Yanka Kupala State University and International University of Innovative Technologies of Kyrgyzstan plan to implement a joint educational program to train Master’s students in construction

The most promising areas of collaboration between Universities were identified during an online event.
The discussion was held with the participation of the Rector of the International University of Innovative Technologies Ulugbek Begaliev and the Vice-Chancellor of the Educational Work of the Yanka Kupala State University Yuri Belykh. Also the Dean of the Engineering and Construction Faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University Alla Volik was present at the meeting. She spoke about that fruitful cooperation in the field of science that has been going on for about a year and a half between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the International University of Innovative Technologies. Representatives of the two partner universities regularly participate in joint research and practical conferences and workshops and share their knowledge and expertise. During the online dialogue, a proposal was also made to the scientists of the two universities to become more active in scientific publications of the Yanka Kupala State University and the International University of Innovative Technologies.
Joint implementation of educational projects could be the next step towards further development of mutually beneficial cooperation between universities, as noted during the virtual meeting. Thus, the idea of joint training of masters in the field of construction was voiced. Working groups will be set up in the near future, after studying the curriculum, to begin planning the educational programme. The representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic noted that they were ready to consider options for developing joint educational programs to train specialists not only in the construction field but also in the economy and the energy sector.
The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has not yet carried out joint educational programmes with universities in the Kyrgyz Republic. However, two years ago, international cooperation agreements were signed with three institutions of higher education in Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev, The Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn and the Bishkek Humanitarian University named after K. Karasayev.
Topic: At the moment Kupalov University successfully implements joint educational programs with six foreign institutions of higher education: AIC Campus (Sri Lanka), Aktyubinsk Regional State University named after K. Zhurbanov (Republic of Kazakhstan) Tashkent State University of Law (Uzbekistan), Shandong University, Karshin State University and Chongqing Polytechnic University.

Yanka Kupala State University is expanding cooperation with one of the largest universities in Uzbekistan. On the 25th of March there was an online meeting with representatives of Karshin State University at Yanka Kupala State University

At the beginning of the meeting, the rector of the Yankф Kupala State University, Irina Kiturko, noted the effectiveness of the agreement on cooperation between Yanka Kupala State University and the Karshin State University.
– We can already be proud of some of the successes we have achieved - Irina Kiturko stressed. - The cooperation agreement between our universities was signed in March 2020. In May of last year, we concluded an agreement on realization of joint educational program «2+2» on preparation of specialists with higher education of the 1st stage in specialty «Applied mathematics» and are ready to expand cooperation. I’m sure the specialists who are present at the meeting have something to offer each other.
– There is a correlation between your offers and ours, - said the vice-principal for the educational work of the Yanka Kupala State University Yuri Belokh. - I think that the cooperation agreement we already have promotes the ideas voiced today. In the near future, we will need to concretize these proposals and make them part of a program of cooperation or a road map. The representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University invited colleagues from Karshin State University to participate in academic exchanges of staff for internships and lectures at partner universities, and invited them to participate in Yanka Kupala State University’s Activities.
– We are ready to share our findings and propose to organize scientific seminars at the department level in the near future, during which colleagues-scientists could get to know each other better, to establish personal contacts, - noted Yuri Romanovsky, Vice-Chancellor for scientific work of the Yanka Kupala State University. - I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the Science and Technology Park has been opened at Yanka Kupala State University, which could become a platform for creating a joint product with our foreign colleagues.
At the end of the meeting, the representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University and the Karshin State University agreed to document the most promising areas of cooperation in the near future and then to proceed with the implementation of the identified plans.

In the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno students met with Lilia Kiryak, a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus

Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno learned about the changes to be made to the updated Education Code and were invited to attend one of the spring parliamentary sessions.
Lilya Kiryak is the Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission on Education, Culture and Science of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus. Welcoming the students of the University, she noted that it was very important for her to have a frank discussion on relevant topics with representatives of her home university.
– I look forward to an honest conversation and I’m ready to answer any questions or suggestions you may have, said Lilia Kiryak. - There are future teachers among you, so I am sure you will be interested to learn about some of the innovations of the draft new Code on Education of the Republic of Belarus.
According to the deputy, the draft of the new Code envisages the amendment of those articles that define the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process. Lilia Kiryak also drew attention to innovations in the bill related to social support for graduates of higher education institutions. In particular, young professionals and associated preferences now will be available to university graduates who have paid for higher education. The target enrolment in institutions of higher education will be expanded in order to ensure a personnel contract, and the restrictions for target areas will be removed on the basis of area. A further innovation is the adoption of the new Education Code, distance education as an independent form of education would be legislated, noted Lilia Kiryak.
During the meeting, the participants asked whether the status of Master would be enshrined in legislation. The Member of the House of Representatives replied that work was under way and that the status of the Master would subsequently be specified in a by-law. In addition, students were interested in the distribution of graduates, asked about the creation of conditions for the self-realization of young people in the chosen profession, discussed ideas on how to support young and talented children to stay in the study and work in the home country. They also spoke about various youth initiatives, volunteer activities and the importance of civic and patriotic education in the educational institutions of Belarus.

The students were particularly interested in the proposal Lilia Kiryak to participate in the parliamentary session. – We start on 4 April, and I invite you to attend one of the sessions. There are now serious legislative acts on the agenda, which are actively discussed by deputies. There are always many disputes, interesting proposals. See how the process of adoption of laws is going, - requested Lilia Kiryak.
In concluding the dialogue with the students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Lilia Kiryak, a deputy of the Representatives House of the Belarus National Assembly, wished everyone good health, successful life and career

Yanka Kupala State University’s Professor Igor Martynenko participated in the 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference «Economic-Legal Problems Ensuring Economic Security»

At the scientific forum in Yekaterinburg, the representative of the Yanka Kupala State University presented tools for minimizing and eliminating economic threats.

At the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Economic and Legal Problems Ensuring Economic Security» Head of the Department of Civil Law and the Process of the Faculty of Law Igor Martynenko made a plenary presentation «Legal System of Economic Security: The Experience of the Republic of Belarus». During the discussion, Igor Eduardovich shared his views on the challenges and threats to economic security and the legal tools to counter them.
The conference was attended by lawyers and economists from universities and scholars from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Russia. The Scientific Forum was held at the Ural State Economic University in Yekaterinburg with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Applicants with high achievements in academic subjects, creativity or sports can count on an incentive supplement to the scholarship, as well as other benefits during training

Holders of diplomas of the I, II, III degree of international Olympiads in accordance with the list approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the Republican Olympiad in academic subjects, when enrolling in the 1st year, become participants of the loyalty program "At the top of Olympus – 50". The program also includes first-year students-winners of international and national creative competitions and festivals, Olympiads in the subjects of culture and art, winners of the International Championship "WorldSkills", the championships "WorldSkillsBelarus", "WorldSkillsRussia", "WorldSkillsAsia". Such applicants, when entering Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, can count on an incentive supplement to the scholarship in the amount of 50 percent during the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, on research and project activities under the guidance of leading teachers and researchers of the university, as well as on the preferential right to study for one (two) semesters in leading Belarusian and foreign institutions of higher education.
Winners of the third (regional) and second (district, city) stages of the republican Olympiad in academic subjects and the regional stages of the WorldSkillsBelarus championship, as well as holders of diplomas of the I, II, III degree of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the academic subject "Drawing" among students of institutions of general secondary, vocational and secondary special education, when enrolling in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, are guaranteed an incentive supplement to the scholarship in the amount of 30 percent during the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, provided that, that they do not receive a higher incentive supplement to the scholarship under the loyalty program "At the top of Olympus-50".
First-year students from among the winners of the multidisciplinary Olympiad of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno "Yanka Kupala University Olympiad", held in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic years, can count on an incentive supplement to the scholarship in the amount of 30 percent during the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year within the framework of the program "Together to new Heights". In addition, they will be given a preferential right to study for one (two) semesters in leading Belarusian and foreign institutions of higher education.
Among other activities of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Loyalty Program for applicants is an incentive supplement to the scholarship in the amount of 20 percent during the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year for one first-year student of each of the pedagogical specialties who scored the highest number of points on two profile entrance tests. Such first-year students will be given the priority right to choose the base of pedagogical practice.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is waiting for motivated, capable and gifted applicants who are focused on a high level of education and have the qualities of research and business activity and initiative. Realize your potential together with Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno!

Karina Sorgovitskaya and Miroslav Romanchuk - winners of the competition «Miss and Mister University - 2021»! The Spring Festival of Beauty, Youth and Artistic Prowess was held at Yanka Kupala State University on March 25

At the beginning of the competition, the leaders noted the symbolism of the holiday: «Miss and Mister University» takes place in 2021 in the 21st century and 21st time. This time it was special for students of YKSUG - last year the final part of the competition wasn’t held due to epidemiological situation. That is why this spring celebration of beauty, youth and artistic prowess took place under the motto «Reboot», giving all spectators of the contest the opportunity to enjoy truly beautiful and impressive show. Yanka Kupala State University’s Rector Irina Kiturko welcomed the participants, guests and jury.
– Today, there will be harmony, flourishing and the sincerest feelings, all of the 8 boys and 8 girls are wonderful. They have already achieved their first victory - victory over themselves - by coming to this stage.
Irina Kiturko noted that she was particularly pleased to see the first year students who had just became members of a YKSYG family and were not afraid to make a serious move by loudly declaring themselves on the university’s main stage.

– I wish tonight would give us a wonderful emotion - a creative one. And it brings us love and spring, said Irina Fedorovna. - Also, I sincerely wish success and good luck to our students, who will be showing us their talents and beauty and to the audience - the pleasure of tonight!
For two and a half hours, the students surprised the guests in competitive defiles and incredible choreographic numbers, and revealed their special talents in a creative contest. There were all kinds of dances at the stage: with notes of the east and elements of the contempt, sensual slow and enthusiastically dynamic. The contestants also recited poetry and demonstrated excellent vocal abilities. To get to know each participant, to learn about the passions and interests of the children, the jury and the audience could use video cards, and to appreciate a sense of humor, charisma and intelligence - in video frames blitz-poll from the leading contestants. The contest of beauty, grace and artistic prowess by the competition «Spring Breath» in evening-cocktail outfits has ended. In the framework of the holiday show participants and winners of the contest «Miss and Mister University» of past years, congratulated the contestants of this year and delighted with their creative numbers, which once impressed spectators of the competition.
The main intrigue of the contest was resolved by opening envelopes with names of winners by the assistant of the President of the Republic of Belarus - inspector of the Grodno region Yuri Karaev and the Rector of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno —Irina Kiturko.
The holder of the title «Miss University - 2021» became a student of the 3rd course of the Law Faculty Karin Sorgovitskaya. She received a handmade tiara from the winner of the 2019 contest, Gleb Kodentsova. The title «Mister University - 2021» was won by 1-year student of the faculty of physical culture Miroslav Romanchuk. The symbol of the contest - the velvet cylinder - was presented to him by the holder of the title Miss University - 2019» Tatiana Scherbach. Winners were awarded with monetary certificates from the university for the sum of 500 rubles, as well as the possibility of free education in the driving school «Autoelite».
The winners of the competition were determined and in separate nominations - the children received gifts from partners and monetary certificates from Yanka Kupala State University. By the way, some participants of the contest «Miss and Mister University - 2021» became holders of several titles at once. Thus, in the nomination «Mister Photo» the winner was the 1st year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture Nikita Lukashov. Also the young man became the holder of the title «Mister Internet» on the results of the Internet-voting, and was recognized as the best on the results of the viewer vote in the nomination «Mister Audience Sympathies». «Miss photo» was recognized as a law student Karin Sorgovitskaya. Maria Kaminskaya, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies of Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the titles «Miss Internet» and «Miss Audience Sympathies», becoming the best on the results of voting online and in the auditorium.
«Miss friendship» according to the version of the contestant of the contest was a student of the 1st course of the philological faculty Ekaterina Matyukevich, and participants named the holder of the title «Mister leader» - it became a student of the faculty of physical culture Miroslav Romanchuk. The jury nominated «The most creative performance» The performance of the third-year student of the philological faculty Gosha Sahedov and the second-year student of the faculty of arts and design Karina Bovzhik were nominated with the title «The most creative performance». The title «The Studentship Queen» and the opportunity to represent the Yanka Kupala State University at the regional stage of the competition «The Studentship Queen» was received by the student of the 3rd course of the Law Faculty Alyona Salvonchik.

Representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University and the Lipetsk State Technical University discussed prospects for cooperation

The visit of the delegation from the Russian Federation to the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took place on the 29th of March.
Head of the Department of Pressure Metal Processing Igor Mazur and Head of the Department of International Relations Anna Pozdniakova represented the Lipetsk State Technical University. Head of the International Center of Education Elena Belokoz, Dean of Engineering and Construction Faculty Alla Volik, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies of Mechanical Engineering Victor Voropaev, Professor of Materials Science and Resource Saving Technologies Gennady Kostyukovich and Chief Metallurgist of JSC «Belkard» Nikolay Deshuk represented the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Igor Mazur, Head of the Department of Pressure Metal Processing, noted the recent increase in interaction between Russian and Belarussian universities in the field of education and science, with an emphasis on the involvement of the regions of both countries. Head of the International Center of Education, Yelena Belokoz stressed that Yanka Kupala State University was actively developing international cooperation and constantly searches for new directions and proposals for joint programmes and that it has more than 200 cooperation agreements—most of them with Russian universities.
During the negotiations, representatives of the Lipetsk State Technical University discussed with colleagues from the Yanka Kupala State University the implementation of the «Visiting Professor» program, the implementation of individual education for foreign students on the educational standards of Belarus. Separately, the parties referred to the post-college or post-college education process - what benefits are provided to students and what programs they continue to receive. The representatives of the Lipetsk State Technical University expressed particular interest in the mobility of students of intermediate and higher education institutions, with the possibility of internships in local enterprises.

Youth Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals and the student of the YKSUG Yaroslava Sapach held a meeting with the students of Yanka Kupala State University

The theme of meeting on March 31 was «Sustainable development - the future of the planet in our hands».
The idea of meeting with students of different faculties and the activation of the Coordinating Student Council was initiated by Yaroslava Sapach, a fourth-year student of the Biology and Ecology Faculty and Youth Ambassador of the Sustainable Development Goals. She informed students about 17 sustainable development goals, their history and significance in today’s world, noting that they were a call to action from all countries, aimed at improving human well-being and protecting the entire planet.
The meeting continued with a dialogue on what is being done in Belarus to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and with a discussion with the students on what they can do to fulfil those ideas in their daily lives.

Employees of YKSUG were awarded for professional achievements

The award ceremony took place during the University Council meeting on 31 March.
Yanka Kupala State University’s Vice-Rector for Educational Work, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate Professor Vasily Senko, and Head of the Human Resources and Legal Work Centre Galina Sakomskaya are awarded with the letter of thanks from the President of the Republic of Belarus. The Professor of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Slavamir Anoufric was awarded with the Certificate of merit of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research and with the memorial sign «In honour of the 90th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» for achievements in the field of laser physics and optics, fruitful development of international scientific cooperation, the successful implementation of the projects of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research.
Certificate of merit of YKSUG was given to the head of the Information and Analytical Centre, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Evgeniy Olizarovich for many years of fruitful work, high achievements in professional activity and for significant personal contribution to the development of the Yanka Kupala State University. During the University Council meeting the rector of YKSUG Iryna Kiturko congratulated her colleagues for conferring academic degrees and titles. Head Professor of the Foreign Languages Department Natalia Levchenko and Senior Professor of Finance and Accounting, Candidate of Economic Sciences Anastasia Chigrina were awarded with the Candidate’s degree of Philology. The academic title of assistant professor in specialty «Military Art and Military Construction» was awarded to Igor Naryshkin.

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