

Garage48 takes place in the town of Grodno on 25-27 November in High Tech Park Grodno. The event will be organised together with MSQRD, SPACE, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and High Tech Park Grodno. The event is opened for students, software developers, designers, project managers and team leaders, marketers and sales professionals.

The team of representatives from the Baltic countries will come on Garage48 and an international team of mentors will work there.

Garage48 is a weekend long intensive development event to work out new web and mobile applications and bring new startups into life.

Participation is free of charge. Registration for the hackathon is here.

Contact e-mails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Friday, 25th November

18:15 - Doors open, check-in, networking, coffee, snacks

19:00 - Opening remarks

19:30 - Pitching ideas

20:00 - Refreshment break

20:15 - Pitching ideas (continues)

20:45 - Forming teams, everyone will choose their favorite idea

21:00 - Teamwork


Saturday, 26th November

09:00 - Coffee & light breakfast. Development continues

10:00 - Checkpoint #1

11:00 - Mentors go around

13:00 - Lunch

13:45 - Product development

18:00 - Checkpoint #2 & Pitch practice

19:00 - Dinner

20:00 - Product development continues


Sunday, 27th November

09:00 - Coffee & light breakfast. Development continues

10:00 - Checkpoint #3

11:00 - Pitch drill session #1

13:00 - Lunch

14:00 - Pitch drill session #2

17:00 - Coffee break with light meal/snacks

17:30 - Final event & LIVE stream

20:00 - Winners & networking

More details.

Teams of Belarusian students and students from Turkmenistan of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno competed in a friendly match on mini-football

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Competitions on mini-football took place on 1 November in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and were dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan's Independence. The tournament was organized by the International Students Fraternity with the support of Education Internationalization Centre and sports club.

The chief of sports club Kirill Akulich greeted the participants of the competition. He noted longstanding Peoples' Friendship and wished good luck in the tournament.

Students played few games, the results of which the team of students Kupala University won a definite victory over the international students from Turkmenistan.

The judges of the tournament were senior teachers of the Department of sport games, Faculty of Physical Education, Arkady Obelewski and Olga Pawlut.

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Employees of the "Typhoon" conducted workshops for students of Faculty of engineering and construction


Workshops at the Faculty of engineering and construction for the students of specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering", "Production of building products and structures", as well as for faculty and staff held in the framework of teaching-information seminar.

Participants of the meeting were told about the products produced by the "Typhoon" enterprise, the characteristics of materials and their consumption, applied in the decoration of buildings and structures, the cost of production and many other things.

Then there were workshops in three ways. The company's employees have demonstrated the use of the product international concern group "ATLAS" from "Typhoon Master" line and showed the application of light plaster systems insulation of buildings and structures "Typhoon".

“We demonstrated the mosaic decorative plaster DEKO S, which creates unique compositions with colored sand. We could try to put decorative plaster under the guidance of an experienced specialist,” - the participants of the master class noted.

In addition, during the meeting "Typhoon" employees offered students to try to apply self-leveling compound for cable ties "Typhoon Master" N. 41 for leveling horizontal surfaces of concrete and cement, as well as the other hard and solid bases.

“We felt like real builders!” - shared their impressions YKSUG students at the end of the seminar.


International students of YKSUG discovered Belarusian culture

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International Students Welcome Party or evening for foreign students and students of the Faculty of Pre-University Training was held in Grodno State University.

The meeting was organized by the Club of International Student Initiatives «SUNet» together with the student organization AEGEE-Grodno and the International students and academic mobility office of the Education Internationalization Centre.

“We'd like to help foreign students who study at the YKSUG, to adapt to the new conditions of life” - the organizers of the evening explained.

Volunteer students from the Faculty of Philology arranged for invited guests tasting of the Belarusian cuisine, prepared various competitions and quizzes, and introduced the students with Belarusian traditions and customs. In addition, they’ve got a possibility listen to live music performed by the Grodno group «STAY».

“All participants experienced a lot of positive emotions, joy and cheerfulness,”- the student-volunteers of Philology added.


The women volleyball team of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno wins student youth Spartakiada "To the Olympic tops"

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Vitebsk hosted the participants of Spartakiada "To the Olympic tops", which this year was held under the auspices of the Union State from 3 to 8 October, 2016.

Among the athletes were more than 200 students from different regions of Belarus and Russia. Our country was represented by teams from eight universities, including Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. For five days students have been competing in volleyball, table tennis and 3x3 basketball.

Officials of the Union State, in particular, Margarita Levchenko, the Chief of the Department of Social Policy and Information Support at the Permanent Committee of the Union State, attended Spartakiada’s opening ceremony that was held at Vitebsk CSK on October, 3.

Vasiliy Kasach, the Deputy head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus, welcomed the athletes on behalf of Alexander Shamko, the Minister of Sport and Tourism.

“An event of such a high level contributes to the strengthening of friendly relations between the youth of Belarus and Russia, the further development of physical culture and sports movement and promote a healthy lifestyle”, – noted Vasiliy Kasach.

Afterwards, the first matches between students of Russian and Belarusian universities were held.

According to the results of Spartakiada the women volleyball team of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno under the guidance of a coach Stanislav Lisowski, the Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sport (the Faculty of Physical Culture), took the 1st place.

The men volleyball team of Yanka Kupala State University was fourth in the competition. Our students in the competitions in playing table tennis and basketball 3x3 took the sixth place.


International Students Welcome Party!

Foreign party

All new and current international students, local students, crazy tourists or anyone who is interested in, are invited to join International Students Welcome Party. This social gathering will be a great opportunity to meet other new students and members of different student organizations like SUNet, AEGEE-Grodno, YKSUG students.
There will be snacks, ice-breaking games, live-music, dancing, games, and prizes. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore Belarusian culture, local dishes degustation, Belarusian language workshop, karaoke, crocodile game, breathtaking dances. Best of all, this event is FREE to attend.
Where: Grodno, 32 Lenin st, classroom 3.


Students and teachers of the Grodno State Humanitarian college of Yanka Kupala have visited Vilnius.

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The excursion has been directed to broaden the horizons and explore the cultural and historical heritage of the neighboring countries.

The trip to Vilnius went through the ancient Lithuanian city of Trakay. Here, students and teachers of Humanitarian college of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have visited the Trakay castle – the residence of the Lithuanian princes.

“Since 1962 there is a museum of the history of Trakay. In due time it was one of the most unapproachable and powerful fortresses in the territory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania”, – one of the students of college has told.

The next point of the trip was the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius, where YKSUG students discovered a long history of the city and visited the sights – Three Crosses Mount, Church of St. Peter and Paul, Cathedral Square, Vilnius University, Town Hall Square, the Church of the Holy Spirit Monastery, Church of St. Anne, Church of Dawn.

The General Consul of the Republic of Poland in Grodno Yaroslav Ksenzhek has visited the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

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The purpose of a visit which took place on October 4, 2016, – was to get acquainted with Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and to meet a management of higher education institution for discussion of the perspective directions of interaction.

Yaroslav Ksenzhek has been appointed to serve as the General Consul in September of this year. Consul’s interest in education and, in particular, to the YKSUG isn't accidental: he started his career as the teacher at Historical institute of the Warsaw university and afterwards he chose to be an attaché, he combined teaching and work in Seoul (South Korea), Kharkiv (Ukraine) and Moscow (Russia).

During the meeting, the Rector, Andrey Korol, told the General Consul about achievements of YKSUG in scientific and cultural spheres, and also noted progress of alma mater in the field of the international relations. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has already entered into 29 agreements on cooperation signed with the Polish higher education institutions. Our university actively interacts with University in Bialystok, Gdansk university, Humanitarian and technical academy Bielsko-Biala, University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan. Academic mobility between higher educational institutions is established at the worthy level, strong business and personal contacts between professors are started. Students from different higher education institutions of Poland come here for the second year in a row to learn Russian at the Summer school. And in 2013 for the purpose of development of Polish Studies at our university there has been organized the Center of Polish language, literature and culture.

The head of the department of the Polish philology Evgeny Arkadyevich Pankov presented to the guest center’s activities.

“In 1989 the department of the Polish philology has been established at the university. Since then interest in Polish Studies grew. So, in April, 2013 in the YKSUG there has been established the Center of Polish language, literature and culture”, – Evgeny Arkadyevich has emphasized. – “Within various programs including "The invited professor", the lectures for the students learning Polish language are being conducted by outstanding scientists and public figures of Poland. For example, among them there is a director, professor Krzysztof Zanussi”.

The head of the Department of Polish Philology noted that the YKSUG organized Polish language courses, there is a club and branch of the department at the secondary school № 36, where students conduct research by request of educational institutions and present the results in their thesis. In 2014 together with University in Bialystok and the Warsaw university for our students there have been organized educational visits to the Polish higher education institutions. It is planned at the center to realize a number of programs and projects with assistance of General Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Grodno.

During the meeting the sides discussed prospective directions of cooperation and agreed to develop cooperation in science and education, especially in the field of Polish Studies. The General Consul of the Republic of Poland in Grodno Yaroslav Ksenzhek has offered also expansion of interaction with a number of the Polish universities and has invited the academic community of YKSUG students to numerous cultural events which will hold on the basis of General Consulate in the nearest future.

“I hope that we will fill our relationship content, because we have a good space for cooperation development” - said Jaroslav Ksenzhek, concluding the meeting.


Student of YKSUG wins the Youth Kickboxing European Cup

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Vladislav Edeshko, the student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, got the first place in a weight category of 60kg on the Youth European Cup.

“Vlad had won three rounds at the preliminary stage and in the final his rival somehow pulled out”, – said Dmitry Varetz, the coach of the sportsman.

Vladislav became the European young champion on kickboxing in 2014.  He won all the fights at that time. Moreover, one of them finished prematurely.

The student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is planning to compete in the European Adult Thai Boxing Championship a month later.


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