An extended meeting of the University Council was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The participants of the meeting summed up the results of the work in the previous academic year and determined the aims and tasks for the next year.
The extended meeting of the University Council was dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year. The event was held with the participation of the Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and honorary guests, among whom were Deputy Chairman of State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus Andrey Kovalchuk, Deputy Chairman of Grodno Regional Executive Committee Viktor Pranyuk, head of Grodno regional Customs Alexander Pihun, Chairman of Grodno regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers Vera Grishechko.
Irina Kiturko, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, congratulated everyone on the beginning of the new academic year and noted that it has already become a good tradition to sum up the results and determine the tasks for the new academic year within the framework of the extended meeting of the University Council.
- Thank you all for the professionalism, unity, and corporate spirit that exists at our University. The last academic year was not easy, but it proved that our University influences many important processes in the education system of the Republic. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is one of the first to be included in various state projects. Meetings of various levels are regularly held on the basis of our University. Once again, I thank everyone who took an active part in strengthening the image of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno last academic year, – Irina Kiturko said.

Speaking about the tasks for the new academic year, Irina Kiturko drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to continue working on the implementation of the University's digital transformation strategy: this is, first of all, the expansion of the use of ICT in the educational process and the creation of a "smart" infrastructure. The Rector also noted that the student-centered approach in the learning process should remain among the priority areas of development.
– One of our main tasks is to identify, reveal and realize the potential of everyone, and this is consistent with the Mission of the university. We have created all the conditions for supporting gifted and talented students. And our task is to more actively identify such students who have ideas for their own projects, and help them in the implementation of their plans and initiatives, - Irina Kiturko said.
Among the tasks set by the rector is the creation of a concept for promoting the University in the ratings, as well as the development of a personnel policy until 2025. Irina Kiturko emphasized that the further successful development of the University depends on the personnel potential. During the report, the Rector University also outlined the main guidelines that were given at the Republican Pedagogical Council. As it was announced, in the near future we will have to reboot the education system in the country, since life itself requires new approaches from us both in teaching and in educating representatives of the new generation. All the upcoming changes will be reflected in the Concept of the development of the education system of the Republic of Belarus until 2030 – a document that was discussed during the large forum of teachers of the republic.
– We are entering the new academic year with good results of the admission campaign, - Irina Kiturko, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University, summed up her speech. – No additional recruitment was announced at our University, because motivated applicants came to us, and we fulfilled the recruitment plan completely. And it is worth noting that this year we had more budget places than in the past. And this is a certain degree of confidence from the Ministry of Education of the country.

During the meeting, Rector Irina Kiturko, as well as the guests of honor, presented the University employees with well-deserved awards for achievements in their professional activities. Students who adequately represented our country and their native Alma mater at international intellectual and sports competitions were also noted. And according to tradition, congratulations on the beginning of the new academic year and wishes of success in implementing new projects and achieving ambitious goals were addressed to all teachers and students.

The event "Dedication to students" was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Within the framework of the event, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko gave a lecture for the first-year students.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Rector greeted everyone, noting that a new life begins for the first-year students, each of them becomes a part of the big University family.
– Today we are meeting first-year students at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. You all came here with equal opportunities. And in my first lecture, I will tell you about the opportunities that our University offers to every student, I will introduce you more closely to the educational institution that you have chosen. We are grateful to you for your choice, Rector Irina Kiturko addressed the participants of the event.
Then Rector gave a lecture entitled "The University of your opportunities". She told about the conditions created at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for identifying and developing the potential of students, for their self-realization in science, education, creativity and sports. The first-year students also learned interesting facts about the history of formation of the University and about what important projects are being implemented in an educational institution that students can already consider their Alma mater.
According to tradition, as part of the event "Dedication to Students", student tickets were awarded to the best first-year students, those who showed high results during this year's entrance campaign. Then the first-year students took an oath to bear the title of a student of Yanka Kupala State University with dignity, to spare no effort and time to comprehend the sciences and continue the good traditions of Belarusian students.
During the event, the students were also told about the digital educational environment created at the University, about the concept of practice-oriented education, about the funds operating at the university, thanks to which students can count on financial support for their ideas, innovative projects and initiatives. First-year students learned that specially created mobile applications «Freshman's Memo» and «Electronic schedule» will help them to adapt to the educational process faster.

By the way, this year Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno accepted 2,258 first-year students. First-year students of not only all faculties of the university, but also students of Technological, Humanitarian, Lida and Volkovysk colleges of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were invited to the meeting with the Rector. First-year students could also join the event online: a live broadcast was conducted on the university's website. Tomorrow, on August, 31, another meeting of the rector with the first-year students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will take place.

Students and teachers are invited to participate in the autumn festival "Marathon of Sports and Health"


The competition will be held from September, 6 to 10, applications for participation are accepted until September, 3.

Competitions will be held at the sports base of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno at 32, Zakharova Street. In accordance with the regulations on the event, national teams of faculties and other structural divisions formed from among students and employees of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno compete.

Competitions will be held in the following types: mini-football, beach volleyball, table tennis, 3x3 basketball, darts, relay race, bocce, Hula-Hoop competition, as well as volleyball and football competitions. The winners and prize-winners according to the results of each of the competitions are awarded with valuable gifts.

The autumn festival "Marathon of Sports and Health" is held with the aim of activating mass sports movement, popularizing a healthy lifestyle, as well as joining students and employees of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno regular physical culture and sports.

Spend the last weekend of summer together – all students, teachers and staff members are waiting for the holiday «Augustow Canal in the culture of three peoples»

Augustow Canal

The regional open Folk Art Festival gathers participants at the gateway "Dombrovka" on August, 28.

The festival program includes festive trade, a boat ride, sports games and a variety of entertainment events. The holiday will begin at noon. On the main stage, concert performances will be presented by creative teams of Grodno region, the headliner of the festival folk band «Nerush» (Minsk) will perform, the dance program «Augustow Open-Air» is planned. In addition, interactive platforms for children and adults will work; there will be a battle of accordion players, a competition for eating draniki for speed and a master class in folk dances.

All students, teachers and staff members are invited to have fun in the fresh air, recharge with positive emotions before starting of a new academic year and communicate with each other in an informal atmosphere. The time and place of the meeting is Saturday, August, 28, the Augustow Canal, the Dombrovka gateway.

Augustow Canal program

The Republican Pedagogical Council continues in Minsk


The delegation of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno headed by Rector Irina Kiturko is also taking part in the large-scale forum.

The Republican Pedagogical Council started its work the day before. On August, 23 12 thematic sections worked on the basis of various educational institutions in the capital. Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko and First Vice-Rector Yury Romanovsky made reports during the dialogue platforms. Irina Fedorovna spoke about new approaches to conducting an entrance campaign at higher education institutions. The report on the topic "Training of highly qualified researchers: the experience of Yanka Kupala State University" was presented by Yury Romanovsky during a meeting of one of the sections.

The Large Pedagogical Forum will continue its work on August, 24 at a plenary session, the participants of which will discuss issues of improving the quality of national education at all its levels and stages. Among the main topics are the development of mixed forms of education that combine traditional learning with distance learning, the use of various teaching methods, the variability of curricula in accordance with the requests of students, the independence of educational institutions in the formation of curricula and the selection of textbooks on a competitive basis, the formation of the necessary competencies of teachers, the creation of a modern digital educational environment. Participants of the Republican Pedagogical Council will also be able to get acquainted with the exhibition of effective pedagogical experience, creative achievements of teachers, new educational and methodological literature, educational resources and technologies in the field of education. According to the results of the work of the pedagogical council, the main directions of further development of the field of education will be determined. At the same time, it is planned to adopt the Concept of the development of the education system of the Republic of Belarus until 2030 as a basis.

The vaccination campaign against coronavirus infection continues at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


Almost 600 employees of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have already received the first component of the vaccine, 504 employees have been issued a medical certificate of full vaccination.

You can get vaccinated on the basis of the university: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno regularly conducts field vaccinations of employees. Before vaccination, the doctor examines, clarifies the presence of diseases that may affect the course of the post-vaccination period, measures the pressure. Employees who are injected with the second component of the vaccine are immediately issued a medical certificate, on the basis of which they can apply to the City Polyclinic No. 1 of Grodno and issue a certificate of full vaccination.

A new academic year is ahead, which means it's time to think about getting vaccinated and protecting yourself and your loved ones from coronavirus infection. The next vaccination of employees of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will be held on August, 20. It will be possible to get vaccinated from 1 pm. to 3 pm. in the main building at 22 Ozheshko Street, room 123. On August, 24 the mobile vaccination point will work from 1 pm. to 3 pm. on the campus: the medical unit of the dormitory No. 6.

The modern access control system has been installed in the main building of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


The project, aimed at ensuring the safety of employees and students, is being implemented as part of the University's Advanced Development Strategy

The access control system installed in the main building of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno provides for the use of the face recognition function, which means that employees will be able to get to their place of work without any problems even in the absence of a special pass. In addition, you can also enter the building using a smartphone, on which you need to install a special application.
– The project also provides that the system is integrated with fire protection, that is, in the event of a fire alarm, the turnstiles are automatically unlocked and the emergency exit doors are opened from the building, - said Sergey Shmurey, head of the Security Center of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
– A plan has been developed for the modernization of other academic buildings of the university, in which new engineering and technical equipment and modern video surveillance facilities will be installed. Next year, it is planned to equip the building in Dovatora Street.

This work is carried out within the framework of the University's Advanced Development Strategy and is aimed at creating a so-called "smart" infrastructure. It is important to note that the introduction of digital technologies makes it possible to ensure the safety of employees and students of the university at higher level, as well as to eliminate the human factor and increase the effectiveness of preventive measures.

Contracts with two new residents of Technopark were signed at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


The new residents of the Science and Technology Park have become companies founded by an employee and a graduate of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
One of the companies was founded by Anna Rakitskaya, associate Professor of the Department of General and Social Psychology of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, who plans to provide psychological services to the population using innovative scientific methods. Another resident-company of Technopark, Viband LLC, was founded by Yevgeny Mikhalovich, a graduate of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, whose activities are related to the creation of IT-products.

First vice-rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Yury Romanovsky and director of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Alexander Vasilevich were present at the signing of contracts with the new residents.
– We observe a great interest in the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region. At present, we have 13 residents of Technopark, 8 of them are enterprises created by employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, "Yury Romanovsky noted. Associate Professor of the Department of General and Social Psychology of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Anna Rakitskaya plans to implement the project "Studio of Calm and Good Mood" on the basis of the Science and Technology Park.
My activity as a resident of the Science and Technology Park will be multidisciplinary, – said Anna Rakitskaya. – On the one hand, I plan to put into practice the results of my own scientific research, since I am studying at the doctoral program of Belarusian State University, and my dissertation research is related to the peculiarities of interaction within a couple in intimate and personal relationships, marital relations. On the other hand, as part of my project "Studio of Calm and Good Mood", I am going to use such a unique innovative block in working with clients, which is associated with relaxation and suggestive methods.

Anna Rakitskaya also noted that it is important for her to develop her entrepreneurial competencies in the university space. She is a graduate of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, where she also completed master's and postgraduate studies, defended her PhD thesis, was the dean of the Faculty of Psychology. Having founded a company that has become a resident of Technopark of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Anna Rakitskaya intends to continue to realize her opportunities not only as an entrepreneur, but also as a scientist. In turn, Evgeny Mikhalovich, a graduate of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the founder of another resident-company of the Technopark, shared how he sees the future prospects for the development of his enterprise:
– Our company has been operating for two years, and now we have decided to obtain the status of the resident of Technopark of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. I believe that this will give our business a new impetus for development. In addition, we employ university students, and it may be easier for them to promote the ideas of some of their projects on the basis of the Technopark. By the way, we are engaged in the development of software products. And recently we have been thinking about creating an IT product that would benefit the Belarusian society. The project we are working on now will help public organizations or associations to take into account, form, make any samples, get analytics based on machine learning algorithms and keep a competent record of members of their organizations, which will facilitate and speed up the work of administrators. Members of these organizations will also have access to information about what membership fees they pay, what benefits and preferences they can count on.

As first vice-rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Yury Romanovsky told, the process of commissioning of the second stage of the Science and Technology Park is currently underway. The new building has 16 industrial premises with an area from 180 to 280 square meters, as well as 16 office premises. More than 300 square meters are supposed to be used for the exhibition of achievements of enterprises of Grodno region and not only. At the moment, about 80 percent of the areas of the second stage of the Technopark have already been reserved. A competition has even been formed for the rental of office space. Entrepreneurs still have the opportunity to declare their desire to rent production facilities. All interested representatives of the business community are invited to cooperate.

A student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the International Forum "Points of Growth: Historical Policy, value and Ideological foundations of Eurasian Integration"


The International Forum was held in Minsk last week and brought together young people from Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Vera Martynova, a 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Law of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, was also among the participants of the forum. Representatives of young people from five countries of the Eurasian Economic Union gathered in Minsk, who discussed new options for cooperation between the states for several days.
The program included lectures, seminars, discussions and master classes dedicated to the search and discussion of new ideas, as well as the ways to solve socio-economic and political problems. It was possible to join the forum online.
The forum in Minsk has become one of the educational events implemented within the framework of the international project in the field of public diplomacy "Points of Growth".

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