First interdisciplinary diploma project defended at YKSUG

Students of different specialties of the Faculty of history, communications and tourism under the guidance of Valentina Morozova, professor of History of Belarus , archaeology and special historic disciplines department, and Irina Gerasimchik, associate professor of department of journalism, designed a unique project “Music of Centuries”.

The joint work of YKSUG students was evaluated by the members of state examination commission. The defense was also attended by Henadz Hachko, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Aleksandr Niechukrin, Dean of the Faculty, staff members of Academic Affairs Department and other guests.

Authors and creators of the projects are students of the “History (World and National History)” specialty: Dmitry Stankevich, Nikita Karankevich, Anna Shulskaya and student of the “Information and Communication” specialty Darya Gavrilchuk. The main idea of the project is to organize tourist trip through Belarus in youth-friendly 2.0 format. That means introduction of remarkable pieces of historical and cultural heritage through cultural education and interactive part. The project is aimed on school students who are to pass exams or tests on history of Belarus, as well, as on freshmen students, who are keen on history of motherland.

Smorgon region is going to be an implementation venue for the project, because a lot of historical memorials are concentrated in the area: Krevo Caslte, St. Michael’s Chursch in Smorgon, museum in manor of Michal Kleofas Oginsky in Zalesye and museum in manor of Francisk Bogushewich in Kushliany. Moreover, those objects belong to different historical periods, but they are linked in one route by the idea of history reception, consistency of development of intellectual and spiritual potential of our ancestors, which in sum allows conducting a tour through space and time.

The students themselves developed touristic route, prepared leaflets and other information materials. Every checkpoint on the route is not an excursion, but also quests, games and fun activities to entertain introduction into history.

Project is interdisciplinary because it involves students of different specialties: Sociology, Tourism and Hospitality, Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communications.

Graduates proposed their project to various touristic companies, including Regional Tourism Center of YKSUG. Dean of the Faculty proposed students to enter Master’s studies and continue work on their project with help of the faculty and university.

This project won the 1st place at the University Contest of Youth Ideas

The representative of Education Internationalization Centre of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the International Staff Training Week at SGH Warsaw School of Economics


International Staff Training Week united representatives of universities from 15 countries. International Staff Training Week was organized by SGH Warsaw School of Economics in the framework of Erasmus+ programme.

The International Staff Training Week was attended by representatives of Eurasia International University in Armenia, Georgia Institute of Technology, Moldova State University, Queen's University and Concordia University in Canada, Nagasaki University in Japan, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,  Fudan University in China and others. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was represented by Viktoria Kerget, Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator, specialist of International Students and Academic Mobility Office of the Center for Internationalization of Education.

Participants of International Staff Training Week had an opportunity to learn more about the education system of Poland and SGH Warsaw School of Economics in particular.

- We got acquainted with the organization of academic mobility with partner universities at SGH, project support,  science and research activities, student organizations, for example, such as ESN, the Student Research Association for International Relations, the Club of Partner Organizations, - noted Viktoria Kerget. - We were also told about organization of study process using information and electronic technologies, joint educational programs, summer programs of SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

In addition, a rich cultural program was organized for the participants: staff members from higher education institutions of different countries visited the cultural and historical sites of Poland, visited the library of SGH Warsaw School of Economics - one of the largest collections of economic literature in Poland.

The International Staff Training Week ended with a panel discussion on the possibilities for cooperation between universities with the participation of representatives of the Administration of SGH Warsaw School of Economics – Professor Jacek Prokop, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Ms. Elżbieta Fonberg-Stokluska, M.Sc., Head of the International Centre, Erasmus+ Coordinator at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

 - The participants of International Staff Training Week got an idea about the main aspects of the activities of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the scientific and educational potential of the participating universities,- added Viktoria. - In addition, it was possible to establish contacts with colleagues from various universities for further cooperation in the field of internationalization of education.


Education Ministry of the Republic of Belarus has established a list of specialties in which applicants are enrolled without exams

The list of specialties is established by the Decree of the Education Ministry of the Republic of Belarus of March 20, 2017 No. 25.

The list of 29 most demanded economics specialties is included in the list established by the document. Among them are "Technical labor and entrepreneurship", "Equipment and technologies of highly efficient materials processing processes", "Machines and equipment of the forest complex", "Metallurgical production and material processing", "Agronomics", "Zootechnics", "Veterinary medicine", "Forestry ". The gold and silver medalists, as well as the entrants who have a distinction diploma of vocational education with a general secondary education with distinction, and a diploma of secondary professional education have the right to enter these specialties without examinations.

No entrance exams in these specialities are required for the winners of international olympiads (diplomas I, II, III degrees), as per the list approved by the Education Ministry of the Republic of Belarus, and the republican olympiad in academic subjects conducted in the 2016/2017 academic year, for which this subject is defined as the second subject of the profile test.

Without entrance examinations - the winners of the third (regional, Minsk city) stage of the republican olympiad on academic subjects, conducted in the academic 2016/2017 year on student courses, the list of which is established by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The command of the military faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University became the winner of the championship of military faculties in military-applied all-around and all-around military-sports complex

Our students won the second place in the republican competitions.

The championship of military faculties of civil higher educational institutions for military-applied all-around fighting was held at the sports base of the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation within the framework of the 12th military sports festival.

These competitions united teams of seven military faculties of the leading higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Among them are representatives of the military faculty of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University.

Within two days, the top 50 sportsmen competed for the right to become the strongest. The race for prize-winning places was in three age categories: among military men under 30, over 30 years and over 40 years. Participants had to run 100 m, 1 or 3 km, to get over obstacle course, to throw a grenade with maximum accuracy and do as many pull-ups on the crossbar as possible.

In the category of servicemen up to the age of 30, the third place was taken by the teacher of the Department of Theory and Organization of Physical Training and Sports of the Servicemen – Captain Pavel Kirmel, head of Physical Training. Among the military men over 30 years, skipper Dmitry Karpuk also entered to the top three of the winners of the battalion of cadets of the military faculty of the Yanla Kupala University.

  • As Victor Golub, the main referee of the competitions, said, competition is increasing with the growing prestige of competitions in military-applied all-round fighting. Military personnel of military faculties who were not included in the main teams but wished to compete in the individual championship, could take part in the championship.

The Department of Politology from law faculty of Yanka Kupala State University and the Institute of Philosophy (National Academy of Sciences) of the Republic of Belarus have plans to extend scientific and research cooperation.

During the negotiation Victor Watyl, the head of the department of political science at the law faculty (GRSU), and Anatoly Lazarevich, director of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences in the Republic of Belarus arranged to extend and deepen the cooperation in the field of scientific researches.

The meeting of representatives of two higher education institutes was held within framework of the republican conference “The Belarusian Philosophical Society : History and Modernity” which was held on April 11, at the Institute of Philosophy  (National Academy of Sciences)  in the Republic of Belarus.  The scientific forum was organized in the context of the priorities of the Year of Science in Belarus.

The participants - scientists from all regions of the country - reviewed the milestones of the philosophical movement in Belarus in the XX-XXI centuries, the experience of self-organization of the country's philosophical community, the tasks and perspective directions of its activities. Doctor of Political Sciences Viktor Vatyl made a report within the framework of the section "Methodology of research and forecasting of the cultural and civilizational dynamics of Belarus".

As it was noted at the Institute of Philosophy (the National Academy of Sciences) in Belarus, the work of the conference was focused on developing mechanisms and recommendations for the development and popularization of philosophical knowledge, also as well as on organizing interdisciplinary scientific and humanitarian discussion, implementation promising research and publishing projects, promotion of the Belarusian philosophical tradition in the eyes of domestic and international scientific and educational community.

The postgraduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management have successfully spoken at the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "The National Economy of the Republic of Belarus: Problems and Perspectives"

A scientific forum was held by the Belarusian State Economic University. Over 1200 students from Belarusian and foreign higher educational institutions from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine gathered at the capital's university. Among the participants are representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University.

49 subsections worked in 17 sections, on which issues of the development of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage were discussed in the framework of the conference. In particular, topical problems of economic theory and economic policy, issues of national and world economies, improvement of monetary relations, statistical issues, problems and prospects for the development of marketing and logistics, management and economics of enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, and environmental and economic regulation were discussed. The participants discussed increasing the efficiency of trade, information technologies, instrumental and mathematical methods in the economy, national and regional economy, public administration and local government, economy and management of the tourism industry. Issues of accounting, analysis and audit in modern conditions, modern studies of law and economics, political problems and historical experience of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus, philosophical and social problems of the current social and economic situation, as well as intercultural economic communication were raised.

Ivan Donskikh, postgraduate of the specialty "World Economy", made a report "Project Risk Management", for which he obtained a second degree diploma.

The jury noted the high level of presentations of the reports of postgraduates from China, who were supervised by Lee Jong-ku, the scientific adviser of the head of the department of international business and marketing. Postgarduate Wei Futian made a report in English "E-commerce in China", and postgraduate Wang Baijun presented the "Study of the reasons for the success of China's innovative economic development".

All the news of the Faculty of Economics and Management can be found here.

The results of the cycle of activities on education of responsibility to the family "Together - in defense of life, morality and family values" of the civil-patriotic marathon "Together for a Strong and Prosperous Belarus" were summarized.

The cycle involved the contest "Gaspadar and Gaspadynya", a photo contest "Spiritual Heritage of My Family" and a contest of creative works "The whole world for children".

The students of Yanka Kupala State University , students of colleges and scholars of the city needed to show their creative abilities and create interesting works for children. All participants presented soft toys, paintings, which were made in various techniques, topiary, home decorations, made from paper, leather and other materials, as well as mini-sculptures.

It should be noted that all works, which were presented by the guys, will be used during benefits and events. And the funds, received from their implementation, were sent to orphanages and boarding schools, and to help in the treatment of sick children.

In making of assessment of crafts, the jury took into account the originality of the idea, the artistic and aesthetic level of the work, creative individuality, technique and quality of performance.

The most original works, according to the judicial commission’s opinion, were the products, which were presented by the students of the Technological College of the Yanka Kupala State University. The second place was shared by students of the Faculty of Arts and Design and the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism. The third place was for schoolchildren in the Oktyabrsky District of Grodno.

According the results of the cycle of activities on education of responsibility to the family "Together - in defense of life, morality and family values" the first place was occupied by the Faculty of Arts and Design. The second place was the schoolchildren of the Leninsky district of Grodno, and the third place was the Yanka Kupala College of Technology.

It is to be recalled that the first cycle of the marathon - the cycle of intellectual events "We are the heirs of the Victory" has already come to the end. To learn its winners, you can follow the link. If you want to learn its winners, you will follow the link.

At the present time, the participants approve themselves in the cycle of creative activities "Youth. Initiative. Future". Grodno military sports tests and a tourist rally awaited the students, students of colleges and schoolchildren of. Families of employees of the university and colleges will compete in separate contest "Dad, Mom and me are Sports Family".

Teachers of the Technology, Physiology and Food Hygiene Department, the faculty of Biology and Ecology, Yanka Kupala State University, took part in the international week "Going International - 2017"

The events were held at the Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) in early April and it gathered more than 40 international guests from 18 countries. They are representatives of Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine.

Yanka Kupala Grodno State University was represented by Natalia Bashun and Natalia Chugay. They are the teachers of the Department of Technology, Physiology and Food Hygiene. Representatives of our university made a report at the annual international conference "Innovative (Eco-) Technology, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development", where they talked about the peculiarities of assessing the nutrition of high school students. In addition to this, they listened to the course of lectures and also they took part in seminars, which was conducted by foreign scientists.

Also Natalia Bashun and Natalia Chugay participated in the master class “Sustainable Way of Living: Why, What and How?” where they discussed ways of sustainable development and rational use of food products, energy and chemicals.

The traditional student scientific conference "Science - 2017" have gathered more than 300 participants at the philological faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University.

This conference is one of the most important events held within the framework of the Days of Science in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. This year about 300 young scientists presented reports on a number of scientific studies.

Among the participants there are not only students, master's degree students, PhD students of Yanka Kupala State University, but also of the University in Bialystok and of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, as well as students of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums of Grodno.

At a plenary meeting of the scientific forum, the dean of the philological faculty greeted gathered people. Inna Lisovskaya told about the main sectors of student science at the faculty, about opportunities and prospects of research activities of students and teachers.

It has become a good tradition at the opening of the Conference to congratulate the winners (higher education students) of the Republican competition of scientific works.

We are pleased to note that as a result of 2016 year, students, master's degree students and graduates of the philological faculty have received a record number of diplomas of winners of I, II and III degrees. The assistant of the Department of Russian Philology Elena Bogdevich became the winner of the contest. The scientific supervisor of the girl is the head of the department of Russian philology -Tatyana Autukhovich.

At a plenary meeting, Associate Professor of English Philology Elena Sheyko spoke on activities of the student scientific club of the Department of English Philology, whose scientific leader she is. She also noted achievements of the participants, shared their plans, and invited all students wishing to engage in scientific research to join the club.

The work of the conference was continued in break-out sessions, round tables, organized on the basis of the faculty and branches of the departments: in the Grodno city gymnasium, the secondary school No. 28 in Grodno and the secondary school No. 36 in Grodno.

- For the first time within the framework of the scientific forum was organized a separate section of foreign students of other faculties. In this section foreign students and master's degree students spoke on the aspects of scientific style skills, spoke of attitude to religion and faith, of phraseological units as a means of expressiveness of speech in Turkmen and Russian languages, of the image of Grodno with the eyes of an international student, of the role of Soviet Foreign Minister, a Soviet diplomas, the statesman Andrei  Andreyevich Gromyko in the history of Russian and Soviet diplomacy, – was told at the Faculty of Philology. - Such diversity is due to specificities of scientific interests of learners, of speciality of higher education and language skills.

The authors of the best reports were awarded diplomas I, II and III degrees, as well as diplomas of the conference participants as a result of the student scientific conference "Science - 2017".

All news of the Faculty of Philology can be found here.

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