Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Representatives are invited to take part in the online presentation of the CIS International Youth Competition named after A.A. Gromyko

Online presentation, organized for students, young teachers and researchers of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, will be held on April 16 at 15:30.


The winners and finalists of the Competition 2018-2019 will tell the participants of the online event about the opportunities and prospects for future finalists, as well as about the experience gained through participation in the Forum of finalists in Moscow and the Presidential Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus in St. Petersburg. Those present will also be able to learn about the projects in which the finalists participate and ask the organizers any questions they are interested in.

The contest is timed to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the creation of the UN. The works of the CIS International Youth Competition named after A.A. Gromyko winners will be published in the leading scientific journals included in the list of VAK and Scopus and awarded valuable prizes.

In order to become a participant of the online conference, you need to follow the link https://zoom.us/j/236734492. If the application is not installed on your mobile phone or computer, you must download it https://zoom.us/signup. After that you can join the conference. The official website of the contest: konkurs-gromyko.org.


An agreement with the ninth resident was signed at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Technopark

LLC “Studio 111” on the basis of Science and Technology Park at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will implement new digital projects in the field of electronic marketing and business.


LLC “Studio 111” was created by joint efforts of students and professors of the Economics and Management Faculty and History, Communication and Tourism Faculty.

Company’s director Sergey Leshuk, senior lecturer of the Journalism Department, said that today there is a great demand for information products aimed at consumers who want to receive information without leaving their homes.

– We combine the efforts of specialties “Electronic Marketing” and “Information and Communication”, the experience of the best specialists, and create an enterprise on the basis of the Science and Technology Park, which will implement and promote technological, innovative, information solutions. The company will first of all be engaged in digital products. These are applications, information resources, promotion in social networks, content marketing and digital logistics, electronic marketing and business, - said Sergey Leshuk. – For us, the Technopark is a launch pad, where we can realize the potential of both students and the university.

In addition, business consulting for medium and small businesses will be developed jointly with the faculties:

– We plan to transfer academic knowledge to business, to train students in electronic and information and communication technologies. Students will be able to try themselves in business, strengthen their competencies and get practical knowledge and skills not only in those areas that are already in the university, but also in the practical area of e-business, – added the director of LLC “Studio 111” Sergey Leshuk.

The winners and prize-winners of the II Open Tourist Projects Competition “I invite you to the small motherland” were named at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

This year 35 teams of Grodno region educational institutions took part in the contest, which was held remotely.


The participants had to showcase the tourist attractions of their native land and draft their own project to develop the tourist attractiveness of the small motherland. The organizers note that the competitive works showed outstanding creativity and entrepreneurial skills of the participating teams.

According to the results of the competition the 1st degree diplomas were awarded to the teams “PRAVO™” from Grodno secondary school No. 27, “Kornadskaya Zvezdochka” from Kornadsky kindergarten-basic school and “Miryanochki” from Mir secondary school.

The 2nd degree diplomas were won by the teams “Mestnye Volki” from the gymnasium No. 1 of Volkovysk, “Vandrowniki” from Berdov kindergarten-secondary school, “Novoe Pokolenie” from Ditvyansk secondary school.

The 3rd degree diplomas were awarded to “Krewlyanachki” from Krevsky nursery school, “Nashchadki Vaverskaj Ziamli” from Vaverska kindergarten secondary school, and the team “Adradzhenne” from Veredomich kindergarten secondary school.

In addition, in 2020, the jury of the competition for the first time named the winners in individual categories. Thus, the victory in the nomination “Professional vision of the tourist region potential” was shared by teams of “ESOstil” from Radun District Center of Tourism, Local History and Ecology, and “VolKraj” from Volkovysk District Center of Tourism and Local History of Children and Youth.

In the nomination “The best project of military-patriotic theme in tourism” won the team “Kraevedy” from Lida secondary school No. 1. In the category “Original animation program” beyond comparison won the team “Belarus Nepokorennaya” from Grodno Gymnasium No. 10. The nomination “Creating an atmosphere of hospitality” was given to the team “Devchata” from Oshmyany secondary school No. 3. For the victory in the category “Choice of YouTube channel users” several teams successfully fought, gaining views and likes. As a result, the most popular was the video project of the team “Slonim” from Slonim District Center for Additional Education of Children and Youth.

You can find the works of all participants on the YouTube channel “I invite you to the small motherland” (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5iQmOF-Evs94nWS_QXMSbg/videos).

The competition was organized by the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the History, Communication and Tourism Faculty with the support of the Main Department of Education of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Department of Sport and Tourism of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Grodno Regional Tourism and Local Lore Center.




X International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Alternant-2020" will be held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The online scientific forum will bring together students, teachers and young scientists on April 29-30.
During the conference, participants will consider competence-based and practice-oriented approaches in the education system, discuss current problems of pedagogy and psychology of education, theory and practice of preschool education. Among the topics of the forum are methods and technologies of inclusive education, problems of teaching methods of linguistic and natural science disciplines, as well as the educational potential of the educational process.
Applications for participation in the conference and texts of reports are accepted until April 25 at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
tel. 75-49-06, 75-49-04.

YKSUG students will participate in the development of the University's Vision for 2021-2025

The competition "University of my dreams" was announced at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Students of the first and second stages of higher education, cadets and postgraduates of the University can take part in the development of the Vision of the University. Kupalovtsy are offered to develop a project containing the Vision of the University for 2021-2025 and development priorities until 2030, as well as to justify their proposals.
The authors need to determine how they see the future of the University, its key values and strategic directions, suggest in which direction it should develop, indicate the main guidelines and principles of organizing activities at the University for the next five years. In addition, students need to determine what future educational technologies, educational and scientific products of the University, consumers of educational and scientific and technical developments will be. It is necessary to identify the main problems that the University focuses on, the projected competitive advantages and the position in the global educational space that the University should occupy in the long term.
Materials for participation in the competition - the application, the project and the justification of the Vision - must be submitted to the Department of Educational Work With Youth by April 30 in paper (22 Ozheshko str., office 224, tel.: 73 19 09) and in electronic form by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Winners and awardees will be awarded with diplomas and cash prizes.
The organizers note that the competition is aimed at developing the ability to plan and design by involving students in the process of developing the University's Strategy for 2021-2025 and priorities for the period up to 2030. Among the tasks of the competition is to create conditions for the disclosure of organizational, creative, collective potential and personal growth of participants, as well as to stimulate and develop social activity of students.

The winners and awardees of the II Open competition of tourist projects "I invite you to the small motherland" were named in YKSUG

35 teams of educational institutions of the Grodno region took part in the competition, which was held remotely this year.
The children had to demonstrate the tourist attractions of their native land and develop their own project to develop the tourist attractiveness of the small motherland. The organizers note that the contest entries showed outstanding creativity and entrepreneurial abilities of the participating teams.
By results of the competition the owners of diplomas of the first degree have become the teams "PRAVO™" of the secondary school № 27 of Grodno, "Kornadskaya star" of the educational-pedagogical complex kindergarten-basic school of Kornady and "Mirianochki" of the high school of Mir.
Diplomas of the second degree were won by the teams "The wolves" of the gymnasium № 1 of Volkovysk, "Wandrowniki" of the educational-pedagogical complex kindergarten-high school of Berdovka and "New generation" of the high school of Ditviany.
The teams "Krewlianachki" of the educational-pedagogical complex of nursery school of Krevo, "Nashchadki wawerskai zyamli" of Zhirmunsky educational-pedagogical complex kindergarten-high school, and the team "Adradjenne" of the educational-pedagogical complex kindergarten-high school of Verdomichi have received diplomas of the III degree.
In addition, in 2020, the competition jury named the winners in separate categories for the first time. Thus, the victory in the category "Professional vision of the tourism potential of the region" was shared by the teams "Ecostyle" of the Radunsky regional center of tourism, local history and ecology and "Volkray" of the Volkovysk regional center of tourism and local history of children and youth.
In the category "Best project of military-patriotic themes in tourism" the first team was "Local historians" of the secondary school № 1 of Lida. In the category "Original animation program", the team "Belarus Unconquered" of the gymnasium № 10 of Grodno was beyond comparison. The team "Devchata" of the secondary school № 3 of Oshmyany received the nomination "Creating an atmosphere of hospitality". Several teams successfully competed for the victory in the category "Choice of YouTube channel users", gaining views and likes. As a result, the video project of the Slonim team of the Slonim district center of additional education of children and youth has become the most popular.

The works of all participants can be found on the YouTube channel "I invite you to the small motherland".
The contest was organized by the Department of tourism and cultural heritage of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism with the support of main Department of Education of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Administration of Sport and Tourism of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Grodno Regional Centre of Tourism and Local History.

A meeting with the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Youth” was held at the Yanka Kupala State University

As part of live editorial lectures in the mobile format “YouthTEAM for the whole world”, developed specifically for students of higher education institutions, a meeting was held with the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Youth” Svetlana Votinova. The event was held in the reading room of the library of the Yanka Kupala State University on March 16.
“Youth” is a monthly literary-artistic and socio-political illustrated magazine where famous Belarusian writers were published and famous figures of Belarusian literature worked. It has been published since April 1953 in the Belarusian language in Minsk.
During the meeting, students of the philological faculty and the faculty of history, communication and tourism learned about the history of the magazine's origin and development, its columns, projects, editorial work and participation in various competitions. The meeting ended with a game: Svetlana Votinova offered to pull out pieces of paper with expressions in which it was necessary to correct mistakes that are often found in the works of young authors. At the same time, prizes from “Youth” were raffled off.
It should be noted that everyone can send their works to the magazine. The main conditions are high-quality prose / poetry, Belarussian language and the author's age up to 35 years.
The series of lectures “YOUTHTEAM for the whole world” includes topics relevant for future linguists, philologists, journalists, publishers, and in general for representatives of creative and purposeful youth. Some of them are mainly educational in nature, while others introduce you directly to the publication. The survey conducted during the lecture will help the magazine to see its audience in detail, and students will learn about the magazine and the prospects for cooperation with the editorial board.

Yanka Kupala State University student is among the winners of the qualifying stage of the competition “WorldSkills Belarus 2020”

Maxim Stupakevich succeeded in the tasks of the qualifying stage of the competition in professional skills in the competence “Electronics”.
The competition was held in the capital on the basis of OAO “Integral”. Participants were to perform the proposed tasks related to circuitry engineering, design of printed circuit boards and microcontroller programming.
Along with the other contestants, three Kupala students competed for the victory in the qualifying stage. These are the 3rd year students of the faculty of physics and technology of the Yanka Kupala State University, who study in the specialty “Information and measuring technology”, Denis Klyshevich, Alexey Skrebets and Maxim Stupakevich.
As a result, the Kupala student, Maxim Stupakevich, was one of the seven winners of the competition. Thus, he has received the right to participate in the final stage of the IV National Contest of Professional Skills “WorldSkills Belarus 2020”, which will be held on May 18-20 in Minsk.
“WorldSkills” is an international non-profit movement that aims to raise the status of professional education and standards of professional training and qualifications around the world. The Republic of Belarus officially became the 68th member of “WorldSkills International” in 2014.

The meetings of the University's rector Irina Kiturko with the student activists of the faculties have ended at the Yanka Kupala State University

Today, on March 13, the rector of the university, Irina Kiturko, answered questions from students of the faculty of history, communication and tourism and the military faculty.
Within the framework of an open dialogue, the university's student activists, together with the rector, Irina Kiturko, spoke about the qualities of a modern specialist in demand today in the labor market. Students were also interested in the rector's plans for the development of their university in the near future. Irina Fedorovna noted that it depends not only on the university management what their Alma Mater will be like in a few years, but also on the students themselves, and invited the students to share their vision of the prospects and opportunities of Kupala University.
One of the issues raised by students in the open dialogue was the Rector's ball for the best graduates held by the Yanka Kupala State University in the summer – the students expressed their wish that the event could be attended by those students whose graduation at the University falls in the winter.
During the meeting, students also asked questions about the technical equipment of buildings with modern technology. The rector of the university, Irina Kiturko, stressed that work in this direction was actively underway, within the framework of the project “Digital University +”, to provide all the necessary equipment to the university classrooms.
We recall that during two weeks at Kupala University, meetings with the rector of the University were held with the student activists of all faculties. These are meetings with students from the faculty of arts and design, the faculty of mathematics and informatics, philological faculty, law faculty, and the faculty of biology and ecology. Students of the faculty of physical culture and pedagogical faculty, as well as students of the faculty of innovative mechanical engineering, faculty of engineering and construction, students of the faculty of economics and management and the faculty of psychology were able to ask the rector their questions.

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