Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno takes part in a business visit to Ethiopia and Kenya as part of the delegation of the Republic of Belarus

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Yury Bialykh is visiting Ethiopia on a business trip as part of the delegation of the Republic of Belarus. Meetings are held in the city of Addis Ababa in order to establish cooperation with foreign organizations and educational institutions.

Today there was a meeting with the State Minister of Education of Ethiopia Samuel Kifle Kidane, during which Yuri Bialykh presented the educational and scientific potential of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and also discussed possible areas of mutually beneficial cooperation.

A business forum, which was attended by Belarusian enterprises representing various sectors of the economy and educational institutions, was held the previous day. Addressing the participants of the plenary part of the event, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Kenya and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Pavel Vziatkin spoke about the potential and prospects of bilateral economic cooperation, noted the need to intensify contacts between chambers of commerce and business circles of the two countries.

During the business visit, Yuri Belykh held talks with representatives of recruiting companies and other interested organizations in order to establish contacts and attract foreign citizens to study at our University.

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    Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno held a scientific seminar “Current trends in sustainable development of economy and education in Belarus and Russia”

    The Faculty of Economics and Management held a series of events with representatives of Irkutsk State University, which was the first stage of academic cooperation.

    The scientific seminar "Current trends in sustainable development of economy and education in Belarus and Russia" was held on October 5, 2022 during which the development trends of Belarusian-Russian integration, opportunities and risks of digital transformation in business and higher education were discussed.

    The scientific seminar was attended by a delegation from the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics of the Irkutsk State University, as a part of Deputy Director for Research - Plotnikova Maria Mikhailovna; Head of the Department of Socio-Economic and Mathematical Disciplines - Shilnikova Irina Sergeevna; Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work, Head Department of European Languages - Kolodina Evgenia Anatolyevna, Deputy Director for International Affairs, Head of the Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics.

    The problems of the scientific seminar were conditioned by realization of decisions taken in June 2022, when on the basis of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno the meeting of the section № 5 on "Higher Education System Integration in Russia and Belarus: Regional Aspect" was held within the IX Forum of Belarusian and Russian Regions.

    Presentations were made by representatives of a number of other Russian, Kazakh and Belarusian universities, including Lomonosov Moscow State University, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Don State Technical University Esil University (in ICT regime). Cooperation agreements with these Russian universities were signed with Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno at the IV Forum of the Association of Russian and Belarusian Universities in June 2022. During the visit, cooperation issues were identified both in the educational process and in scientific activities, such as inclusive education, summer schools, student conferences. During summarizing the results of the scientific seminar the solemn signing of the international program of cooperation between the partner universities was held.

    An agreement was reached to implement the program of cooperation on academic mobility of teachers, students and masters.

    Issues of methodological support of the educational process in the integration of academic programs of the college and high school were discussed with representatives of Lida College.

    In the schedule of the visit there was time for a cultural and excursion program, during which guests got acquainted with the historical heritage of the Yanka Kuala State University and the sights of our city.

    Undergraduates from China take courses at Yanka Kupala State University

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    17 undergraduates from China are taking educational courses to improve the professional competencies of the master.

    This course is designed to help undergraduates successfully defend their master's theses. Classes are designed for two months. During this time, foreign students will improve their competencies in two disciplines: "Philosophy. Professional skills of the researcher" and "Foreign language (English)".

    Undergraduates study at various faculties: Pedagogical, Philological Faculty, Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of History of Communication and Tourism and Faculty of Psychology.

    Upon completion of the courses, undergraduates will gain useful knowledge that will undoubtedly help them in defending their master's theses, as well as increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

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    Summer holidays and active classes: students of the Summer School of the Russian Language continue their studies with immersion in the language environment

    In order to fully immerse themselves in the language environment, a diverse excursion program is conducted for foreign students to the picturesque historical places and enterprises of Grodno.

    By increasing internal motivation to learn the Russian language and creating psychological comfort for Summer School students, the organizers in real conditions show and comment on pragmatic socio-cultural situations, introduce Belarusian national traditions, peculiarities of mentality and establish a dialogue of cultures.

    Summer School of Russian Language Coordinator Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education, said that daily classes for those who came to Kupala University to study Russian are held using modern innovative learning technologies involving interactive, role-playing, business games, discussions on topics of intercultural communication, as well as mandatory in order – study tours. Thus, classes are aimed at the development of mental activity, creative activity, the formation of combinatorial speech skills and abilities.

    As part of the educational program, foreign students visited the exhibition halls of the Belarusbank ASB Museum. In addition, in order to immerse themselves in the language environment, a master class was held on cooking Belarusian cuisine, making Belarusian souvenirs.

    Summer School of Russian Language at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is a great opportunity not only to learn the Russian language, but also to get involved in the history and culture of Belarus. Excursions, master classes, classes are filled with a warm atmosphere and are very informative," said Francisco Ruiz, a student of the Summer School of the Russian Language.

    Russian Russian, business Russian and linguistics studies are in the program of the students of the Summer School. Also, students will have a fascinating historical quest in Grodno, where they will be able to learn interesting facts about the city and an international evening where each participant of the Summer School will be able to present himself, his country and knowledge of the Russian language.

    The educational project will last until August 13. Upon completion of the training, students of the Summer School will receive certificates.

    An international evening where each participant of the Summer School was able to present himself, the country and knowledge of the Russian language was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on August 8

    Germany, Italy, Venezuela, Slovenia are the countries represented at the thematic event by the Summer School students.

    The summer school of the Russian language is essentially unique. The international evening is a kind of culmination of an educational project. The listeners have been preparing for this evening for a week. The lottery helped to determine the country for the presentation. It is very interesting when the participants of the Summer School talk not about their country, but about each other's homeland.

    – The international evening really unites the participants of the educational project and its organizers. Respect for national peculiarities and traditions is one of the principles of successful intercultural communication, – said Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer at the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Training.

    The international evening, in addition to the presentation of countries, became a real gastronomic journey for the participants. They managed to taste various national dishes and feel the atmosphere of the country to which the dish belongs.

    In the last week of training at the Summer School of the Russian Language, participants will have a rich program. They will go on an excursion to the Karat Mineral Museum, attend a master class on making Belarusian souvenirs and get acquainted with Belarusian cinema.

    Foreign guests will study Russian at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno until August 13.

    The Yanka Kupala State University has launched a Summer School of the Russian Language-2022

    In order to fully immerse themselves in the language environment, a diverse excursion program is conducted for foreign students to the picturesque historical places and enterprises of the city of Grodno.

    By increasing internal motivation to learn the Russian language and creating psychological comfort for Summer School students, the organizers in real conditions show and comment on pragmatic socio-cultural situations, introduce Belarusian national traditions, peculiarities of mentality and establish a dialogue of cultures.

    Summer School of Russian Language Coordinator Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education, said that daily classes for those who came to Kupala University to study Russian are held using modern innovative learning technologies involving interactive, role-playing, business games, discussions on topics of intercultural communication, as well as mandatory in order – study tours. Thus, classes are aimed at the development of mental activity, creative activity, the formation of combinatorial speech skills and abilities.

    As part of the educational program, foreign students visited the exhibition halls of the Belarusbank ASB Museum. In addition, in order to immerse themselves in the language environment, a master class was held on cooking Belarusian cuisine, making Belarusian souvenirs.

    Summer School of Russian Language at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is a great opportunity not only to learn the Russian language, but also to get involved in the history and culture of Belarus. Excursions, master classes, classes are filled with a warm atmosphere and are very informative," said Francisco Ruiz, a student of the Summer School of the Russian Language.

    The program of the Summer School students includes classroom study of the Russian language, business Russian and linguistic and regional studies. Also, students will have an exciting historical quest around Grodno, where they will be able to learn interesting facts about the city and an international evening where each participant of the Summer School will be able to introduce himself, his country and knowledge of the Russian language.

    The educational project will last until August 13. At the end of the course, students of the Summer School will receive certificates.

    The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted the presentation of certificates to participants of the Summer School of the Russian Language-2022

    For two weeks, foreign guests from Germany, Italy, Venezuela and Slovenia studied Russian. On Friday, August 12, a solemn ceremony of awarding certificates took place.

    The moderator of the event was Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education.

    Before handing certificates to the participants, the organizers prepared an interactive program, thanks to which they summed up the results of the Summer School of the Russian Language-2022.

    After summing up the results, the participants were awarded personal certificates of the Summer School of the Russian Language.

    The Summer School of the Russian Language at the Yanka Kupala State University was organized for the eighth time. In the period from August 1 to 12, 2022, foreigners studied Russian, which was taught to them by Natalia Muzychenko, associate professor of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education and Inna Samoilova, head of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education.

    In addition, they were offered a rich cultural program, which helped them to fully immerse themselves in the language environment.

    The organizer of the courses was the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-university Education of the Faculty of Pre-university Training.

    The Summer School of the Belarusian Language and Culture continues to work at the Yanka Kupala State University of Gr

    The Summer School of the Belarusian language and Culture "under the bright name of Kupala" has been working at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for the second week.

    The participants of the Summer School study the Belarusian language and get acquainted with the traditions and folklore of Belarus.

    The second week of training is devoted to the peculiarities of the Belarusian speech, Belarusian holidays, traditional family rituals and other interesting features of the Belarusian language and culture.

    Excursions to museums and trips to historical places of Grodno and Belarus have already become a good tradition of the Summer School of the Belarusian Language.

    The participants of the Belarusian Language Summer School have already visited the Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum and today they will have an informative excursion to Lida, where they will visit one of the visiting cards of the Grodno region - Lida Castle.

    Another memorable event of the Summer School of the Belarusian language and Culture is a master class on cooking Belarusian cuisine "taste - delicious!”

    The participants cooked traditional dishes of Belarusian cuisine: pumpkin soup, lazy fish, «dandelions» and so on.

    - This project helps us, foreign students, to immerse ourselves more in the cultural environment of Belarus. The Summer School of the Belarusian language and Culture provides an opportunity to gain new knowledge about the traditions and folklore of the Belarusian people. Excursions, master classes, classes - all this is a good way to immerse yourself in the culture of Belarus, - said Ruslana Tolstosheeva, student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, participant of the Summer School of the Belarusian Language.

    Tomorrow, the Summer School of the Belarusian Language and Culture will present certificates to students on the completion of this educational project.

    The organizers of the project are the scientific library and the Faculty of Philology of Yanka  Kupala State University of Grodno.

    The Summer School of the Belarusian Language and Culture continues to work at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

    On August 1, the Summer School of the Belarusian Language and Culture "under the bright name of Kupala" opened its doors at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

    The participants of the Summer School study the Belarusian language and get acquainted with the traditions and folklore of Belarus. Theoretical classes are devoted to the peculiarities of Belarusian speech, spelling, grammatical categories of gender, number and case, poetic genres and forms in modern Belarusian poetry, phraseology, as well as the non-equivalent vocabulary of the Belarusian language.

    Trips to historical places of Grodno and Belarus, excursions to museums, master classes, historical quests – it is all about the Summer School of the Belarusian language.

    The participants of the Belarusian Language Summer School have already visited the Maxim Bogdanovich Museum, the Augustovsky Canal, the Pysanka Museum (ag. Sopotskin) and the Gudevichi State Literary and Local History Museum.

    "The Belarusian Summer School is a unique educational project that helps foreigners to understand and learn the Belarusian language and culture, the peculiarities of the Belarusian mentality and traditions. The most memorable thing is excursions to picturesque and historical places of Belarus!"- noted Ruslana Tolstosheeva. , a student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, a participant of the Summer School of the Belarusian Language

    The summer school will be open until August 12.                                

    The organizers of the project are the scientific library and the Faculty of Philology of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

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