Students, teachers and employees of Yanka Kupala State University said good-bye to winter

City cultural and sports festival “Towards spring 2020. Shrove Kingdom, Pancake State” was held in the Pyshki forest park on February 29.
Representatives of all faculties of Yanka Kupala State University gathered to say good-bye to winter. There worked a field kitchen, where Kupala students warmed themselves up with tea, tasted army porridge and were treated to the main symbol of Maslenitsa – pancakes at the festival. In addition, everyone could play darts, checkers or chess, as well as compete in arm wrestling and weight lifting. Creative performances prepared by the Department of Cultural and Leisure Activities of the Department of Educational Work with Youth and the Campus of Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala were a gift for the guests.

Student of Yanka Kupala State University is the winner of the regional stage of the National Professional Skills Contest "Worldskills Belarus" in the competence “Car Repair”

The competition was held on February 26 at the Ivan Schastny State Professional Electrotechnical College of Grodno.
Participants in the competence “Car Repair” were to perform welding and straightening work on the car. The work of the contestants was evaluated by qualified experts.
3rd year student of the Faculty of Innovative Mechanical Engineering specialty “Technical operation of vehicles” Eugene Kuprianovich became the winner of the regional stage in the competence “Car Repair”. He will represent the Grodno region at the IV National competition of professional skills “WorldSkills Belarus-2020” in Minsk. The winners of the national stage will represent Belarus in 2021 in Shanghai.
On the subject: “WorldSkills Belarus” is an international non-profit movement that aims to improve the status of professional education and standards of professional training and qualifications around the world. The mission of “WorldSkills” is to develop professional competencies and increase the prestige of highly qualified personnel, demonstrating the importance of skills for economic growth and personal success.

PHOTO FACT: Rector of Yanka Kupala State University, Irina Kiturko, was awarded the first-degree diploma for participation in competitive shooting


The instructions-and-methods class on shooting training took place on February 27.
The event was attended by heads and their deputies from Belarusian universities, where there are military faculties and departments. The activity was aimed at strengthening cooperation between the Military Department and educational institutions in the training of military personnel.
According to the results of the activity, Irina Kiturko, rector of Yanka Kupala State University, was awarded a first-degree diploma for participating in the competition. Irina Kiturko was also awarded a Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus certificate for active participation in the training of military personnel for the Armed Forces.

A year-round sports contest among students started in Yanka Kupala State University

The first in the marathon of sports events was kettlebell lifting competition.
Eight men's teams of faculties took part in the competition. The first place was taken by the team of the military faculty, the Head is the teacher of physical training and sports of the Department of theory and organization of physical training of military personnel Ivan Krupenich. The second place was taken by students of the faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, the Head is the senior teacher of the Department of physical education and sports Alexander Flerko. The third place was taken by the faculty of civil engineering, headed by Associate Professor of the Department of physical education and sports Vitaly Maklakov.
The competition was held in five weight categories: up to 65 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 85 kg, up to 90 kg and over 90 kg. The winners were determined by the sum of double event results: push and jerk of the kettlebell. The Chief Judge of the competition is senior teacher of the Department of physical education and sports Ivan Bernatovich.
The sports contest among students of the Yanka Kupala State University will be held during 2020. Kupala students will compete in basketball, volleyball, mini-football, chess, swimming, table tennis, athletics and autumn cross. More information about the program of the competition can be found here. By the way, in 2019, 1101 students took part in the sports competition, and the law faculty won according to the results of all competitions.

Employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were given awards

The award ceremony took place at a meeting of the University Council on February 26 and was timed to celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Yanka Kupala State University.

The awards are given to employees and students who have achieved success in professional and educational activities.
Thus, the Certificates of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus were awarded to the head of the Information and Analysis Center, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Evgeny Olizarovich, associate professor of the department of technology, physiology and food hygiene, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Oksana Pavlova, vice-rector for scientific work, candidate of physical of Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Yuri Romanovsky, Leading Researcher of the Research Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Vitaly Stepuro, Professor of the Department of General Physics and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Natalia Strekal.
Inna Minchuk, head of the Department of journalism, candidate of philological Sciences, was awarded the Diploma of the Grodno regional Council of deputies.
Leading electronic engineer of the information and analytical center Victor Bodak, deputy head of the Planning and Economics Department Tatyana Bondareva, 1st category psychologist at the Regional Testing and Vocational Guidance Center for Youth Alena Glushen, associate professor of the Department of History of Belarus, Archeology, and special historical disciplines, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Elena Obukhova were awarded the Hononary diplomas of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The title of Honorary Veteran of Labor of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University was awarded to the assistant professor of the Department of Modern Programming Technologies, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Nina Makarova, the assistant professor of the Department of World and Slavic History, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor Maya Marten.
Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Slavamir Anufrik was awarded the title of Honorary Veteran of Labor of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the Diploma of the Belarusian Physical Society and the Certificate of Honor of the B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Also the Certificate of Honor of the B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was awarded to the Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Leonid Gaida, Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Alexei Ivanov, Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, associate professor Kazimir Znosko, associate professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Vladislav Kurstak, the deputy dean for academic work of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Vincent Tarkovsky.
The certificate of honor of the Grodno regional association of trade unions was given to the assistant professor of international law, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Liliya Abramchik, The certificate of honor of the Grodno regional committee of the Belarusian trade union of education and science workers was awarded to the head of the sports club Kirill Akulich, assistant professor of tourism and cultural heritage, candidate of cultural studies, associate professor Sergey Donskikh, Deputy Head of the Planning and Economic Department Alla Mustafaeva, Head of the Training Department for quality management of education, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Daria Shpak.
The diploma of the Primary Trade Union Organization of Employees of the Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala was awarded to Raisa Gabrusevich, therapist of the 1st category of the doctor’s office of the medical admission center, the leading software engineer of the information and analytical center Svetlana Klimuk, the leading specialist of the Dean of Physical Education Anna Novitskaya, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Natalya Mikhailova, warden of the educational building No. 10 Svetlana Panasyuk, head of household catering Center Raisa Sivenkova.
The Honorary Diploma of the Grodno Regional Institute for the Development of Education was awarded to Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Gennady Gachko, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Andrei German, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Anna Rakitskaya and head of the Information and Analytical Center, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Evgeny Olizarovich.
Students of Kupala were also awarded the Diplomas of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. These are Allaberdi Avraikulov, a law student, Anna Botvinko, a student of the Department of History, Communication and Tourism, Ekaterina Gannutsina, a student of the Faculty of Education, Igor Zubko, a student of the Faculty of Physics, Ekaterina Kiselevskaya, a student of the Philology Faculty, Anastasia Nevyarovskaya, a student of the Faculty of Law, and Daria Paputsevich, a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Alexander Podobed and Evgenia Reutskaya, philology students, student of the faculty of mathematics and computer science Pavel Romanets, student of the pedagogical faculty Daria Saley, student of the faculty of economics and management Julia Semenyuk, student of the faculty of art and design Yana Yanukevich.

The results of the annual ranking of teaching staff for 2019 were summed up at the Yanka Kupala state University

The winners were named in eight nominations. For the first time — in the nomination “Internationalization”.

In the nomination “Doctor of Sciences”, the first place was taken by the head of the Department of Botany, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Oleg Sozinov. The head of the Department of Biochemistry, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ilya Zavodnik became the second. The third place was awarded to the professor of the department of Russian philology, doctor of philological sciences, professor Alexei Nikitevich.
The first place in the nomination “Candidates of Sciences” was taken by the head of the Department of Zoology and Human and Animal Physiology of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Olga Yanchurevich. Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology of the Faculty of Law, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Rimma Klyuchko is placed second, the third place was given to the head of the department of modern programming technologies of the faculty of mathematics and computer science, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Lada Rudikova.
The winner in the nomination “Teacher without a Scientific Degree” is Elena Korneva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Law. Senior teacher of the Department of English Philology, Master of Philology Olga Budenis is the second. The third place was awarded to Irina Kolesnik, senior lecturer of the Department of Ecology, Master of Biological Sciences.
In the nomination “Young Scientist”, associate professor of the Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Tatyana Gizhuk took the first place. Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Andrei Lavysh became the second. The senior lecturer of the department of modern programming technologies, master of pedagogical sciences Nikolay Kuryan is the third.
The Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics won the ranking of departments in the nomination “Educational Activities”, the Department of System Programming and Computer Security became the second, and the Department of Belarusian Philology is the third.
The first in the nomination “Research and Innovation Activities” was the Department of General Physics, the second place was awarded to the Department of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering, and the third place took the Department of Ecology.
The Department of Ecology won the nomination “Ideological, Educational and Social Work”, the Department of Russian Philology took the second place, and the Department of Journalism took the third place.
For the first time, the best departments were named in the “Internationalization” category. Thus, the first place was awarded to the Department of Modern Programming Technologies, the Department of Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Systems became the second, and the third place took the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Korolenko signed a cooperation agreement

The signing took place on February 25 as part of the forum “Days of Udmurtia in the Republic of Belarus”, which is being held in Minsk. Kupala University was represented at the forum by Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Vasily Senko.

The cooperation agreement between the two universities is aimed at developing international relations in the fields of education, research and cultural exchange.
Thus, within the framework of the agreement, it is planned to organize joint research, implement programs and projects, prepare research projects and put their results into practice. This includes implementation of scientific internships, exchange of students, undergraduates, and postgraduates for their training, and exchange of scientists and teachers for lectures and consultations. Among the areas of cooperation are the preparation of joint scientific and methodological publications, peer review of research and educational and methodological works, assistance in the development and preparation of joint textbooks, manuals, lectures, methodological recommendations, scientific and practical comments, dictionaries, etc. and literature exchange. The plans include holding and participating in joint scientific, scientific-practical seminars, conferences, symposiums, meetings, thematic round tables, meetings, as well as other scientific, practical, methodological and cultural events.
It is worth noting that within the framework of the forum, thematic round tables were held where the parties discussed the development of industrial cooperation between the enterprises of the two countries, the possibilities of industrial cooperation in the field of healthcare, social rehabilitation, higher and secondary vocational education, as well as the prospects for further cooperation in the field of tourism. In addition, during the visit, members of the Udmurt delegation laid flowers at the Minsk Hero City Obelisk, after which they met with the leadership of the Belarusian Railway and the Minsk Automobile Plant and visited the High-Tech Park.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosts the first regional stage of the «WorldSkills Belarus» competition in the «Primary Education» competence

Students of Volkovysk and Lida colleges, as well as a student of the pedagogical faculty of Kupala University, take part in professional skill competitions.

While passing the regional stage tests, participants must successfully cope with the tasks of two modules: “General Cultural development” and “General Professional development”. Representatives of the expert group, in turn, will evaluate the quality of the self-presentation prepared in advance by the contestants, as well as the level of their professional skills in developing and conducting classes using interactive equipment and a fragment of a virtual tour.
“This year, the competence “Primary Education” is presented for the first time at the national competition of professional skills “WorldSkills”, – said the Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University Svetlana Kostritsa. “And for the first time in the walls of the Yanka Kupala State University, we are holding the regional stage of the competition for this competence. This is an important and serious event for us. I think that the participants are very excited right now. Therefore, opening the competition, I want to address my first and main words to you, participants. Good luck to you, as well as concentration and calmness – these are the qualities that a primary school teacher needs in his daily work.”
By the way, Elvira Pavlyuchik, a 4th-year student of the pedagogical faculty of Yanka Kupala State University, based her presentation on the arguments about the personal and professional qualities of the teacher. She is convinced that the profession of primary school teacher is one of the most creative ones. Elvira intends to further develop in the profession, and participation in the WorldSkills contest will undoubtedly open up new perspectives. Representatives of two colleges of the Yanka Kupala state University – Volkovysk and Lida – are also competing for the title of the regional stage winner of the professional skills competition in the competence “Primary Education”: Ivona Yadeshko and Anna Lavrova are students of the Volkovysk College, and Irena Shibovskaya is mastering the profession of a teacher at the Lida College of the Yanka Kupala state University.
“First, the contestants presented themselves in a short five-minute performance. The second part of the competition day involves a longer and more intense work of the participants. Within three hours online, they will prepare for the task they received. They have all the necessary equipment, materials and textbooks at their disposal. Then the contestants will give a lesson for volunteers.” – said Elena Lapkovskaya, associate Professor of the Department of Natural science and linguistic disciplines and methods of their teaching at Yanka Kupala State University.
According to the results of the regional stage of the WorldSkills Belarus contest, participants will be awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degrees. The winner will represent the Grodno region at the final stage of the professional skill competition “WorldSkills Belarus 2020”.

Topical areas of cooperation were discussed during the visit of the delegation of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University to the faculty of physics and technology

The visit took place as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Yanka Kupala State University.
The rector of K. Zhubanov University, Baurzhan Erembetov, vice-rector for strategic development Kuanyshbek Shunkeyev and dean of physics and mathematics faculty Altanshash Bekbauova visited the faculty of physics and technology.
During the visit, the prospects for further cooperation with scientists of the faculty of physics and technology of Kupala University were discussed. The guests got acquainted with the main areas of work of the molecular spectroscopy and nanostructure optics laboratory of the faculty of physics and technology, visited the supercomputer center, as well as the science and technology park.
During the discussion, the parties reached an agreement on the conclusion of another export contract for the supply of an experimental plant to K. Zhubanov University, which is being developed by scientists of the faculty of physics and technology.
The guests were actively interested in the developments of the faculty in the field of object research using x-ray fluorescence and laser emission analysis. This task is particularly relevant for the Aktobe region in connection with the planned development of a valuable mineral, diatomite, which can be used as a highly effective sorbent in industry and medicine.
A possibility of performing joint research in the field of computer modeling of physical processes using remote access to computing resources of the Yanka Kupala State University was discussed.
A demonstration of a prototype of an innovative alcohol tester based on an electrochemical sensor developed at the faculty of physics and technology by a team of young scientists and graduates (Artur and Alexander Litskevich, Alexey Nikito, Witold Zaman) took place. By the way, this development has caught the interest of field-oriented Kazakh specialists, a joint project has been formed to complete R & D and commercialise the development results on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In addition to discussing joint research projects, the prospects for designing joint educational programs and two-degree education in the master's degree program of the faculty of physics and technology were also considered.
For reference: Cooperation of the faculty of physics and technology of K. Zhubanov University began with the visit of the first vice-rector of K. Zhubanov University Kuanyshbek Shunkeev to Kupala University in August 2017. On November 28, 2017, Minsk hosted the sixth meeting of the working Commission for coordinating the activities of the scientific and educational consortium between higher educational and research institutions of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, at which K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University was accepted as a member of the consortium.
Within the framework of joint work in the consortium, scientists of the faculty of physics and technology of Yanka Kupala State University have implemented 5 export contracts, prepared 5 scientific publications and 7 applications for scientific projects, and organized an internship for undergraduates in the laboratory of molecular spectroscopy and nanostructure optics of Kupala University.



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