Students of Yanka Kupala State University became prize-winners of the competititon of research papers

Students of Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism became prize-winners of the IV International Distant Competition of Research Papers «Sustainable Tourism Development».

The IV International Distant Competition of Research Papers «Sustainable Tourism Development» was held at the Institute of digital economy research of Karaganda Buketov University. 20 teams from Kazakhstan and other CIS countries participated in the competition. The theme of the competition was the development of sustainable urban tourism.

Team «Grodno_Queens_City» of Tourism and Hospitality major including Anna Lomako, Anastasia Shinkevich and Victoria Bril prepared research work about sustainability of tourism in Grodno and got 3rd place! Svetlana Chuvak was the research adviser of the team.

Undergraduates of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have completed an internship at the Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University is one of the leading universities of the Russian Federation. The university has a Department of Zoology and General Biology, which has research laboratories of hydrobiology and molecular systematics, ecology of aquatic organisms and aquaculture, ultrastructural organization of tissues, biodiversity and ecology of vertebrates, as well as the Zoological Museum named after E.A. Eversman.

Within the framework of the topics of master's theses, undergraduates worked in laboratories, studied the skeletochronological method of studying the age structure of populations and the growth rate of amphibians, which is based on the study of the layered structure of animal bones from sections obtained on a freezing microtome-cryostat MK-25.

Ekaterina Rabkovskaya and Artem Pesnyak visited the Zoological Museum named after E.A. Eversman, which is one of the oldest repositories of this profile in Russia, and in terms of the richness and historical value of the collections is one of the most significant zoological museums in Russia. About 1.4 thousand exhibits are recognized by experts as particularly valuable. Among them are collections of tropical insects, relict hatteria, a flying dragon from Java island, zebra quagga (Equus quagga), completely exterminated by man and many other species.

The undergraduates also visited the "City Children's Ecological and Biological Center" in Kazan. The center was founded in 1984, and over the 31 years of its existence, a rich collection of open and closed ground plants has been created.

The cadets of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are among the winners of the national stage of the International Olympiad in Mathematics

From December 8 to 10, the national stage of the VII International Olympiad of cadets of higher Education institutions in Mathematics was held at BSU. The students of YKSUG proved themselves with dignity!

In the team competition, the cadets of the military faculty of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took the second place. In the AA championship, 3rd year cadet Vladislav Rusakov won bronze in persistent struggle.

The Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, the military departments of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation, the Belarusian State University of Transport also took part in the Olympiad.

Congratulations to our cadets with an excellent result!

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno co-organized the international conference

The Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University in cooperation with the Department of Translation and Intercultural Communication of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University of Grodno and the Faculty of Philology of Herzen University held an international scientific conference "Language. Communication. Culture” according to the website of the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

At the conference, which was held online, reports on a number of fundamental aspects of the interaction of language and culture, the ecology of language, intercultural communication, Chinese studies were given and discussed; new developments of innovative translation practices and software products for linguistic support and sustainable development of education in modern conditions were presented.

The main analytical work was focused on the following areas: language, literature, culture, World English Paradigm, intercultural and cross-cultural communication, bilingualism and multilingualism in modern society, languages in education, research in the field of translation, interaction of languages in branding practice. The scientists from Belarus, Russia, China, Poland, Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Italy, Pakistan, and the USA took part in the conference.

The reports given and discussed testify to the high creative potential of the conference participants, the breadth of their scientific interests and creative searches, the relevance of the presented research, which will serve as an impetus for the development of interdisciplinary areas of modern linguistics, which are gaining special importance in an open information space.

The Joint Organizing Committee made a proposal to continue the tradition and hold the II International Scientific Conference "Language. Communication. Culture" in Grodno in October 2023.

Irina Korlyukova, the Head of the Department of Modern Technologies of the Faculty of Pre-University Training, took part in a seminar on the construction of smart cities as a part of China's "One Belt One Road" initiative

The two-week courses were organized by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) of the People's Republic of China. Classes were held online.

Twelve seminars were held over the course of two weeks. The participants got acquainted with the development of the economy and information technology in China, with the ongoing reforms within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative and the stages of its implementation. Leading Chinese scientists, representatives of the National Committee for Digital Technology of Intelligent Construction and the Residential Community presented to the seminar participants the prerequisites for the development of smart cities, the strategy of their evolution, qualitative development, design features.

The participants also got acquainted with the practice of developing smart transport and smart community with the assistance of the standardization committee, learned about technical services and innovations in smart cities, developed a system for assessing their development. In addition, within the framework of the seminar, participants from all over the world were able to get acquainted with the use of artificial intelligence for the development of the app "Intelligent Industrialization".

In total, 67 scientists from 16 countries took part in the seminar: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Republic of Kenya, Malaysia, Republic of Moldova, Pakistan, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The organizers expressed the hope that after the end of the pandemic, participants will be able to come to China and actually see all the achievements presented.

Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in Chinese language courses of Jilin Normal University

The series of classes was launched on the initiative of Jilin Normal University as a sign of gratitude for the comprehensive cooperation and support from Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Classes were held online.

The courses consisted of two parts. In the first one, the students took a comprehensive language course. Within its framework, the topics "All about China", "Digital and Zodiac Culture", "Famous cultural cities", "Confucius", "Food Culture", "Festival customs and Culture" were discussed.

The second part was dedicated to Chinese culture. Training on cooking Chinese food was held within its framework. The lecturers talked about traditional dishes. A cultural excursion was also held and the students of  Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno learned more about the art of China, calligraphy, paper clipping, national musical instruments, Chinese knots and much more.

In total, 12 participants took part in the courses; among them were 3 teachers and 9 students. They were very satisfied with the training program and especially with the fact that they had the opportunity to communicate with native speakers.

Cooperation with Jilin Normal University began in 2013. During this time, many joint projects have been implemented.

The design and implementation of joint educational programs in the specialties "Fine Arts", "Musical Art", "Russian Philology", the training of Chinese students at the graduate school of  Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the creation of a joint Center for Russian Language and Belarusian Culture on the basis of the Jilin Normal University are promising for both universities.

Representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno held a meeting with foreign partners

Among them are American International Campus (Private) Limited (Sri Lanka), EPF Graduate School of Engineering (France), IMC - AIC Consortium LLC (Republic of Belarus). The online meeting was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on November 19.

During the meeting, partners from Belarus, Sri Lanka and France analyzed the results of cooperation and discussed areas for further joint activities. The partners paid special attention to conducting an advertising and information campaign on the territory of foreign countries aimed at popularizing educational and other services provided by Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

In addition, the parties agreed to implement a joint international program in engineering with two years of study in Belarus and a subsequent three-year course in France, the purpose of which is to obtain a master's degree. This meeting was a continuation of the dialogue on the development of cooperation between the parties.

It should be noted that the participants of the meeting are long-standing partners of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Cooperation began in January 2017, when an agreement was signed on the training of students under Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno program on the territory of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Republic of Maldives in AIC. Students of preparatory courses are trained annually within the framework of this agreement.

In October 2017, an agreement was signed on the training of students in the programs of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on the territory of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Republic of Maldives at the AIC Campus, which is being successfully implemented currently.

In September 2020, an agreement was signed between "Yanka Kupala Grodno State University of Grodno", EPF Graduate School of Engineering (EPF), IMC - AIC CONSORTIUM LLC and American International Campus (Private) Limited, the implementation of which was discussed during the meeting.

American International Campus (Private) Limited was represented at the meeting by Executive Directors Dharangan Baktazilan and Gishan Sumanasiri, EPF Graduate School of Engineering - Director of International Admission Stefan Seiler, IMC - AIC Consortium LLC – Executive Director Vyacheslav Pivovarov and Manager Marina Anishchik. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh and Head of the Center for Internationalization of Education Elena Belokoz took part in the meeting on behalf of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are among the winners of the international competition

The results of the international project competition "Ocean Of Knowledge" (Društvo "Za Akademsku Aktivnost", Serbia) have been evaluated. The team of YKSUG was awarded a diploma of the first degree for their development.

The research work "Historical and architectural symbols of Grodno and their role in shaping the image of the city" was highly appreciated. The authors of the project are members of the scientific group "Public History: Historical Knowledge in the Modern world", students of the specialities "Journalism" and "History" of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of Yanka Kupala State University – Polina Prokopenya, Dmitry Apon, Ksenia Kamenko. The project leaders – Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism Irina Gerasimchik and Associate Professor of the Department of General and Slavic History Natalia Uleychik were awarded a Diploma of the first degree.

The aim of the project competition is to identify and support the most active and gifted students, stimulate their research, project and innovation activities.

The competition is organized by the scientific "Laboratory of Legal Information" in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State Regional University.

In total, 23 reports were presented at the Symposium by students, undergraduates and postgraduates of the Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, Moscow Region State University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Pskov State University, RUDN University, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Brest State A.S.Pushkin University and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is included in the "UI GreenMetric" sustainable development rating for the first time

In 2021, the Yanka Kupala State State University approved the "Strategy of Advanced Development" for 2021-2025 and forward-looking until 2030, which identified five main directions of the university's development. One of the strategic directions is compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals, within the framework of which the University participated for the first time in the international rating "UI GreenMetric 2021" and took the 750th place.

The "UI GreenMetric 2021" rating evaluated the principles of environmental friendliness and sustainable development of higher education institutions from 74 countries, including countries of Europe, Asia, America, the Middle East, Oceania and Africa. The first place in the ranking was taken by Wageningen University and a Research Center in the Netherlands. The Republic of Belarus is represented in the ranking by Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (750th place) and the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (782nd place).

The UI GreenMetric rating is an annual international ranking of universities that assesses the efforts of participants in the field of reducing environmental impact, as well as the compliance of education and research with sustainable development goals.

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