acquainted with digital products in the financial sector.

The audience was very interested in the project activity on the topic "New ideas for startups. Creation and development of their own business", during which the participants prepared and defended their projects.

Within the framework of the FinTechSchool international school, on November 22, the GrSU − MIEL IGU teleconference "Development of the socio-cultural environment of the university as a basis for the formation of sustainable development of the region" took place. During the live broadcast, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Marina Karpitskaya discussed with the leadership of Irkutsk State University the prospects for further cooperation and a joint educational program of advanced higher education in the specialty "Economics". Representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Management answered the questions of potential applicants and students of Irkutsk State University.

On November 24, the students of the school became participants of a dialogue platform with representatives of the NGO "BRSM", NGO "BSZH" on issues of support for youth initiatives in the field of entrepreneurship, the development of public associations, the role of youth in the socio-economic development of the Union State.

The participants of the school visited the museum of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, got acquainted with the tourist potential of the Grodno region, visited the exhibition "Grodno Fortress − Partisan camp" in the agrotouristic complex "Garadzenski maentak "Karobchytsy". The listeners received great satisfaction from visiting the Ozerny sanatorium, the opportunity to combine sports and participation in intellectual and creative activities.

At the closing of the international school, the head of the Department of Finance and Accounting Lyudmila Tarasova, presenting the participants with certificates of participants and souvenirs, noted that holding such joint scientific international schools allows you to gain innovative knowledge in scientific activities, which is a significant contribution to further cooperation between countries and ensures the availability of quality education for young people

Kupalovtsy became prize-winners of the International student competition of local history mathematical problems

Students of the 3rd year of the Pedagogical Faculty under the guidance of Svetlana Gadzova, senior lecturer of the Department of Natural Sciences and Linguistic Disciplines and methods of Teaching them, took part in the IV International Student Competition of local history mathematical problems for younger schoolchildren among students of the specialty "Primary Education" at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.

Following the results of participation in the competition, 3rd-year students of the specialty "Primary Education" of the pedagogical faculty Anelia Zamana, Yulia Lyskovka, Anastasia Lyakh and Margarita Maleeva were awarded a diploma of the II degree in the nomination "History of my region".

The competition was aimed at increasing students' interest in the traditions, culture and history of their native land, the development of research, local history, ethnographic activities during the compilation of local history tasks. Also, the pedagogical competition promotes the education of a patriotic attitude to their small homeland and a careful attitude to its historical and cultural heritage, as well as the identification, development and support of students who show aptitudes and abilities for the methodology of mathematics and its study.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno residents became participants of the international forum "Bridges of Friendship"

From November 16 to 19, the educational platform brought together 600 participants – representatives of universities and schools of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

The forum "Bridges of Friendship" was held at the Pskov State University.

Vice-Rector for Educational Work Vasily Senko, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management Yegor Bukhgorovsky and 3rd year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Ksenia Kachan took part in the event as part of the Belarusian delegation from Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The educational track of the forum included lectures, project seminars, interactive sessions and training sessions conducted by federal experts, representatives of Rosmolodezh, Rossotrudnichestvo, the Gorchakov Foundation.

Within the framework of the forum, the prospects for the dialogue of the youth of the Union State were discussed. The participants developed joint projects aimed at strengthening friendly international relations.

The key event of the expert track of the forum was the signing of the consortium agreement "TOGETHER".

The consortium was created on the basis of Pskov State University in March this year as part of the strategic project of Pskov State University "Russian-Belarusian University Union "TOGETHER" academic leadership program "Priority-2030" of the national project "Science and Universities" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, employees of departments responsible for youth policy in the territory of the Union State, vice-rectors of higher educational institutions of the two countries, including Vice-Rector for Educational Work of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Vasily Senko.

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