A new building of the Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was opened in Grodno


Head of the Presidential Administration Victor Sheiman, Head of Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Kravtsov, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko, Rector of Grodno State Medical University Victor Snezhitsky, Rector of Grodno State Agrarian University Witold Pestis, Director of the company-developer and Director of the IT-company “Neirika Technologies” Andrei Kamornik became the participants of the opening ceremony.

The new building of the Science and Technology Park housed five research and production laboratories, administrative offices of the residents of the Technopark, a conference hall, Fablab- and Coworking areas, production facilities. The total area of ​​the building is over 1 thousand m2. Technopark aims to unite the potential of scientists and the capabilities of enterprises and organizations of Grodno region, to become a territory where new highly skilled jobs and high-tech industries are created, which will increase the competitiveness of the regional economy.

“Technopark is a joint project of Grodno Oblast Executive Committee and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, and we are implementing it step by step. Today we made another step - we opened the first building of the Technopark. This is a multifunctional center that will serve as a solution to the challenges facing the Technopark. And the main thing is innovation. From ideas, developments to implementation in production. Technopark will allow to combine three important components of the successful development of the economy of our region and country: education, science and commercialization of promising scientific developments. In addition, this startup will allow solving one of the priority state tasks - to create conditions for the development of advanced, gifted young people of our region”, – said the governor of the Grodno region, Vladimir Kravtsov.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko noted that the Science and Technology Park is an innovative core of “University 3.0” concept”. “The opening of the Technology Park not only provides an opportunity to develop the entrepreneurial competencies of our students, but also to form the needs in the region for the advanced development of the economy, social sphere and society in general,” –  explained Irina Kiturko.

The guests of the event got acquainted with the equipment of the laboratories of the Technopark, the developments of YKSUG scientists, with the work of the Fablab zone. In addition, they talked to students, participants of the finals of the university open contest for student start-up projects “InnoStart”; the winners of this contest will have the opportunity to get free advice on starting a business with experts and specialists of the Science and Technological Park.

The continuation of the event was a round table discussion on the development of Technopark. During the dialogue, Viktor Sheiman, the Head of the Presidential Administration, noted that not only the result of a certain work but the ability to see the future for several years ahead is paramount in the conditions of dynamic development of the world economy. “First of all, we should take care of the training of qualified staff. Such technology parks should be in all regional cities of Belarus. This will allow our promising young people and searching students to implement themselves and realize innovative ideas that will help the development of our country”, – said Victor Sheiman.

As a part of the event, a joint innovation agreement was signed with another resident of the Technopark, IT-company “Neirika Technologies”, which provides communication services for effective business development based on its own cloud platform. As the director of the company Maxim Mikhailov noted, that in Belarus all conditions for running a successful business have been created. “In Grodno, in two months, we prepared documents and signed an agreement on the status of a resident. Everything was very fast and smooth. The main thing is that you have highly skilled personnel who have to implement our tasks, develop and promote our product”, – said the Director of “Neirika Technologies”. To organize its activities, the company plans to create 45 workplaces.

Today among the projects implemented by the residents of the Technopark are the IT project on the implementation of the tasks of building a digital economy and the first in Belarus production of equipment for diagnosing the state of sewage pipelines.

The opening of a new Еechnopark building is the next stage of its development. Next year it is planned to reconstruct another building with an area of ​​more than 6,000 m2, which will attract new residents and create enterprises of various sizes. Every resident will be able to choose the premises in accordance with the goals and specifics of their work.

Associate Professor Anatol Bahdzevich and Leslie Gibson, a guest teacher from the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program, present an example of co-teaching methods in the English Philology Chair at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.


Co-teaching is an educational approach that involves two teachers working collaboratively to plan, structure, and implement lessons. The technique of co-teaching in higher education aims to establish an interdisciplinary approach in which both teachers and students have an opportunity to formulate and solve different problems in a new interactive format. This problem-solving is based on knowledge of different specialized fields and will enrich the lessons with practice-oriented content.  A co-taught lesson aims to involve teachers and students as collaborators and the latter have the opportunity to practice and develop different professional and personal skills.

“Co-teaching broadens the scope of interaction between the lecturers and the students within a lesson, especially those who are mastering a foreign language,” commented Anatol Bahdzevich. “Within this kind of lesson the instructors demonstrate the culture of professional communication and involve students in discussions while providing them with opportunities to ask questions, present their points of view, form their own attitude towards the topic, and express their emotional engagement in the educational activities.”

Leslie Gibson considers co-teaching a way to transform traditional lessons into “exciting, productive, and interactive activities. The main goal of co-teaching is to provoke students’ cognitive processes but also to get them to practice their speaking.”  

Co-taught lessons encourage students to form not only professional linguistic skills, but provide a real possibility to master new forms of interpersonal communication. For others, it may be an opportunity to try their hand in public speeches or a chance to practice different ways of critical thinking.

Master’s students who take part in the co-taught lessons believe that they have not only gained the ability to practice communication with a native speaker, but that they also have the chance to be fully immersed in the subject with the expertise of two instructors each providing his or her own concept of the material.

22 representatives of 8 university faculties applied for participation in the trainings on innovative methods of teaching and training

22 representatives of 8 university faculties applied for participation in the trainings on innovative methods of teaching and training.

The trainings will take place in five partner institutions: Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Porto (Portugal), Linköping University (Sweden), FH Joanneum University of Applied Science in Graz (Austria).

The criteria for the participation were the age below 50, the English language proficiency corresponding to B2 level and the experience of teaching courses in English with the application of modern teaching technologies. The university officials basing on the recommendations of PRINTeL project team confirmed the participation of the following YKSUG representatives in the trainings:


Iryna Korlyukova, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department for Modern Technologies of Pre-University Training


FH Joanneum University of Applied Science in Graz (Austria)

November 5-9, 2018


Hybrid / Blended Teaching and Learning


Andrei Pranevich, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department for Mathematical and Information Provision of Economic Systems


Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)

November 12-16, 2018


Active Learning, with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning


Sviatlana Hanchar, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department for Foreign Languages


University of Porto (Portugal)

November 12-16, 2018


Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers and Students: Video Lecturing and Promoting Interaction in the Classroom


Kanstantsin Smatrytsky, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics


Linköping University (Sweden)

December 3-7, 2018


Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom


Darya Shpak, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Head of Academic Affairs Department on Educational Quality Management


Linköping University (Sweden)

December 3-7, 2018


Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom


Natalia Valko, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department for General Physics


University of Barcelona (Spain)

December 10-14, 2018


Active Learning and ICT-enhanced Teaching: M-Learning and Gamification

After the trainings in the partner universities each participant will hold workshops at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on the technology studied.

Professor of MGIMO University Andranik Migranyan met with students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

A meeting with the public figure, historian, Professor of the Department of Political Science of MGIMO University Andranik Migranyan was held on October 31 in the framework of the open dialogue at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

There was a conversation with lecturers, students and media representatives about the global politics during an open dialogue with Andranik Migranyan. Guest raised questions that have been worrying the world community for many years. Andranik Migranyan emphasized: recently, the meetings of the heads of state in Minsk indicate that the Republic of Belarus is at the center of global politics, and this undoubtedly contributes to enhancing the country's image in the international arena.

Students and lecturers actively asked Andranik Migranyan questions about the further development of international relations, about the risks of conflict escalation, about the guest’s work experience as Chief Advisor to the Committee on CIS Problems in the Russian Parliament, about the behavior strategy of neighboring states in the context of globalization. Andranik Migranyan in his turn gave detailed and reasoned answers, raising new topics for discussion.

Andranik Mihranyan visited Grodno for the first time. And, as the guest said himself, he liked the city. It gives hope for a new visit to Belarus and Grodno Oblast.

Thanks to the close cooperation of the university with the Belarusian Association of Journalists and the International Media Club Format A3 such meetings have become traditional. Students get a unique opportunity to meet with leading foreign media experts and ask them questions.

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    An Information Seminar «Rights and Obligations of Foreign Citizens in the Territory of the Republic of Belarus»

    took place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

    Representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Grodno City Executive Committee, the Grodno Border Group met at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno with international students who study educational programs in English.

    In the framework of the seminar, specialist of the first category of the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Department of Internal Affairs Administration of Leninsky district of Grodno Elena Zakharova presented to the participants of the meeting the peculiarities of processing and obtaining visas and possible consequences of illegal actions, as well as noted the peculiarities of registration of foreign citizens.

    The security officer of the Drug Control and Anti-Trafficking Department of the Internal Affairs Administration of Leninsky district of Grodno Andrei Sobolevsky, reminded students of the dangers of drug use and the consequences for the body and how the current criminal and administrative legislation is applied to those who transgress the law. He drew attention to the rules of behavior in dangerous situations and the algorithm of actions of a person who witnessed a crime.

    The senior operations officer of the Operational Activities Department of the Grodno Border Group Captain Sergey Pashnik told about the rules for crossing the state border of the Republic of Belarus for foreigners, about border zone and border regime, gave examples of violation of the law on state border by foreign citizens.

    During the meeting students received answers to their questions related to their stay in Belarus.

    The seminar was organized by the International Students and Academic Mobility Office of the Education Internationalization Centre together with law enforcement officials of Grodno.

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      President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on a working visit to Grodno Oblast.

      During his visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, which took place on October 19, Alexander Lukashenko got acquainted with the achievements and prospects of the university and spoke with students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno State Medical University and Grodno State Agrarian University.

      The President was informed that in recent years at the university the number of teachers with academic degrees and titles has increased significantly; the university is actively engaged in extrabudgetary activities, attracting funds for its development.

      Alexander Lukashenko was told about the research and development of students, about the work of the student media center, which includes television and radio studios, the office of the periodical press and photography.

      The President was shown the development of the Tehnolab educational digital laboratory and the Practical Electronics student design bureau. The educational digital laboratory includes digital sensors and devices that are already used in physics classes in many Belarusian schools. Domestic devices are more compact and cheaper than foreign counterparts, while being comparable with them in quality. In addition, the equipment has significant export potential and is already being shipped abroad. Automated spectral equipment for scientific research was also presented.

      Alexander Lukashenko got acquainted with the project “Virtual Grodno Oblast”. It includes a website to accompany the visa-free zone. Students create not only virtual sightseeing tours, but also three-dimensional 3D models of lost architectural specimens.

      The University’s educational network, an educational portal, was also presented to the head of state. Students can get access to educational materials, find current information about the activities of the university, and even chat with teachers there.

      The University’s educational network, an educational portal, was also presented to the Head of State.

      While speaking with students of Grodno universities, the President noted: “The education system should encourage initiative, train specialists of a new formation with well-developed entrepreneurial skills. This is a requirement of the modern world. Often we suffer precisely because we are not able to profitably represent the interests and capabilities of our country abroad. ”

      He stated that the Grodno universities are the intellectual center not only of the region, but also in certain areas – of the whole country. “In this regard, it is necessary that the training conditions be as close as possible to the real conditions of future activities,” the head of state emphasized.

      In Belarus, the University 3.0 model is actively used, and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno works on it. “The result of this program is your presentation today. Of course, in the areas that were presented, it is impressive,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

      He also noted that Belarusian universities need to work on the development of educational and laboratory facilities, the construction of new dormitories to attract foreign students and export educational services.

      The president took a photo with teachers and students afterwards.

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        The Eurasian vector of cooperation: Faculty of Economics and Management of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Gumilyov  ENU continue to expand cooperation.

              Within the framework of the "Visiting Professor" program and the cooperation agreement between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Gumilyov  Eurasian National University Faculty of Economics and Management was visited by Aigul Bakirbekova, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Kazakhstan University.

        For students of the specialty "Commercial Activity" a foreign specialist read a series of lectures and conducted master classes in the courses "Commercial Logistics" and "International Trade".
        "Thanks to the" Visiting Professor "program, our students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the current trends in the economic development of the EurAsEC member states and the opportunities for studying at other universities, to get acquainted with the new teaching methods and gain new knowledge in their specialty," stressed Marina Karpitskaya, the dean of the Faculty of Economics and management.
        During the round table with faculty members and teachers Aigul Makulbekovna presented the Gumilyov Eurasian National University and spoke about the opportunities for academic exchange between the faculties. In addition, there was a discussion of the cooperation program for 2018, where the heads of the departments identified strategic points for long-term cooperation.
        During the meeting with Gennady Gachko, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Marina Karpitskaya, the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, the parties discussed the issues of expanding the academic mobility of students, implementing network training programs, passing scientific internships by undergraduates and ENU teachers.
        Remind that the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is one of the first Belarusian universities to join the Belarusian-Kazakhstan scientific-educational consortium. Within the framework of it, the faculty of economics and management fruitfully cooperates with leading higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan for already more than three years. A long-time partner of the faculty is Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Marina Karpitskaya, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management notes that every visit of Kazakhstani specialists is an exchange of new ideas and developments, vibrant scientific discussions and new projects. Reading lectures by leading professors, internships of teachers, graduate students and undergraduates, student exchanges and joint publications, participations in international online conferences, webinars on economic disciplines - all of this is an integral part of the interaction of the two educational institutions.

        Law faculties of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Gumilev Eurasian national university have signed the contract on cooperation

        This document is a part of the contract on cooperation between our universities and provides, first of all, activization of activity among law departments.


        The contract is directed to exchange of experience of colleagues from Kazakhstan and Belarus, the academic mobility of students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral candidates and the faculty of institutions of higher education and also the organization of joint researches, scientific actions and the publication of joint scientific publications.

        The parties have signed the document during the visit of professor of department of criminal and legal disciplines of the Euroasian national university of L.N. Gumilev, the doctor of jurisprudence, professor Aydarkan Skakov to our university within the Visiting Professor program.

        – Between the universities the contract on cooperation is signed in 2013. However we have decided to go further: have decided to deepen and expand our interaction, first of all, between law departments. And in it in many respects Rimma Nikolaevna Klyuchko's merit – the head of the department of criminal law, criminal trial and criminalistics of the Grodno university, – Aydarkan Skakov has noted. – We have many plans which we will begin to realize very soon. By the way, one of doctoral candidates of law department of ENU of L.N. Gumilev is already ready to go to a training to Grodno university. I hope, in September YKSUG will host our law students.

        Now the guest gives lectures for students of law department of our university. Aydarkan Skakov's occupations are devoted to criminology, corruption crimes and their prevention, questions of effective realization of criminal policy, criminal and executive policy and a probation (the form of conditional condemnation assuming the direction of the convict for a certain term under observation of bodies which in turn exercise control of his behavior – a comment).

        Besides professor, to our university have arrived two graduates of the Euroasian national university of L.N. Gumilev who now get acquainted with our alma mater and opportunities of receipt in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno postgraduate study.


        Aydarkan Skakov is an expert lawyer with more than 30-year experience, who has devoted many years to service to the law. In 1995 under the scientific guide of professor Alexander Mikhlin, the honored worker of science of Russia, the doctor of jurisprudence, he has defended the master's thesis, in 2000 the Highest certifying commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan has given to Aydarkan Baydekovich an academic status of professor, and 2006 he has defended the doctoral dissertation.

        Aydarkan Skakov is an author of more than 200 scientific works. He took part in development of bills, Codes, resolutions and normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was also engaged in preparation of comments for criminal executive code and a number of bills.

        He is a member of dissertation council at Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan Academy, the international consultant of UNICEF, the UN, OSCE, PRI and Soros Kazakhstan fund,  he is a part of editorial boards of a number of newspapers and scientific magazines of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia,  he is the member of council on protection of theses of Academy of management at the President of Republic of Belarus, he acted as the international expert of Soros Kazakhstan fund.

        Professor of the Department of Information Sciences and Social Communications of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts Oleg Serbin conducted lectures for students of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism


        Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of M. Maksimovich Scientific Library of Taras Shevchenko National University of Ukraine, Oleg Serbin was on a visit to the faculty within the framework of the "Visiting Professor" program.

        Oleg Serbin introduced the 2nd year students of the specialty "Information and Communication" with the problems of library functioning in the modern world, highlighted the main trends related to the promotion of individual subjects of society, and also talked about the key tools with which you can select your product  against competitors.

        During the round table with the leadership and teachers of the journalism department, professor discussed the prospects for international cooperation between the Department of Information Sciences and Social Communications of the Kiev National University and the Department of Journalism of YKSUG.


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