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A visiting professor visited Yanka Kupala State University

As part of the Visiting Professor program, the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology received from March 10 to March 15, 2025, Professor of the Department of German and French Philology at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Larisa Shchipitsina to give lectures on the disciplines "Regional Studies (German)", "Linguistic Anthropology (German)" for students of 2-3 courses of the specialty "Romano-Germanic Philology (German)".

During the lessons, students mastered knowledge about the function and variability of the language, about the concept of the language code and ways to overcome the language barrier, about the political, cultural and administrative structure of German-speaking countries.

Students of 2-3 full-time courses of the specialty "Romano-Germanic Philology (German)" attended a course of lectures on the disciplines "Regional Studies (German)", "Linguistic Anthropology (German)" and took an active part in the discussion of lectures.

During the week, Larisa Shchipitsina met with the leadership of the Faculty of Philology of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. There were also guided tours of the main building of the University, the Museum of the History of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno of Fine Arts and sightseeing tours of the wonderful city of Grodno.

Along with the lectures, other events with the invited professor were also planned: methodological consultations of teachers of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology on innovative technologies for organizing the educational process; a scientific round table for students and teachers "Perspectives of modern linguistic science", discussion of the program of the international linguistic and foreign studies competition "DACH erleben".

As a result of the visit, prospects for further cooperation between Grodno State University and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Russia) were outlined.

Representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University took part in the meeting of the international discussion club "Tavrichesky"

On March 11, an online meeting of the Tavrichesky International youth discussion club was held, organized by the International Institute for Monitoring the Development of Democracy of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States, the Terra Politica Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society and the MGIMO Student Scientific Society of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The topic of the meeting is "Visualization of electoral processes. How do geographical maps help to understand elections?".

Viktor Vatyl, Head of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, member of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus, students and teachers of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, law students, members of the Young Voters Club and the Yanka Kupala State University Debate Club took part in the online event in the format of a round table.

During the discussion club meeting, the staff of the MGIMO Institute of International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Lidia Zhirinova presented reports on "Assessing the significance of the neighborhood effect in voting through the calculation of spatial autoregression" and Yana Polyakova on "Multidimensional scaling in electoral research".

Heads of election commissions of the CIS countries, scientists and experts in the field of law, political science and international relations attended the meeting of the club as experts.

Kupala residents took part in the presentation of the potential of Belarusian education in Russia

On  March 11, 2025, a presentation of the potential of the Belarusian education system was taken place at the business and cultural center at the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is represented at this forum by Alesya Belko, Head of the Department of International Projects and Academic Mobility, and Inna Ostrovskaya, Head of the Department of Youth Projects and Initiatives.

The university staff proudly and professionally represent Kupala University, sharing the achievements and advantages of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The presentation of the Belarusian education system is an important step in strengthening international cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of education.

During the day, the event included an exhibition and presentation of educational institutions, where each university demonstrated its achievements and potential. In the second part of the event, a round table was held, where leading experts will discuss issues of patriotic issues. Inna Ostrovskaya will take part in it.

International cooperation in the field of education plays a key role in shaping the educational environment and cultural diversity. Kupala residents are always happy to take part in such important events and are confident that active cooperation will contribute to the development of education and science on the world stage.

Kupalovtsy took part in the presentation of the potential of the Belarusian education in Russia

Today, 11 March 2025, the Business and Cultural Centre at the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation is hosting a presentation of the potential of the Belarusian education system. Alesya Belko, Head of the Department of International Projects and Academic Mobility, and Inna Ostrovskaya, Head of the Department of Youth Projects and Initiatives represents Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno at this forum.

Kupalovtsy proudly and professionally represent the university, sharing its achievements and advantages. The presentation of the Belarusian education system is an important step in strengthening international co-operation and experience exchange in the field of education.

During the day, the event will include an exhibition and presentation of educational institutions, where each university will be able to demonstrate its achievements and capacity. In the second part of the event, there will be a round table where leading specialists will discuss issues of patriotic topics. Inna Ostrovskaya will take part in it.

International co-operation in the field of education plays a key role in shaping the educational environment and cultural diversity. Kupalovtsy are always happy to take part in such major events and are sure that active co-operation will contribute to the development of education and science on the world stage.

The Rector of Tashkent State University of Law met with students of the Faculty of Law at Kupala State University of Grodno

During his visit to Yanka Kupala  State University of Grodno, Rector of Tashkent State University of Law Islambek Rustambekov held a meeting with students of the Faculty of Law who study in the framework of a joint educational program specializing in International Law.

The educational program provides a unique opportunity for students to obtain two higher education diplomas in two countries at once, which significantly increases their competitiveness in the labor market. Islambek Rustambekov, Doctor of Law and Professor, noted the high level of student training at Yanka Kupala  State University of Grodno. He stressed that the quality of education that students receive meets modern international standards. The Rector expressed confidence that such programs are an important step towards the integration of educational systems from different countries and contribute to the development of international cooperation in the field of jurisprudence.

Svetlana Cheburanova, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, supported the words of the TSUL Rector, noting that graduates of the first wave of this program successfully find jobs and prestigious jobs. She gave examples of successful careers of students who, thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills, were able to occupy high positions both in public institutions and in the private sector.

An important aspect of the program is not only academic preparation, but also the practical application of knowledge. Students have the opportunity to complete internships in international organizations, which allows them not only to deepen their knowledge of international law, but also to establish useful contacts in a professional environment.

The joint educational program between Tashkent State University of Law and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno opens up new horizons for students, providing them with unique opportunities for personal and professional growth. Cooperation between universities promotes the exchange of experience and knowledge, which ultimately only strengthens the educational systems of both countries.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted an internship for a teacher of art subjects from China

From August 29, 2024 to February 28, 2025, Yan Hongyu, a teacher of art subjects at Qingdao College of Preschool Education from the People's Republic of China, successfully completed an internship at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno of Art and Design. This program, dedicated to improving professional competencies and teaching disciplines in the field of design and art education, aims to share experiences and integrate best practices into the educational process.

The main purpose of the internship was to deepen knowledge in the field of design and art, as well as to develop new methodological approaches to teaching students. Yan Hongyu aspired to explore innovative teaching methods that could be further adapted to the specifics of the Chinese educational system.

The internship program included various aspects. Yan Hongyu attended lectures given by leading experts in the field of art and design. This gave her the opportunity to familiarize herself with current trends and new approaches in teaching. An important part of the internship was practical training, where participants could apply their knowledge in practice. A guest from China actively participated in master classes, where she studied various techniques and methods of working with materials. The teacher had the opportunity to share experiences with colleagues, discussing methodological materials and approaches to learning, which contributed to the mutual enrichment of knowledge.

At the end of the internship, she noted that the acquired knowledge and skills significantly expanded her professional horizons. She plans to introduce new methods into her work that will help improve the quality of education in the field of traditional culture. In addition, the internship helped to strengthen international relations and create a platform for further cooperation between educational institutions.

The second Congress of the Yanka Kupala State University Graduates Association was held at Kupala University

The second Congress of the Graduates Association was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and brought together about 200 Kupala students who had studied at the university over the years.

The Congress began with a meeting of the Presidium of the Graduates Association, during which the participants discussed the achievements of the university, as well as resolved a number of key issues related to the Association. The new composition of the Presidium was approved, in particular, the Deputy chairman of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Graduates Association was elected. Irina Kiturko, Rector of Kupala State University, was elected by him. A secretary was also elected, and the Congress participants voted for the candidacy of Anna Sazonova, chairman of the primary trade union organization of university employees. An important part of the meeting was the approval of the draft resolution of the II Congress of the Yanka Kupala State University Graduates Association.

As Sergey Maskevich, Chairman of the Graduates Association, noted, over the past 5 years, the university has become even louder and more famous. And behind every success there are people – students, employees and, of course, graduates who have found their place in the profession and are working for the benefit of the country.

– It is impossible not to mention the contribution of Rector Irina Fedorovna to the development of the university. After all, she is the initiator of many modern solutions and ideas. She shows by her personal example how to work. I am very pleased to see that the university, where I worked for many years and was rector, is developing, growing and getting better and better," Sergey Maskevich shared. The chairman also noted that Kupala University always builds its development strategy based on the experience of past achievements, but at the same time boldly looks to the future and is not afraid to be a pioneer in various endeavors.

Welcoming the graduates, Irina Kiturko stressed that the University's birthday had begun very symbolically with the Congress of the Yanka Kupala State University Graduates Association.

– The university loves every graduate and is proud of them. But it is important that graduates also love their Alma mater. Then the interaction will be fruitful. Kupala University closely cooperates with Regional and District Executive Committees, courts and prosecutor's offices, schools, police and traffic police, healthcare institutions, private and public companies and many other organizations. It can take a very long time to list them. Together we implement projects, open innovative audiences, and attract graduates to educational activities," Irina Fedorovna said.

The Second Congress of the Yanka Kupala State University Graduates Association was not only a working meeting, but also a kind of return to student years. Once inside the walls of their native university, graduates certainly remember their student years. Elena Pasyuta, Chairman of the Regional Council of Deputies, shared her emotions.:

– I am sure that for many people the student years are the best. And today I had the opportunity to plunge into those wonderful years of study when I was a student at the Faculty of Philology. I still remember with trepidation the moment when I found out that I had become a student at Kupala University, how happy I was then. Indeed, I am thrilled and very warm from these memories. She also noted that Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno plays a major role in the development of not only the region, but also the country as a whole, training highly qualified personnel, presenting innovations and developments in various fields.

After the meeting of the Presidium of the Graduates Association, the Congress itself took place. Graduates of Kupala University gathered in the assembly hall on Lenin Street. The solemn part began with a speech by Irina Kiturko, who spoke about how the university lives now, how it works and raises staff. She also noted that the university is not a wall with a roof. These are people. Those who create all the successes with their own hands. Irina Fedorovna sincerely thanked every resident of Kupala for their invaluable contribution to the development of the university. After that, the floor was given to the graduates.

Special attention was paid to the creation of graduates clubs in all faculties. This form of interaction will allow for more targeted work and the implementation of joint projects.

The second Congress of Graduates of the Yanka Kupala State University ended with a joint photo to capture this wonderful moment in history and, five years later, to remember how it was.

The Kupala Dictation was written at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The International Mother Tongue Day is celebrated all over the world on February 21. Traditionally, on this day, Kupala residents participate in writing the Kupala Dictation, which is being held for the seventh time. The event has become an important part of the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the university.

On the International Mother Tongue Day, Kupala residents, friends and partners of the university wrote a dictation in Belarusian together. Usually the text is performed by a teacher of the Faculty of Philology. This year, Irina Kiturko, Rector of the Yanka Kupala State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, read the text in the main building of the university.

Each year, the dictation text is different and thematic. This time it's a poem by Nikolai Chernyavsky, “I'm grateful to them for everything.”

- The choice of the work was not accidental. The 80th anniversary of the Great Victory is approaching, and the dictation is dedicated to this landmark event. Patriotic poetic lines were written by more than 2,000 students and staff in the buildings of the university and colleges of the Yanka Kupala State University," Irina Fedorovna noted.

16 foreign diplomatic missions, as well as 10 universities from near and far abroad joined in writing the dictation. The geography of the event participants who joined Kupala Dictation online is really impressive.

Among the friends who wrote Kupala Dictation are the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Grodno, Consulates General of the Republic of Belarus in Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), Istanbul, Shanghai; Embassies of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation, in the People's Republic of China, in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Kyrgyz Republic In the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in Turkmenistan, in the Republic of Turkey, in Hungary, in the State of Israel, in the Republic of India.

In addition, foreign participants decided to test their knowledge of the Belarusian language and write a dictation together with Kupala residents – representatives of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Voronezh State University, Academician M. S. Osimi Tajik Technical University, Tajik National University, the Belarusians of Moscow National Cultural Autonomy, the Fraternity of Belarusians in Volgograd,Territories of childhood”, day care sector in Paks city.

For the first time, employees of the Laurent Etves University (Hungary) and the branch of Atomstroyexport Joint Stock Company in Hungary joined the Kupala Dictation campaign.

The celebration of the university's anniversary continues. Follow the news on our social networks and on the website of the Yanka Kupala State University!

Together for the anniversary: the Yanka Kupala State University hosted the event "We are 85!"

The morning of February 21 in the main building of Kupala University began with a bright student action "We are 85!", which symbolized the start of celebrations dedicated to the anniversary of the educational institution. The atmosphere of celebration was in the air, and everyone who crossed the threshold felt how joy and pride filled their hearts.

The students who organized the action greeted everyone with smiles and presented commemorative postcards. Sweets were attached to each gift, adding a touch of joy and fun.

Melodies were playing in the university hall, filling the space with lively sounds. The musicians performed famous songs that have become a symbol of student life, as well as compositions embodying the spirit of our time.

On this day, everyone could feel like a part of a large and friendly student family, united by a common history and a desire for future achievements. The "We are 85!" campaign was not just the beginning of anniversary celebrations, but a real celebration of friendship and unity that will remain in the memory for a long time.

Students of the Faculty of Law became participants of the leadership platform "Team of the Future"

On February 15, the second event of the eighth set of the leadership platform "Team of the Future", organized by the Youth Parliament at the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, took place on the basis of the Maxim Tank BSPU. Kupala residents became active participants of the event.

Yanka Kupala State University was represented by Alexandra Fedorovich, a 3rd-year student specializing in Law, and Lavrenty Misuno, a 2nd-year student specializing in International Law.

In the first part of the event, a training on non-verbal communication skills was organized for the participants, which was conducted by Alexey Toma, an expert of the Committee on International Relations and Diplomacy of the EAEU Civic Chamber. The second part of the meeting was devoted to the SCO Model business game, in which participants studied and presented the position of a certain member country of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on topical issues of socio-political and socio-economic development.

It should be noted that the leadership platform "Team of the Future" is a project to find, promote and train young leaders of Belarus in theoretical and practical skills in the field of leadership and public administration. Thanks to unique events such as trainings on public speaking skills, leadership development and interpersonal communication technologies, participants will be able to master public speaking skills, learn how to conduct business negotiations and participate in debates, and get to know like-minded people.

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