Tuesday, 07 May 2024 10:25




of history, communication and tourism


6-05-0321-01 Journalism



Academic degree


Duration of study

Full time – 4years

Language of study




  1. Web journalism
  2. Audiovisual media

Main subjects studied

Fundamentals of Journalism

The language of mass communication

Verification of information in journalism

Media production technologies

Legal foundations of journalism

Basics of creating Web content

Basics of creating TV content

Design and computer layout

Fundamentals of photojournalism

Computer installation

Content marketing in digital media

Advertising and marketing in the media 

Main competencies that the graduate will have

 Develop and implement the production process of creating and releasing a journalistic text and/or media project using modern digital technologies

Apply methods and techniques of journalistic creativity, genre varieties of journalistic text and features of working on materials of different genres for different types of media;

Apply technologies for creating and releasing print, broadcast and television media, developing, filling and updating the content of online publications

Area of future professional occupation

Printing activity

Publishing activities

Program creation activities. Radio and television broadcasting

Telecommunications activities

Information service activities

Research and development

Entrance tests

  1.  Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction
  2. Additional interview in the discipline "Creativity"

Read 2787 times Last modified on Tuesday, 07 May 2024 10:26
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