Friday, 28 May 2021 21:51

International reading competition "Love will save the world" among foreign listeners and students will be held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

International reading competition "Love will save the world" among foreign listeners and students will be held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

This year the creative competition is dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
The creative competition will be held in face-to-face and distance formats. Foreign students and listeners of educational institutions of our country and foreign universities will take part in it: they will demonstrate to the competent jury their skills in Russian speech and oratory in reading poems on the topic of the competition. The jury will evaluate the correctness of the emotional and semantic interpretation, rhythm, intonation, reproduction accuracy and technique of the participants of the competition.
The competition, organized by the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Kupala University, is aimed at forming a foreign language culture of young people from different countries, revealing the creative potential of foreign listeners and students, and introducing them to world cultural values.
The final of the competition will take place on May 21 at 14.00 in the main building of the university at the address: Ozheshko, 22, aud. 218.

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