For the first time the team of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University won the prize in the swimming Republican Universiade - 2017

The Universiade was held in Brest, where representatives from 26 higher educational institutions of the country competed. For the first time in the history of performances at the Universiade the combined team of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University took the second team place.

 As Denis Gaidukevich, who is the coach of the bathing team and the teacher of the sports disciplines department, said, the advantage of the Hrodna swimmers from the nearest pursuer was only 3 points. From the 10 sportsmen who took part in the competitions, only 7 sportsmen became winners and prize-winners.The main contribution to the success of the university team was made by students of the Faculty of Physical Culture. So, Natalya Chudina, the second year student, became the best freestyle in the 200 m, and also she took the second place in the 400 m of freestyle, and also she won two second places in relay race - in the 4x100 m and 4x100 m.

The best result was shown by the second year student Vladislav Znatnov at the distance of 400 m freestyle among the boys. Also the guy became the second at a distance of 800 m freestyle and the third at a distance of 200 m of freestyle.

The second year student Nadezhda Mazurkiewicz took third place at 100 m of freestyle, as well as the two second places in swimming relay race - in the 4x100 m of medley relay and 4x100 m of freestyle relay.

Valentina Svirchuk, a third-year student, entered the top three in the 800 m freestyle. In addition, the girl became the second in the relay 4x100 m freestyle swimming. A third-year student Maria Chernilovskaya took the second place in the combined relay race 4x100 m.

Representatives of other faculties of the bathing university performed in a proper manner at the competitions. For example, Natalya Vaskevich, the graduate of the psychology department, rose to the second position of the pedestal in swimming with a butterfly at a distance of 50 m, also she took 3rd place in swimming with a butterfly and two second places in the relay races - in a 4x100m medley relay and 4x100m freestyle relay.

Anton Adameni, the student of the Faculty of History, Communications and Tourism became the best in brass swimming at a distance of 200 m.

A high team place was won by the efforts of 2nd year students Eugene Zanemonsky and Georgy Miloshevsky, the Faculty of Physical Education, as well as Nikita Puzevich, a student of the Faculty of History, Communications and Tourism.Substantial assistance in training the team was provided by Alexander Avdeev, the Honored Coach of the Republic of Belarus and Galina Zhuk, the senior coach of the Grodno Sports School No. 5.

The team of students of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University entered the leader’s triad winners of the handball Republican Student Games – 2017

The final competitions of the handball league of Belarus in the program of the Republican Student Games among the men's teams ended in the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture. Four students' teams competed for the first place, and among them was the team of Grodno State University.

In the semifinal matches, the team of the swimmers yielded to the opponents from the BSEU with a small margin. However, in the struggle for third place, the students of the Yanka Kupala State University defeated the Belarusian State University of Physical culture team with a score of 42:34.

In addition, according to the results of the tournament, the best player in the back line was Oleg Lunya, a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture.

The guys were trained by Natalia Giver, who is the senior teacher of the department of sports games of the faculty of physical culture and Marina Yasene, the instructor of the physical culture of the sports club.

Treated with pancakes and cranberry juice: activists of the "Belarusian Women’s Union " of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University of the Faculty of Economics and Management organized a charity Christmas fair

The fair "From heart to heart" was held together with the volunteer detachments of the faculty.


The event was a continuation of the project "Give a helpful hand", which started last year in the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, and the republican action "Our Children".

The event "Give a helpful hand" unites all people who are not indifferent and ready to do good. It is symbol is colored hands, on which the names of all participants are written. These hands are part of a large garland of charity cases, - said Marina Karpitskaya, who is the chairman of the Belarusian Union of Women in Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management.

At the fair were presented pastries and sweets prepared by the students of the faculty, as well as coffee textile toys of Larissa Skvortsova, the senior teacher of the International Business and Marketing Department Larissa Skvortsova. The highlight of the fair was pancakes and cranberry juice from Marina Karpitskaya , the dean of the Faculty.

The event was attended by students and teachers who bought sweets and gifts for relatives, and thus helped the Children's Auxiliary school number 1, because it is to help children with special needs, who study in this institution, will receive the proceeds. - We invite everyone to share the warmth of their soul with those who need help and support. Give everyone a festive mood, joy and love, - Marina Evgenievna said.

YKSUG continues to develop a strategic partnership with the Baltic Sea Region University Network

The meeting with the representatives of the network was held in the framework of the meeting of the supervisory committee of the Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) and the international forum "Universities as a bridge between East and West".

Representatives of the universities of Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, Finland, Sweden came to discuss actual questions of cooperation in Riga. Among them were the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the Grodno University Yuri Bialykh and the Head of the International Projects Unit Alena Apiakun.

The participants considered issues related to the development of international cooperation of universities, the intensification of joint scientific research, strategic partnership, the successful development of internationalization and university campuses.

Yuri Bialykh noted that the meetings also resulted in an agreement on the development of academic mobility with universities and on participation in the development and implementation of joint international projects with partner universities of the BSRUN network in the framework of the Erasmus + program.

Certificates on the completion of the School of Russian language at YKSUG have been presented to representatives of the Chinese province of Gansu

Within two weeks, employees of the Government, the Corporation for the Development of Roads, Aviation and Tourism, the Department of Health and the Commerce Department of Gansu Province studied the Russian language at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

- The project "School of the Russian language" is another step in strengthening the relations of the Grodno oblast with the province of Gansu. I am confident that he will find his continuation within the framework of the agreement signed between the regions, – said the chairman of the Economy Committee of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Andrey Svirydau. – I am very glad that Grodno University organized the courses perfectly!

Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of YKSUG Yury Bialykh stressed that knowledge and impressions that the listeners received during the past two weeks are very important. Yury Bialykh expressed his hope that the visit to Grodno helped them to understand and understand Belarus better.

Representatives of Gansu Province thanked the administration of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee and YKSUG for the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the Russian language and get acquainted with the Belarusian culture, the city of Grodno and its economic potential.

- I am in Belarus for the second time, in Grodno for the first time, and I am ready to return to this city again and again. I really liked the city's landscapes, high-level excursions to enterprises, – shared his impressions one of the listeners, an employee of the Commerce Department of Gansu Province Zhang Yaohua. – In the future, I would like to have closer contacts with the Grodno oblast.

The work of the School of Russian language for the representatives of Gansu Province was organized for the first time. As the dean of the Faculty of Pre-university Training Yuri Romanovsky said, a special program was developed for the listeners. So, all classes were conducted in the form of business games, which were related to the work of guests, economic and social communication, and the establishment of partnerships.

– The level of Russian language proficiency has definitely become higher. This is evidenced at least by the fact that they all can build more complex sentences and communicate on abstract topics, – said Yury Ramanousky. – We hope that the project will continue next year, especially since we have established good contacts with the employees of the Government of the province.

The Faculty of Philology of YKSUG and University in Pardubice to start student exchange

Issues of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed during the meeting of the Head of the Department of Romance-Germanic Philology of the YKSUG, Nadeya Ulasiuk, with the representatives of the German Language Department and the Language Center of the University of Pardubice.

In particular, the parties have defined a plan for cooperation in the field of German studies and the implementation of joint projects in the field of teacher education. An important topic of the meeting was the academic mobility of students. It is expected that in the near future an exchange of students will take place: five YKSUG students will go to study at the Czech University, and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will in turn receive students from the University of Pardubice.

Among the promising plans is the holding of lectures and seminars for students and undergraduates of YKSUG by professors and teachers of a Czech university.

Within the framework of the visit, the Head of the Department of Romance-German Philology, Nadeya Ulasiuk, also met with students and teachers of the University of Pardubice who were studying the German language. Nadzeya Ulasiuk spoke about the development of German studies in Belarus, the traditions and customs of our country. She also presented the educational and scientific potential of the YKSUG, talked about the work of the German Language and Culture Center at the YKSUG, the successful project "Summer School of the Russian Language" and invited everyone to participate in it. In addition, she made a presentation on the intercultural and transcultural dimension in a linguistic, cultural and historical context, at an international conference, and gave lectures on linguistics and regional studies.

All the news of the Faculty of Philology can be found here.

YKSUG expands partnerships with universities and organizations participating in the network of the Baltic University Program

The meeting of participants of the Baltic University Program was held in Sweden at the University of Uppsala. Alena Dzhukh, the coordinator of the program in the Kupala University, the senior teacher of the Department of Romance-Germanic Philology of the Philological Faculty, took part in it.

Together with colleagues from Sweden, Germany and Poland, Alena Dzhukh discussed the possibilities of developing mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of the Program.

- At the meeting, I managed to establish contacts with representatives of several European universities and reach real agreements. In particular, with the staff of Uppsala University, we talked about the prospects of outgoing and incoming mobility of students and professors of YKSUG– told Alena Dzukh.

Another topic of discussion was the implementation of mobility opportunities in the framework of the Erasmus + project, as well as lectures and seminars for professors from Germany and Poland at YKSUG.

In the near future cooperation plans within the framework of the Baltic University Program are the visit of the Director of the Program Madeleine Granvik to the Yanka Kupala State University. With the administration of the institution, the guest plans to discuss the opening of the student summer school "Students for the Sustainable Development of Border Territories" at the university.

"This will never be forgotten!": The delegates of YKSUG returned from the XIX World Festival of Students and Youth in Sochi and shared their impressions

Veranika Kazhaneuskaya, 4th year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy:

– Emotions that I felt at the festival just do not convey in words. Everything was bright and rich! For me festival started a little earlier than for everyone. It was a great honor for me to be a delegate from Belarus at the parade of youth and students in Moscow. There we really became a huge, friendly, international family. All together we sang "Katyusha", danced "Kalinka-malinka", told about traditions, national cuisine of our countries. A gift for us was a river excursion in the "Russian style" in Moscow on a closed boat, where we tried dishes from all over Russia. Then each of us felt the scope and breadth of the Russian soul. On the boat in front of us were the creative teams of Russia and together with them we learned several dances. Every day was filled with new impressions. For the participants of the festival were organized dance floors, competitions, sections on interests. We got up at 6 am and went to bed late at night to participate in various activities. We brought so many new impressions from the festival that probably this will never be forgotten!

Yauheny Shydlousky, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Office at the Education Internationalization Center:

- After the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi ended, there were only positive emotions, I was amazed and delighted with the level and scale of the festival, the opening and closing ceremonies, the organization of thematic events, the number of top-level speakers, the number and quality of the discussion areas. As a participant in such a large-scale event, together with delegates from other countries, I was able to discuss global world problems and successfully launch a new international exhibition brand "YOUTH EXPO". Here together with the students of our university we represented the education system of the Republic of Belarus, in particular, the potential of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Everything was great! 

Alena Yanko, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management:

- I was really lucky to become a part of such a grandiose event! All the days passed by in one breath. I had the honor to represent Belarus at the exhibition and tell about our national nobility suit. How pleasant it was to hear from everywhere warm words about the Belarusian cordiality and peace. I visited scientific, cultural and sports grounds, got acquainted with a huge number of people. These acquaintances will stay with me for life. The experience I've acquired will help me continue to glorify our favorite university. It is impossible to convey in words the feeling that you are part of something new, something huge. I am immensely grateful to the university administration and to all who gave me the opportunity to get to the festival and glorify my native Belarus!

Aliaksandr Lapatneu, 5th year student of the Faculty of Philology:

- The festival was insanely exciting and cognitive for me! Only in time, looking back, I understand that I became a participant of a grand historical event. During my eight days in Sochi, I was able to visit a huge number of workshops and trainings, seminars and lectures, and most importantly - I established many contacts with young people from many countries of the world. For example, I met Giuseppe Sampadelli, who is responsible for academic exchange programs in ESN Italy - the International Network of Students as part of the Erasmus exchange program in Italy. We discussed the features of education systems in Italy and Belarus, the processes of internationalization of education of the two countries and a number of other topical issues. I am very glad that at the festival it was easy to find any occupation for yourself: from skating to taking part in panel discussions with the rector of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnich and the first persons of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. I want to say a big thank you to our alma mater for supporting my initiative and the opportunity to participate in the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students!

Karyna Mlynouskaya, 4th year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy:

- The World Festival in Sochi has filled my life with positive, diverse, unforgettable and interesting days. I managed to visit several discussions on the civil development platform aimed at activating youth in the system of self-government. There I learned how the work of student government in China, Russia and India was organized and met with a representative of the UN volunteer organizations. Especially memorable were the meetings with famous people who have great life experience and came to share with the festival participants - young people from dozens of countries. We had the opportunity to talk with the motivational speaker Nick Vuichich, the director Fyodor Bondarchuk, the actor Sergei Bezrukov, the politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the French writer Frederik Begbeder. These meetings allowed me to get motivated to realize my plans. In general, such a festival is a great opportunity to find friends from different parts of the world, to get acquainted with the mentality of another country, its culture and people, and finally even for a while feel themselves a part of them. I am very grateful to the University and the country for the opportunity to participate in the World Festival of Youth and Students!



The World Festival of Youth and Students was held for the 19th time. The venue was the Russian city of Sochi. The event brought together more than 25,000 participants from 150 countries. Among them were representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. During the week, from October 14 to October 20, the students took part in discussion, cultural, scientific, educational and sports programs with the participation of world-class professionals, attended numerous master classes and creative workshops, communicated with like-minded people and colleagues from around the world. The festival is aimed at consolidating the youth world community, strengthening international relations and developing interethnic and intercultural interaction.


Undergraduates and Master student of the Physico-technical Faculty of YKSUG have successfully completed an internship at the Riga Technical University (Latvia)

YKSUG students were among the few students from Belarus who were given the opportunity to receive training and get the best experience of teachers and scientists of the Latvian University.

The internship took place within the framework of the Erasmus + (Physics) project "Improvement of Master's Education in the Physical Sciences in Belarusian Universities", the partner of which is the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Representatives of the Riga Technical University organized the work of students on the project method of teaching.

 – We were offered to pass testing for possible roles in the team: so, someone could be an innovator, someone a performer, someone a manager. After that, we were divided into small groups, each of which collected ideas of innovative products, selected ideas according to the criteria, made a prototype of an innovative product, and then presented it, – shared the students.

YKSUG students also attended lectures and practical classes on microprocessor technology, electromagnetic compatibility, process management and project management. An important part of the training was the approbation of the courses on photonics and nanomaterials developed within the framework of the Erasmus + "Physics" project.

In addition, Belarusian students got acquainted with the work of the leading waste processing plant in Latvia, where they were convinced of the effectiveness of such projects.

 An event to remember during the training was the "Night of Science", organized for visitors of any age by the Riga Technical University. We visited the laboratories of the university, took part in numerous events, which gave us the opportunity to feel like real scientists and researchers, – told the YKSUG students.

All the news of the Faculty of Physics and Technology can be found here.

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