Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted the presentation of certificates to participants of the Summer School of the Russian Language

For two weeks, foreign guests from China, Italy, New Zealand and Poland studied Russian. On Friday, August 11, a solemn ceremony of awarding certificates took place.

Before handing certificates to the participants, the organizers prepared an interactive program, thanks to which they summed up the results of the Summer School of the Russian Language. After summing up the results, the participants were awarded personal certificates of the Summer School of the Russian Language.

Students Dominik Szczepanyak from Poland, Christian Ecker from Italy, Ker Han Woon from New Zealand, Jinjun Shuai and Liang Zhao from China thanked the teachers and expressed their desire to become participants of the school in 2024.

Each student of the Summer School not only fully immersed himself in the educational process, but also gained invaluable experience. Learning Russian is an important and useful skill for foreigners. Russian is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is used as a second language in many countries.

Russian is the main advantage of learning the Russian language is the opportunity to communicate with more than 250 million native speakers of Russian around the world. This makes Russian useful for those who work in international companies or plan to travel to other countries.

It is worth noting that the Summer School was established in 2014 on the basis of the Faculty of Pre-university Training and the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Linguistic Disciplines (as the department was originally called). The project was headed by the associate professor of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education of the Faculty of Pre-university Training Inna Samoilova.

The organizer of the courses was the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-university Education of the Faculty of Pre-university Training.

Kupala students among the winners at the II Games of the CIS countries

Athletes from Kupala continue to delight with the results at the II Games of the CIS countries. This time Yaroslav Iodkovsky won the bronze, and Elizaveta Tsydik won the gold.

Yaroslav Iodkovsky, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, won a bronze medal in freestyle wrestling in the 92 kg weight category.

Freestyle wrestling requires endurance, strength and flexibility from an athlete, which leads to an improvement in overall physical fitness. This sport helps to develop coordination of movements and balance, which can be useful in everyday life.

On August 9, the competition program started with the qualification of an individual tournament for girls in shooting from a small-caliber rifle from three positions, according to the results of which the medalists of the team championship were determined. The first Belarusian team consisting of Daria Chupris, Nicole Kurylenok and Elizaveta Tsydik won gold in this discipline, the Russian team won silver, and the athletes from Kazakhstan won bronze medals.

Recall that Elizaveta Tsydik, a 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, won silver in the team shooting tournament.

We wish good luck to our athletes and great victories!

Russian Language Summer School classes continue or How foreign students prepared draniki

Today, on August 3, the participants of the Russian Language Summer School not only studied grammar, vocabulary and history, but also immersed themselves in culture through the preparation of Belarusian cuisine dishes.

By increasing internal motivation to learn the Russian language and creating psychological comfort for Summer School students, the organizers in real conditions show and comment on pragmatic socio-cultural situations, introduce Belarusian national traditions, peculiarities of mentality and establish a dialogue of cultures. Cooking helps to improve communication skills and expand vocabulary, as many products and dishes have their own unique names.

As Inna Samoilova, associate professor of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education of the Federal State Educational Institution, told, daily classes for those who came to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno to study the Russian language are held using modern innovative learning technologies involving interactive, role-playing, business games, discussions on topics of intercultural communication, as well as mandatory educational excursions. Thus, classes are aimed at the development of mental activity, creative activity, the formation of combinatorial speech skills and abilities.

− This is the third time I am a student of the Summer School of the Russian language. I really like the organization of classes at school, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the city of Grodno. Every time I discover something new, as an Italian language teacher, I am interested in the methodology of organizing the educational process here in Belarus. I feel that during my time at school I have become part of a big family, part of this beautiful city," said Christian Ecker from Italy.

Dominik Szczepanyak from Poland has been a participant of the Russian language school for 5 years in a row.

− For me, the time spent at school is a vacation. In Grodno, I not only rest my soul, but also spend time usefully in classes at the Summer School of the Russian Language. It has become a tradition. Every time I am surprised by the variety and richness of the program. I am sure that this is not the last year I study at school," Dominik Shchepanyak shared.

The educational project will last until August 12. Upon completion of the training, students of the Summer School will receive certificates.

In the lens – a strong character and a bright game!

Kupala residents will take part in the II Games of the CIS countries as part of the sports delegation of the Republic of Belarus.

There are only two days left before the start of the largest sports festival, which will cover the whole country. Athletes of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will also take part in the international games.

The 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture Evgenia Bernatskaya will compete in 3x3 basketball competitions. Yaroslav Iodkovsky, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, will compete for the title of the strongest in freestyle wrestling. All accuracy and dexterity in bullet shooting competitions will be demonstrated by the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture Yana Tsydik. And Veronika Mironovich, a graduate of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, a master of sports of international class, who will take part in field hockey competitions, will complete the magnificent four.

We wish good luck to our athletes and great victories!

Kupala students received the coveted form of volunteers of the II Games of the CIS countries

A meeting of volunteers of the II Games of the CIS countries with the coordinators of international competitions took place in the Ice Palace of Grodno.

A sightseeing tour of the sports complex was conducted for the volunteers, during which the areas of responsibility for each volunteer were designated. Also, the staff of the Department of Sports and Tourism of the regional executive committee conducted an initial briefing, thanks to which young people got acquainted with all the nuances of the upcoming work.

An important moment of the meeting for the volunteers was getting a uniform, because right now, when the cherished part of the II Games of the CIS countries is in the hands and the most responsible work begins – interaction with teams, providing methodological and technical work, accompanying delegations, working on doping control and much more.

International competitions will be held from 3 to 15 August.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has launched a Summer school of the Russian language

Participants from China, Italy, New Zealand and Poland will study Russian for two weeks at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The summer school of the Russian language of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is held on the basis of the Faculty of pre-university training. Summer School is a great opportunity to combine language learning with acquaintance with modern Belarus and its traditions.

This year, foreign guests will be trained from July 31 to August 12. Traditionally, master classes on making Belarusian souvenirs and cooking Belarusian cuisine will be organized for Russian language learners, thanks to which the participants of the summer school will be able to get acquainted with the traditions of our country.

The Summer School program is designed for those who are starting to learn Russian or want to improve their language knowledge and skills. The school's students will be taught not only Russian language classes, but also lectures on the history and culture of Belarus, sightseeing tours of the city, walks through picturesque places and forest park areas will be organized.

In addition, foreign citizens studying the Russian language will get acquainted with the Belarusian cinema. Recall that the initiator and organizer of the project is the Department of Modern technologies of pre-university training of the Faculty of Pre-university training.

A meeting with the Director General of the Belarusian-Chinese Cultural Development Center took place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Yanka Kupala Grodno State University was visited by the Director General of the Belarusian-Chinese Cultural Development Center Wang Yaotian, who is also the founder of the Yaotian Educational Center. The purpose of the visit is to identify new vectors of cooperation.

From the Belarusian side, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Leonty Pavlov and representatives of interested departments took part in the working meeting. The main topic of the talks was joint educational programs and academic exchange of teachers and students. As Iryna Fedorovna noted, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is very interested in cooperation with higher educational institutions of the People's Republic of China. During the working meeting, the parties found common ground and the most promising areas of work.

By the way, the history of cooperation between Chinese universities and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is extensive. Currently, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno implements an active international policy within the framework of 200 agreements with foreign institutions and organizations from 30 countries, including 9 organizations of the People's Republic of China.

Kupala students were trained at the "Summer University" in Yekaterinburg

From July 10 to 21, students and a teacher of the Faculty of Law took part in the project for international students "Summer University".

The federal project brought together more than 1,000 participants from 25 countries. For two weeks, students got acquainted with Russian education, science, history and culture. 19 leading Russian universities were involved in the "Summer University".

A trainee teacher of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Diana Zubrik, a 3rd-year student of the specialty "Jurisprudence" Daria Light and a 4th-year student of the specialty "Economic Law" Vladislava Bortnovskaya took part in the federal project for foreign students "Summer University" on the basis of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg.

Students were trained in the framework of the educational program "Internationalization of legal science in the EAEU space", teachers – in the educational program "Digital technologies and tools in the educational process of the university".

Kupala students got acquainted with the peculiarities of the educational process of the V.F. Yakovlev Ural Law University, listened to a course of lectures provided by educational programs for students and teachers, participated in the preparation and defense of projects.

The project of the team, which included Daria Light, became the winner in its educational course and was sent to the final defense among the best projects of the "Summer University".

Within the framework of the "Summer University", a meeting of the participants of the federal project with representatives of the Department for International Cooperation of the USGUU took place. During the educational events, Kupala residents managed to visit the Yeltsin Center, the International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM and the educational cluster "Summer at the Factory" (Sysert). A sightseeing tour to the UMMC Museum of Military and Civil Equipment was organized for the project participants.

The Summer University plays an important role in strengthening friendship between students from different countries and allows them to expand their professional knowledge.

Russian language courses are held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Preparatory courses for foreign citizens are organized at the Faculty of Pre-university Training.

Every year, the interest of foreign citizens in studying at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is growing. In order for future specialists to easily communicate and study in their chosen specialty, the Faculty of pre-university training organized Russian language courses. Lilia Shumskaya, associate Professor of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education, said that representatives from Asia, Africa, and Latin America come to study. Within the framework of the Faculty of pre-university training, they study the Russian language and those subjects that they will need in the process of further study in their chosen specialty. At the moment, 27 students of the preparatory department and 36 students of preparatory courses are studying at the university. It is worth noting that students who have basic knowledge of the Russian language can choose in-depth study.

– All conditions have been created at the Faculty of pre-university training so that students can receive a quality education and successfully realize themselves in the profession in the future. Our teachers use the entire material and technical base of the university, organize master classes, excursions, full-scale lessons, within the framework of which the mental activity of the listeners is activated and there is a complete immersion in the language environment, - said Lilia Shumskaya.

Students in the learning process are actively involved in the creation of educational and promotional videos. With these works in the future, they become participants in international and national competitions. This year we took part in five contests of this format and won two. All this creates favorable conditions for the adaptation of students to the educational environment of the university.

Aji Ndi Joseph, a student of the Russian language courses for foreign citizens of the Faculty of Pre-university Training, came from Cameroon.

– This year my dream came true, and for almost 7 months I have been a student of the preparatory department of the Faculty of Pre-university training of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Here they teach to appreciate three things – words, time and opportunities. I use time wisely, words with literacy, and opportunities creatively to become a student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in the future. After passing the final tests at the Faculty of Pre-university Training, I want to study at the Faculty of Economics and Management in order to become an advanced specialist and open my own business in the Republic of Belarus.

Shuai Jinjun, a student of the Russian language courses for foreign citizens of the Faculty of Pre-university training, came to study from China.

– I like Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Russian language courses for foreign citizens at the Faculty of Pre-university training, I am not afraid to speak Russian, I understand perfectly what people say in public transport, and most importantly, I can speak Russian fluently, which is very important in my future profession. Learn Russian with experienced teachers of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and realize your goals!

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