The university employee was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor

The meeting of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus was held on January 27.
The academic title of Associate Professor was awarded to the Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Irina Tsiunchik of the Faculty of Philology of Yanka Kupala State University.

A representative of Yanka Kupala State University took part in a working meeting of the Council of Young Scientists under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

The working meeting was held on January 22 at the Belarusian National Technical University.
Kupala University was represented by Boris Bolokhonov, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty of Law, member of the Council of Young Scientists of the University. Within the framework of the working meeting, the members of the Council considered issues of cooperation of higher education institutions based on joint research and development, summed up the results of the competition for the Council's logo projects, heard a report on the work of the Council of Young Scientists for 2020, and also got acquainted with the educational, scientific and innovative complex of BNTU on the basis of the experienced plant “Politechnic”

The meeting was followed by a meeting with the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Irina Starovoitova, where the participants discussed the changes proposed in the draft Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, new rules for admission to educational institutions and ways to attract young people to university science and current issues of social policy to support young scientists.

Book exhibitions for the Year of National Unity opened at Yanka Kupala State University

The exhibitions feature popular science publications, encyclopedias, reference books on socio-political and socio-economic development, history and modernity of the Republic of Belarus.
The staff of the Scientific Library of Yanka Kupala State University organized book exhibitions dedicated to the Year of National Unity. So, in the reading room of the subscription of fiction and scientific literature at Ozheshko, 22, you can see the exhibition "There is strength in unity", the exhibition "Treasure of the people of Belarus in the Union" in the library of the Faculty of Philology, Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, and the lending of textbooks library of Physico-Technical Faculty, Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Innovative Mechanic Engineering at Vrublevskogo, 33, aud. 212 there is the exhibition "There is power of the country in the unity of the people!". The expositions contain both the most interesting popular science publications about the history and modernity of our republic, and collections of fiction of Belarusian classics.
Other events dedicated to the Year of National Unity are also planned at Kupala University. Among them are the children's drawing contest "The World of Friendship, Unity", the video presentation "The Reflection of National Unity in the work of Belarusian writers", the exhibition of creative works by employees of Yanka Kupala State University "Treasures of soul: unity of traditions through art", as well as a number of other thematic expositions.

Scientists of Yanka Kupala State University presented their developments at the exhibition dedicated to the Belarusian Science Day in Minsk

To explore the development of Kupala University on January 29 scientists presented the most significant results of scientific-technical and innovative activity in the country within the framework of the exhibition in the NAS of Belarus.
Two developments of representatives of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University were presented at the exhibition dedicated to the Belarusian Science Day. One of them is included in the top 10 results of scientists ' activities for 2020 in the field of basic and applied research. This is the development of a team of authors from Kupala University and the Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The development relates to the field of medicine and can be used for the treatment and prevention of toxic liver damage. Scientists have proposed a drug composition containing melatonin, which has the properties of an effective direct and indirect antioxidant, a bioenergetic substrate succinate and an extract of cranberry fruit flavonoids. Among the scientists-developers is the Professor of the Department of Biochemistry of Yanka Kupala State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ilya Zavodnik.
As a significant result of the scientific-technical and innovation activities at the exhibition in Minsk was submitted to another development of Kupala University, authored by the leading researcher, associate Professor, candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences Vitaly Stepuro, the Associate Professor of the Department of General physics, the Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences Andrew Lavysh, the Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics, doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences Svetlana Gogoleva, head of the Department of General physics, associate Professor, the Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences Alexander Maskevich. At the exhibition at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the scientists of Yanka Kupala State University demonstrated how micro-viscosity and temperature sensors based on fluorescent molecular rotors work for the needs of fluorescence microscopy in the application to biomedicine. The development relates to the field of spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy and can be used to determine the temperature and viscosity in locally small volumes of matter based on the analysis of the optical signal from the molecular rotor.

Graduate students of Yanka Kupala State University have been awarded a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus for 2021

The scholarships were awarded to four representatives of Kupala University who are working on dissertations in priority areas of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities.
Among them, a graduate student of the Physico-Technical Faculty Pavel Karpach, a post-graduate student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Julia Keiko, a graduate student of the Faculty of Pedagogy Marta Kuzmich and a graduate of the Faculty of Philology Nadezhda Nasedkina. The practical significance of their scientific achievements is confirmed by the acts on the implementation of the results obtained in the production and educational process. The results of all dissertation research are published in scientific publications, presented at national and international conferences and symposia.
On January 14, 2021, President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed an order on awarding scholarships to postgraduate students. The document is aimed at supporting young scientists, developing scientific schools and the scientific potential of Belarus.

Foreign students of the preparatory department of Kupala University joined the traditional Belarusian winter fun

The Faculty of Pre-university training of Yanka Kupala State University organized a holiday for the World Snow Day.
An adaptation and cultural event dedicated to the Belarusian winter traditions is held annually for foreign students of the preparatory department of the Faculty of Pre-university Training of Kupala University. This time, the teachers of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens Inna Samoilova, Lilia Shumskaya, Elena Mohan, Irina Kraskovskaya and Natalia Muzychenko invited the students to answer the questions of a thematic quiz, guess riddles, name traditional Belarusian winter holidays, and also take part in traditional winter fun in the fresh air.
Two teams -"Rainbow" and "Heroes" - competed in the quiz contest. The intellectual struggle was intense, as a result, the team "Rainbow" won with a minimum margin of 0.5 points from the opponents. After summing up the results of the quiz contest, the children took part in the traditional Slavic winter games: "Pass the Snowball", "Marksman", "Snowblows", "Frozen Sparrows". Delicious Belarusian chocolate became a sweet bonus for the participants and a reward for their activity!

Kupala University has launched courses on the organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT

Heads and specialists of educational and methodological offices of Yanka Kupala State University improve their digital competencies.
The course program includes three training modules: "The Educational Portal of Yanka Kupala State University as an interactive educational platform", "Google Services for Learning", "Microsoft Teams: creating a collaborative learning environment", in which students will develop their own digital educational products and actively interact with each other. Participants also have access to the working platform of the courses, where the necessary information materials, tasks, forums, and useful links are posted.
As the head of the educational and methodological department Marina Kolotsey noted, the digitalization of education requires appropriate staffing - specialists who are able to translate the ideas of continuous, high-quality and affordable education into the pedagogical practice of the university. In the context of globalization, mass network communication, and a dynamically developing information society, university staff, including heads and specialists of teaching and methodological offices, must have a sufficient level of digital culture to be ready to use information and communication technologies in their professional activities and provide qualified assistance to faculty teachers.
The moderator of the two training modules will be the head of the laboratory of educational innovations Oleg Kolyago. Experience of using Microsoft platform Teams will share the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Associate Professor, Department of mathematical analysis, differential equations and algebra Tatiana Vankova, and a lecturer of system programming and computer security Victoria Medvedeva. The joint work of experienced and young moderators will allow you to reveal the capabilities of the Teams team environment in a mirror image-through the eyes of a teacher and a student.
The courses “Organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT” will be held at Kupala University until January 29.

Yanka Kupala State University will host advanced training courses “Organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT”

The participants of the courses, which will start on January 18, will be the heads and specialists of the educational and methodological offices of Kupala University.
The course program includes three training modules. Students will learn a lot of useful information about Yanka Kupala State University Educational Portal as an interactive educational platform, as well as about Google services for learning and will master the creation of a collaborative learning environment in Microsoft Teams. All information will be presented in an accessible, visual and fascinating way. Course instructors will provide step-by-step instructions on how to create digital products and share examples of using digital services and tools.
Classes will be held from January 18 to 29 in the morning in the room 213 in the main academic building of Kupala University at 22 Ozheshko Street. Heads and specialists of the training rooms of Yanka Kupala State University are invited to take part in the advanced training courses “Organization and technical support of the educational process using ICT”.

Employees of Kupala University became participants of a training seminar for lecturers of the Republican society “Knowledge”

Representatives of Yanka Kupala State State University took part in the discussion of topical issues of socio-economic and socio-political development of the country at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
At the opening of the seminar on topical issues of socio-economic and socio-political development of the Republic of Belarus, Rector of the Academy of Management Vyacheslav Danilovich addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. Valery Belsky, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Belarus for the Development of the Financial and Credit system, Svetlana Aleynikova, analyst at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, and Pavel Yeliseyev, Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision of the Observance of Citizens’ Rights and Freedoms, also made reports on various topics as experts.
The seminar was held on January 16 in the format of an open dialogue, when each of the participants could ask a question and get a detailed, competent answer to it. Head of the Department of Educational work with Youth Oksana Kotova and Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Education Snezhana Semernik took part in the event on behalf of Yanka Kupala State University.

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